NST Muddy March Marathon



  • SpekySquarehead
    SpekySquarehead Posts: 3,019 Forumite
    Photogenic Debt-free and Proud!
    Good morning everyone,

    Yesterday was a NSD thankfully.

    Today however is not. Needed water for my window washers and to pick up pineapple which I hear is good for cold sores. Plus I've got football tonight.

    Oh also, there's a collection for a girl in the office who had a baby boy - so there's another fiver.
  • thriftylass
    thriftylass Posts: 3,985 Forumite
    Name Dropper Photogenic First Post First Anniversary
    edited 8 March 2017 at 10:11AM
    Good morning,

    finished painting the guest bedroom/boiler room last night - that's my wellbeing session done (diy is good for me head). Will start marking the drill holes for the shelves tonight.

    Today won't be another SFD as we need cream (and shower gel). DH bought this french cheese (Langres) when we were up north at the weekend that we want to stuff a chicken breast with as it needs to be eaten soon. So it was either loose a SFD or waste £3 worth of cheese. Will carefully think what else we need soon anyway as not to waste another SFD.

    Took DS (nearly 6) to the chess club last night and he liked it. There were a few older gentlemen and a handful of 8/9 year old boys. But this was the first thing/club he liked and were he didn't cling to my leg but joined in and was entranced for the whole hour. I guess because he didn't have to join in with a crowd like in football or karate (he's fine in school and after school club though). So he'll go again. My dad (chess player) was chuffed too .

    Off to the gym or even a run in the sun at lunch today.
    DEBT 06/24: CC 6347 5120 £2350 £2000, OD £500, Other £3100 £2650 Planned debt free date: Dec 2024
  • mothernerd
    mothernerd Posts: 4,827 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post Debt-free and Proud!
    Profuse apologies turtles. Thought I had locked myself out of the forum (only accidentally deleted the thumbnail), didn't want to change my password so looked for the little book of passwords and just after midnight realised (Doh) that if I went to my e-mail, clicked on the MSE e-mail, found a link to the main site, the computer would still recognise me.

    Welcome to Day Eight

    Happy International Women's Day

    Use It or Lose It
    Lots of us are losing weight (not trying, we're succeeding). I never had a problem until I reached my 40s. So for those of us struggling, what are our top tips for keeping going - mine is putting a teaspoon of salad dressing on the side of your plate and dipping the tines of the fork into it, you get the taste without the calories. Also having the carrot and celery sticks available in the fridge at all times (remember they won't work unless you use them).

    Wellbeing Day 8
    Start a new book (was bible reading, but opening it out).

    Look to nature. All the different coloured croci were out yesterday. The white ones were tall and proud, the yellow ones just emerging and the purple ones, though battered and bruised from last weeks storms, were still going.
    My mission in life is not only to survive,but to thrive and to do so with some Passion, some Compassion, some Humour and some Style.
    NST SEP No 1 No Debt No mortgage
  • mothernerd
    mothernerd Posts: 4,827 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post Debt-free and Proud!
    Brief update from me. On Monday night I went back tot ackle the kitchen. Work surfaces and cupboard fronts on one side of the kitchen are all clean, pan rests removed from stove top and all chips and other bits removed. Mountain of washing up done - not quite all of it, but got to the stage where it was piled up (plastic 'takeaway' boxes which I re-use for my batch cooking were a foot deep on the windowsill) that I could not turn on the hot tap. About 2/3 of the floor was swept (other 1/3 would mean moving furniture). More washing being processed.

    Yesterday morning all the clean pots and cutlery were put in cupboards/ drawers and all the pans and utensils hung up properly (in size order - can you be an ocd slob, okay with things being 'clean enough' but upset when things are not in there proper place).

    At mum's by 9am (had a lift) with a huge bag of embroidery, plus rucksack with reading book, goals book, food diary and other bits + 2 large recyclable bags in case I had to take the contents of mum's freezer home. Mum was taken to her appointment (via the cemetery as there are 4 important anniversaries and neither of us could get there before Christmas).

    Looked after her partner until the day are bus arrived (he wasn't any trouble but I couldn't get my sewing out until he was gone), coaxed him out of the house and onto the bus and then sat waiting for the delivery.

    Wasn't going to watch tv but Harvey (big white rabbit) was on so I watched that whilst I sewed and answered the telephone. Partner's oldest and youngest son's kept phoning - youngest because he had made the arrangements, eldest because he can't stop interfering (and generally makes more mess for everyone else to sort out).

    Man came to check the boiler was working properly (4 phone calls in case I hadn't been told/ asking when he was coming - a mere woman couldn't be expected to have an intelligent conversation with a gas man, when he was on his way and had he been). More queries about when the delivery was, why they hadn't phoned to tell us (referred him to brother who would get relevant e-mail/ phone call). Couple of other phone calls - good job I was sat next to it.

    Finally given a delivery time, useless son told me he would arrive an hour before delivery time (to 'plumb in' - but possibly only unpack - a washer that hadn't arrived?). Had lunch (took water with me but no food). Mum arrived home so I had hopes of escaping before 'one of my least favourite people' arrived - he was responsible for most of the chaos surrounding their moving to the bungalow. He came just after 1pm (grit teeth and smile, let it all flow over you with zen like calm).

    I took the passive revenge route, decided to take a taxi straight to the infirmary and buy from the RVS cafe rather than go home in between, didn't offer to help when the things arrived (don't give him a chance to start on the sexist remarks) just watched him struggle and had a laugh with mum when he repeated my suggestion (if he hadn't time to plumb the washer in, putting it in the small kitchen would just block the space) back to me 5 minutes later, as though he had just thought of it.

    Everything okay at the doctors but more blood tests etc in 3 weeks (also made me do a chicken flappy wing thing to check for the myaesthenia).

    Need to go to crafts now - tired already and would prefer to stay home and clean the fridge but committed to going. Have also agreed to still going to mum's again tomorrow (I must not let my mother take over my life). Roll on Friday (had vague plans but going to be collapse at home, sleep as long as I need to and then carry on cleaning.
    My mission in life is not only to survive,but to thrive and to do so with some Passion, some Compassion, some Humour and some Style.
    NST SEP No 1 No Debt No mortgage
  • Calling14
    Calling14 Posts: 3,498 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Anniversary Photogenic First Post
    Hi turtles.

    Yesterday got home from work and migraine from hell took over. Didn't do any exercise, grabbed some food and was tucked up in bed by 6pm. First time in ages had migraine that bad.

    Today going to claim a SFD, Joiner having major problems with the work previous clown had done so he's having to come back again tomorrow, So now dreading what it is going to cost but hey ho hang on to my SFD for now. Not sure whether to cancel hairdresser now as probably can't afford that as well this week. Shall wait and see costs before panic sets in.

    Abundant date arranged on dating website. Seems normal enough and likes music and going to gigs. So at least something in common, lives bit further away, than my normal catchment area but that might be a good thing.

    Finally took bag to Charity Shop today, had in boot of car this week and really wondered why I bothered surely a Thank You would have been in order. Grr

    Going to have an omelette for tea use up peppers, spring onions.

    Grateful for
    Having my own office
    Finally getting my doors at home sorted out.
    Saw some sun today.
    LBM 13039 1.1.13 Now £0 Finally Debt FreeMortgage free Oct 2019:)EFund/savings £25000 10/11/22
  • ChasingSunshine
    Been reading but not posting. Not managed any more NSDs seem to not have been planning very well and needing small top up shops. Everything planned and acceptable but then chocolate somehow jumps into the basket. No idea how that happens :rotfl::rotfl: Think it is time to start taking my diet seriously but need to conquer my sweet tooth.
    Need to talk to boss about leave, have a few quiet weeks coming up at work and fingers crossed can use some days for a holiday rather than sitting there twiddling my thumbs and trying to look busy.
  • Lauralozzle
    Lauralozzle Posts: 719 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper Photogenic First Post
    Managed another NSD today - now at 4/15.

    My weight loss at the moment is infuriating- gain and lose the same pounds again and again. Really need a good kick up my butt to get back on plan 100%

    I think I need to make a bigger salad for lunch - I start off really good and then it all goes to pot because by 5/6 I'm ravenous and I undo all my good work. Dinner isn't usually till seven.

    I won't start a new book but I'll keep reading my the one I've got.
    February Grocery Budget: £190.75/£350.00
    NST no. NSD 4/15
  • SkintTeacher
    SkintTeacher Posts: 340 Forumite
    First Anniversary Photogenic Debt-free and Proud!
    Weird day for me. OH very unwell now so had one take little one to school with me. Didn't last the day so ended up at my mum's. Didn't manage an NSD either although only spent £12. Managed to still do training as my personal trainer comes to my mums anyway each week.
    1) weight loss -now at my target weight - still a long way to go with toning etc. I think water would be my biggest tip - drink lots of it! Fills you up, hydrates you and makes you crave less sweet things.
    2) Wellbeing- never have time to read unfortunately
    3) nature - really enjoyed the bright blue sky today and the warm (ish) spring breeze
  • greent
    greent Posts: 10,671 Forumite
    First Post Name Dropper First Anniversary Photogenic
    NSD today - spent all day at work. Well - had to top up freebie lunch voucher by 5p but I'm really not counting that! Would have made a different choice (within voucher budget but only had 5 mins to choose and eat before the next exam)

    Wellbeing - managed a decent amount of sleep last night. Could still have been better, but compared to most nights recently it was good! Food has 90% been god - but all birthday choc has now been consumed (I find that once I give in to temptation in a day that's it and I want it all - if I manage not to then it's all ok) Exercise - skipped Zumba yesterday as I had to be at work by 12.15 and Zumba ends at 10.50ish - would then need shower, dry & style hair, make myself look professional and also eat before going... not possible in that time period) - did a Joe Wicks HIIT after the school run instead. Plan to do another one tonight after smallest 2 are in bed. Will do the same tomorrow - have the same time period as yesterday, so will do another HIIT instead of Zumba.
    Finished a book yesterday so was planning on finding a new one from the shelf to start tonight anyway :)

    Debt busting goal - have requested over £100 from tcb and quidc0 this week - so have transferred equivalent £ to 'holding' acc ready for next OP, along with £45 refund from old energy co:T

    What I am grateful for:
    * my mum doing both school runs today because of work & also yesterday afternoon's run
    * feeling more awake than yesterday
    * yummy birthday cake (sticky ginger with crystallised ginger pieces in)
    * free lunch
    * nice colleagues
    * having choices
    I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul
    Repaid mtge early (orig 11/25) 01/09 £124616 01/11 £89873 01/13 £52546 01/15 £12133 07/15 £NIL
    Net sales 2024: £20
  • apple_muncher
    apple_muncher Posts: 14,773 Forumite
    First Anniversary Mortgage-free Glee! First Post Name Dropper
    Today I am grateful for being able to take and collect dd from school, for finding what I wanted in sainz, for my sainz voucher being in date, for a good friend coming round, for a phone call to mum that cheered her up, for other chats with big sis and bil, for dd loving to read, for hot food, for a good scrub in the shower (just evoo and sea salt, but soooo good), for a random chat with a mum round the corner.
    NST March lion #8; NSD ; MFW9/3/23 Whoop Whoop!!!
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