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Updated Printable Money off Coupons & Policies Thread 8 (and chat)



  • madmuppet5
    madmuppet5 Posts: 5,575 Forumite
    And don't you forget it!;)
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  • couponJ
    couponJ Posts: 15 Forumite
    Hello everyone. :beer:

    I haven't been on here long and this is my first post. Just been reading through this thread (its great BTW), but am amazed that some of you have so much hassle using coupons in Tescos. I work there and cashiers (in our store anyway) have all had training on the coupon policy and have had to sign to say they understand it.
    If you are confronted the best thing to do is go to the CS desk and ask to speak to the Customer Service manager and not duty. CS manager is also incharge of the cash office and they will have all the detailed information about the coupon policy.
    As regards to the Lidl £5 vouchers ALL stores would of had a memo about this informing them they should accept it.

  • swannee_D wrote: »
    the PDF on the front page is the original blurry one....you need to email [EMAIL="feedback@pizzaexpress.com"]feedback@pizzaexpress.com[/EMAIL]

    to get a good non blurry version! hth

    No need to email pizza express any more. The one on the front page is now the non blurry one.
  • nikki02_2
    nikki02_2 Posts: 468 Forumite
    veggiecar wrote: »

    Sorry for appearing as a know-it-all.....:confused:

    Nobody( me included!) see's you as a know it all VC ;) Having a lot of knowledge and being a know it all are 2 completely different things. It was said 'tongue in cheek' so don't be offended! You're the Daddy of this forum, and we wouldn't have you any other way :D
    Comping wins

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  • sher60
    sher60 Posts: 2,208 Forumite
    nikki02 wrote: »
    Nobody( me included!) see's you as a know it all VC ;) Having a lot of knowledge and being a know it all are 2 completely different things. It was said 'tongue in cheek' so don't be offended! You're the Daddy of this forum, and we wouldn't have you any other way :D

    I 2nd that!!!:D
    Murphy knows me too well and sticks to me like glue!
  • fghfghfgh
    fghfghfgh Posts: 27 Forumite
    does anyone know if addlestone store takes coupons ? i went there last week and no-one knew what i was talking about , even showed them the policy and they said did you type that :@, the duty manager came and said No only if you buy the product.
    so i phoned dundee and they said its up to the store if they want to or not we cant make them take them ;.
    is that correct ?

  • m4rtin
    m4rtin Posts: 3,185 Forumite
    sweety786 wrote: »
    does anyone know if addlestone store takes coupons ? i went there last week and no-one knew what i was talking about , even showed them the policy and they said did you type that :@, the duty manager came and said No only if you buy the product.
    so i phoned dundee and they said its up to the store if they want to or not we cant make them take them ;.
    is that correct ?


    It's called managers discretion! - Nothing you can do really if that's what the manager said, some on here have been banned for making a fuss :eek: - Shop elsewhere is the only real solution.....Lots of stores have had to do this, mainly I suspect, due to lots of fakes so you can't blame them really :confused: Some will allow 10% purely to get you business, again the fakes being the main reason.....Good luck with what you decide to do
    :p:p Have a good [STRIKE]Tesc[/STRIKE][STRIKE]Asd[/STRIKE]WHO? day - Err....I still wish Mozzies had a better website even though they are now on MyS! :p:p :rotfl:;)
  • Coupon-mad
    Coupon-mad Posts: 137,777 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post Photogenic Name Dropper
    edited 2 August 2009 at 12:36PM
    sweety786 wrote: »
    does anyone know if addlestone store takes coupons ? i went there last week and no-one knew what i was talking about , even showed them the policy and they said did you type that :@, the duty manager came and said No only if you buy the product.
    so i phoned dundee and they said its up to the store if they want to or not we cant make them take them ;.
    is that correct ?


    Is Addlestone a small store, a Metro or Express? If so, then sometimes they aren't worth bothering with as they change their minds about coupon acceptance too often and are more likely to get mocs they can't redeem (due to not selling a wide range of stock, particularly mags & newspapers).

    So if you have a small store that doesn't accept the coupon policy = try to change things but you may have to give up and use a larger store, IMHO!

    If it's a larger store then I would follow this up further. What you were told by the store was wrong, as was the info the call-centre person gave you at Dundee (because unless they have had coupon abuse issues, the only Manager's discretion is re internet printed coupons).

    Sadly, ringing Dundee only ever gives you maybe a 50-50 chance of the right answer re coupons, because like any call centre, all they are there for is to field calls and fob you off with an answer as quickly as possible.:rolleyes:

    Don't bother phoning Dundee again yourself and don't email them either, too much contact about coupons isn't a good thing. Keep it instore at the moment. But make sure the info you carry includes the most recent (June?) email someone posted on the old thread (see Browntoa's link to the old thread). That email has a name on it which proves it came from Dundee, we can all use it to our advantage (I carry it myself).

    I think I would go to the CS desk and ask to speak to the Customer Service Manager. As couponJ says above, try to get the CS Manager not just the 'Duty' Manager for that day - who could be the meat manager or similar - who would not be expected to have the first clue about coupons.

    Don't 'ask if they take coupons'. Instead, politely tell the person that you KNOW the national coupon policy but you were embarrassed last time because the staff in his/her store didn't. Not only that, they accused you of typing the policy yourself! Show him/her the policy wording and be UNAPOLOGETIC about having got it from a forum. It's not on the Tesco website so where else can a customer print off a copy to show a store who don't know their own policy?

    There's no need to feel you are doing anything wrong by knowing the policy, so stand firm. If the CS Manager says he's never heard of it either, then ask him then and there if he would kindly check with Head Office, as you already have the policy in writing and it's embarrassing for you as a customer when you know it is OK to use coupons this way.

    HTH, let us know how you get on.
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  • madmuppet5
    madmuppet5 Posts: 5,575 Forumite
    Coupon-mad is going for a ramble again:rotfl:
    AKA; Mad, MM, MM5, Madicles :cool: ©
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  • Coupon-mad
    Coupon-mad Posts: 137,777 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post Photogenic Name Dropper
    madmuppet5 wrote: »
    Coupon-mad is going for a ramble again:rotfl:

    Why use 10 words when you can use 100? (women's logic, lol!). :rotfl:
    PRIVATE 'PCN'? DON'T PAY BUT DON'T IGNORE IT (except N.Ireland).
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