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christmas elf 2010

yummy-mummy-amy Posts: 1,074 Forumite
First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
a few questions answered:

what is the magic elf?

it is an american tradition, an elf that comes to stay from dec 1st until christmas eve, they are here to make note of good and bad things and "report back to santa". BUT they get into mischief along the way.

who can join in?

anyone that wants to add a bit more fun and magic into the run up of christmas.

does it have to be an elf with pointy ears?

no. elves can come in all shapes and sizes and types.


the following posts contain information from the older christmas elf threads.

(as per discussion on other thread here is the 2010 elf thread. i will add names and activities all to same post at top to make things easier.)


*sleigh licence (someone from USA made own!)
*reinderr permit (see sleigh licence)
*travel/sleeping bag/box
*letter from santa
*chang of clothes (most dont bother)
*elf journal if using 1
*elf report/list for santa - good/bad etc
*magic snow - polystyrene ball, hole punched paper, glitter, etc in a sealed bag - you dont have to clean up every morning. this is to remind them of home and needs to be put with them every night
due to spilling coffee :coffee: on my keyboard it works when it wants to :rotfl:

member 1254 sealed pot 4


  • yummy-mummy-amy
    yummy-mummy-amy Posts: 1,074 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited 31 October 2011 at 1:38PM
    i will add to this list as we work out who owns which elves. elves who are on facebook are in red.

    bertie elfkins - yummy-mummy-amy
    jingle-jangle snowtoes - yummy-mummy-amy
    merry sugarsocks - yummy-mummy-amy
    Snowflake Glitter-Kisses - yummy-mummy-amy

    Dixie Crackerjingles - lexuslass
    Bauble Sprout
    - lexuslass

    Jingle toes rawlings - eden123
    Erasmus Crackerberry - mrs_nicholls
    buddy jollysocks - littlenicsmummy
    merry jollysocks - littlenicsmummy
    belle snow
    - littlenicsmummy

    Otis TheElf SockMonkey - nuttybabe
    Percy Snowflake - maisiescamp
    Snowball - jammygal
    Snowbelle - jammygal
    Babybelle -jammygal
    Elvis McTumshie - nic2075
    buddy frostbells - doodledoodle24
    jolly jingles elf - mappygirl
    ben-elf - penguin83
    Rosie Sparkle Pants - JockMcSprock
    Robin Stinky-Pants - JockMcSprock
    blinky smickleifigus - knithappens
    dinky smickleifigus - knit happens
    Fuzzy Berry-Noodles - knithappens
    Twinkle Merry-Berry - knithappens
    patch fluffy paws - ajgrist
    marvin moonkin - rinroo
    Holly Berry - berryjingles
    Buddy Jingles - berryjingles
    Gingerbread Cookie - berryjingles
    Sunny Sparkley Toes - pinkflop
    Pip Ticklebright - need more time
    J.J. Jingles - little_evo
    Aubrey Sparkle - sammiller1981
    snowy Sugar Plum - purplemunchkin
    jolly fluffypaws - beverlyhdsn1983
    sunny fluffypaws - beverlyhdsn1983
    Sparky - tq16
    Batty - tq16
    Daffy - tq16
    Jingles-Jangles - code-a-holic
    Jingle TumbleFlump - brudie25
    otis mary sugar-socks - qaphsiel
    tinker taylor - twinkleroks
    jangles frosty-socks - emzy81
    jolly sugarsocks - rustyflange
    jingles elf - elysia2003
    snowball elf - elysia2003
    (mistletoe - elysia2003 - now in elf heaven!)
    eggnog tinseltoes - twinmummy+2
    twinkletoes - lou05
    sidney snowflake - dazzlingdonna
    Tumbleflump Christmas-Bum - rummer
    elvis cheesy-feet - badgergirl
    crackers frosty-toes - little_lil
    merry - hollyh
    Tumblethump Sugarsnap - ToNik
    stumpy - mommyme
    Fuzzy Berry-Helper - girlysquare
    Elfmas Numa - muffins
    Elfie Numa - muffins
    johnny tinsel - charlieann
    buddy baublebum - europa
    patch jingles - lillyboo
    Star Snowglitter (girl) - teresita
    Storm Snowglitter (boy) - teresita
    jolly merryberry -sharkie9
    holly merryberry - sharkie9
    sparkly glitter-toes - nigdeb2002
    Fizzy Tumbleflump Merrycracker - nenen
    sally snowflake - hollie84
    snowy sugar-socks - zoelikesjam
    otis jingle-jangles - zoelikesjam
    jingle stripeylegs - jeevers
    elfie belltoes - laverne
    jolly twinkletoes - natzxx
    peppermint (elf) - fletty
    reg (reindeer) - fletty
    Merry Jingle-Snow - Diannec1985
    snow-berry elf - freefree973
    buddy snowflake - elainew
    nipper sparklysocks - eviesmummy
    holly sparklysocks - eviesmummy
    jimmy jingle-tinkle - magicsami
    tony tight-pant - magicsami
    sal sally twinkletoes - bobbybuttons
    holly berry - cathys1
    nipper candy-lips - sharon_1970
    Nadelik - suzisu
    twinkle glittersocks -legendmum
    Tootsie Sugar-socks - louby-lou-lou

    tootsie Crazy-legs - polkadot
    Daffy Sparkley-Toes - pinkflop
    Blinky Bing-a-ling - mcja
    Honey-bee jingles - lillyboo
    sparkledust-sprinkle - cherrytree
    Eddie Bauble-Cracker - smithkinson
    Frosty Snow-Sprinkles - haworthr
    due to spilling coffee :coffee: on my keyboard it works when it wants to :rotfl:

    member 1254 sealed pot 4
  • yummy-mummy-amy
    yummy-mummy-amy Posts: 1,074 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited 29 December 2010 at 9:17PM
    i will add any elf adventures/activies to this thread as they are posted there is a whole page on berties website as well.

    * toilet paper round the house

    * wrapping paper over the kids bedroom doors or lounge door on xmas eve so they have to burst out/in

    * hide in different places

    * leave notes for the kids as to where hiding

    * treasure hunt/scavenger hunt

    * leave sweets n treats as gifts

    * snowball fight with other toys

    * hide in the fridge/freezer as its cold like home

    * dvd and popcorn night

    * Teddies Tea Party

    * Erect artifical Christmas tree overnight and then sit in it!

    * Eat advent calendar contents (not actually brave enough to do this myself!)

    * Making Snow Angels in flour/icing sugar/artifical snow

    * Woken up in bed with kids/ adults.

    * Drawn Moustache on oh's face when he was asleep ;)

    * Found in the car with takeaway boxes.

    * Painted snowflakes and graffiti on the windows.

    * Drank all oh's beer (found with empty bottles etc).

    * Toasting marshmallows on sticks on the fire.

    * Found with camera (which had lots of posed photos with the other toys on it.)

    * Reading Christmasy books to lots of other Christmasy toys.

    * Raided sweets and covered floor with wrappers etc

    * Found parachuting from the loft.

    * Disappeared for a few days and came back with a wife!

    * Decorated the tree with underwear.

    * an elf was ill - had an ice pak on head, themometer in mouth, and a note asking for peppermint tic-tacs - 1 a
    day for 3 days! (jingles from canada idea)

    * dressing up in baby clothes

    * dressing in fancy dress clothes

    * leave craft kids for the kids to make

    * make elf masks (PM yummy-mummy-amy for a template)

    * play on ds

    * play on wii/wii fit - set up a profile!

    * go fishing in fish tank

    * put xmas tree/decs up

    * change xmas decs for another event like halloween

    * be caught on pc on facebook

    * have mum/dads phone and a txt typed to santa

    *write name everwhere- on worktop with cornflakes etc, on mirror with lipstick, in snow

    *get stuck in chrsitmas tree

    *paint "dads" toenail as a trial run, but leave mum a voucher for local salon

    *hang from ceiling light/fan

    *play games/cards with toys

    *swap kids hats and shoes for "elf ones"!!! (i cant wait to do this 1 - thanks jingles from canada).

    *make cookies/cakes and make a mess with flour

    *hang paper snowflakes/candy canes about house

    *sled down ironing board/stair banister etc

    *put notes in lunchboxes or school bags

    *wrap up school uniforms/ballet leotard etc in christmas paper

    *visit other local elves (if friends/neighbours are doing it)

    *play in the garden on swing/trampoline etc

    *build a snowman (if it snows!)

    *get a tent/igloo (build a bear shop do them) and the elves can go camping complete with "glade no flame candle" as campfire and their sleeping bags

    *turn tree lights on b4 everyone gets up

    *play music on cd player/ipod and leave kids a christmas cd (i've mad my own with personalised songs with kids names - 79p a song from amazon! (yummy-mummy-amy)

    *IF "MUM" has made a cake put an "elf finger print in it"

    *play with kids trains/cars on a track

    *Eating choccies/sweets and leaving the wrappers on the floor

    *Hiding things for us to find

    *Make Snowman Sock (similar to the sock monkeys - http://www.suite101.com/content/how-to-make-a-sock-snowman-this-winter-a80197

    *Colour in Christmas Pictures (free printout from the net)

    *Write Christmas cards for other elves

    *Make & decorate salt dough decorations

    *elf leaves note about giving to others and tells them to have a Charity day (sort out all their old toys and take to the charity shop!)

    *make a Scrapbook (stickers and gluing piccies)

    *ask to be taken to see reindeer (if any local)

    *go and see santa in local grotto (you will have to pay and get strange looks!!! take a baby if you have 1)

    *Zip wire from the top of the tree, found mid air with the angel from the tree on his back!

    *colour the bread in the bread maker blue!

    *Open box of Xmas crackers and spread them over the floor

    *eat fruit from the fruit bowl

    *colour in the childrens colouring book

    *Name a star for free (a present from your elf) http://www.freenameastar.com/

    *crash land (in cardboard plane) on Dec 1st

    *arrive in the Fireplace in our front room in his bed

    *arrive at the front door with the advent calendars

    *start to make a paper chain but leave for kids to finish

    *leave tickets to a show/day out

    *make a rope ladder using cocktail sticks and string

    *place christmas lights around the toilet (on floor!)

    *make red or green pancake mix and leave for family for tea

    *add red or green food colouring to toilet water OR green toilet block that goes in cystern

    *use a trophy as a toilet!!

    *go to work with my husband

    *put the Christmas tree up upside down!! complete with decorations etc!!

    *wear swimng hat and goggles trying to swim 15 meters in the bath

    *make a parachute from pants and xmas string - hang from lights

    *Hide in kids underwear drawer

    *Make loo roll biniculars and sit at the window looking out for kids

    *sit up top of christmas tree to act like fairy

    *Change the laptop background to different photos

    *elves change duvet covers whilst asleep for an xmas one

    *sleigh ride round lounge being pulled by toy animals

    *arrive on an advent trains

    *play christmas games like elf bowl on the internet

    *write elf jokes if kids are old enough to understand them

    *write questions for kids to answer

    *put mini tree and lights in kids bedrooms

    *make a personalised christmas card from elves to kids (moonpig/funky pidgeon etc)

    *bath in marshmellows

    *help wrap presents and get stuck in paper and tape

    *hanging from a wreath as got tangled up

    *make/buy small cake and put an elf on it

    *accessorize hair with bobbles/clips etc infront of a mirror

    *leave "elf poo" around cos elf not toilet trained

    *make snowshake (white chocolate milkshake with marshmallows on top)

    *make jelly in a snowman shaped mould.

    *make a band with kids instruments

    *hold x-factor auditions with elves as judges to the toys/barbies etc

    *found in the cat food

    *swap the contents of cereal boxes around

    *managed to eat 10 biscuits (was found covered in crumbs) while the whole class were in the room and yet no one saw him (school elf)

    *hanging onto the radiator, having taken all the pieces of our magnetic timetable off the filing cabinet at the front of the classroom and attaching them to the radiator at the back (school elf)

    *doesn’t like washing, so took wash kit out of his box when Mrs Claus wasn’t looking and left it behind.

    *pose for photos all around he house and be found sat looking at them in the morning.

    *make a giant snowman on the floor from things you can find - kitchen towel or toilet roll, fruit/veg, hats/scarfes etc.

    *play in childrens ball pit/pond

    *make life-size kids on floor using their clothes and add elf hats to head (draw a picture)

    *decorate the outside of the house with lights

    *decorate the car with antlers and red nose!

    *go to kids school play

    *hide the advent calendars

    *popcorn food fight with teddies/toys

    *work out on the big peoples home gym

    *take posed photos everywhere

    *fill a box/tub with cotton wool balls - like a snow bath (you have to imagine!)

    *mix ALL breakfast cereals in 1 tub!

    *go to a carol concert

    *fall in the stocking head 1st

    *eat the chocs on tree but leave the foil hanging!

    *sledge down the stairs on kids sldge

    *make reindeer - small box covered with brown paper, cut antler shapes and stick on top, draw eyes/nose

    *be found with mums jewellery on

    *empty dirty washing basket in bathroom etc

    *get chicken pox - red dot stickers - ideal IF kids have it!

    *ice-skate on outdoor pond and fall in

    *put outdoor decs up BUT indoors

    *make a den from white sheets/towels and hide in it

    *play with play-dough

    *climbing a ladder with tools

    *change toilet roll and kitchen towel for xmas design!


    *make skis (nail files) and poles (drinking straws) and a ski jump/slalem

    *dress up the kids whilst they sleep

    *elf hides in real xmas tree - found when you return home and cut netting (need talk to local tree people nicely)

    *read the kids the story of jesus being born and find the elf in the manger (ideal if you have a nativity set at xmas)

    *sprinkle magic snow on your/OH car by accident and have it turn into a hot wheels 1 over night (IF you can get 1 same colour/make as yours)

    *elf has its ears pierced

    *leave "pocket elves" for kids to look after all year - elf babies???

    *write a note on mirror/door/window saying "we're back, come and find us!"

    *dress the cat/dog up as an elf

    *make necklaces/bracelets from cheerios and weetos

    *use dog biscuits to try and teach the dogs to fly...... leave wriiten notes as well, saying after eating 3 run the length of....... and glide!

    *make a jigsaw puzzle from a photo of the elves and have them bring it and start building it

    *if like me (yummy-mummy) you dont like playdough.....make some up and add glitter to it, have the elves build snowmen etc! (kids no we dont have it in house!)

    *make an obstacle course with zip line etc - think kyrpton factor tv show.

    *hide elf in dance/rugby kit wearing an elf size of it!

    *decorate indoor plants with tinsel and lights!

    *be found in the car with north pole programmed into the sat nav

    *make a map of your area, add snowflakes over houses with decoations, and go visit them

    *have elves sat in garden chairs outside star gazing with binoculars/telescope/star book

    *move garden chairs indoors and put sand on floor with buckets and spades

    *have the elves re-paint a room in house - most walls done but them with brushes and paint and ladder!

    *turn a room into santas grotto with loads more decorations and lights

    *make (or buy) a giant cookie with elf names on, some small ones left around as well - can always make a mess on side IF you buy them!

    *have elf in hamster ball being pushed around by toys or elves

    *have elves do dolls hair - like a salon

    *the elves make a puppet theatre from a box and leave hand/finger puppet kits

    *put ALL xmas dvds on floor infront of dvd player some in cases some not

    ***make sure your elf takes pictures on camera - have it set up on tripod if needbe.***

    ***make a dvd of santa with elf - OH dressed up as santa in loft, sat in a chair with tinsel etc - use video setting on digital camera! have santa tell elf he has to be good and report back on whether the children are good/bad etc! (my OH wont do this - yummy-mummy-amy)***

    ***NOT XMAS 1S***

    ***not xmas 1*** have elves send "samples" of candy and xmas jewellery/hair bobbles to kids during the year

    ***not xmas 1*** if it snows have elf appear and mini snowman made!

    ***not xmas 1*** have elves send love hearts n a card on valentines day

    ***not xmas 1*** have elves turn up on holiday/at airport etc
    due to spilling coffee :coffee: on my keyboard it works when it wants to :rotfl:

    member 1254 sealed pot 4
  • maisiescamp
    Some other Elf Activities that I thought off;
    DVD/Popcorn Night
    Teddies Tea Party
    Erect artifical Christmas tree overnight and then sit in it!
    Eat advent calendar contents (not actually brave enough to do this myself!)
    Making Snow Angels in flour/icing sugar/artifical snow
  • yummy-mummy-amy
    yummy-mummy-amy Posts: 1,074 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited 1 December 2010 at 9:59PM
    below is a link to our blogs/websites and other sites we use.

    www.bertie-elfkins.me.uk bertie website

    http://magicalholidayhome.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=140 elf site

    http://www.disboards.com/showthread.php?t=2564349 disney elf site

    http://blinkysmickleifigus.blogspot.com/ blinky smickleifigus and friends blog

    http://en-gb.facebook.com/people/Blinky-Smickleifigus/100001752127182 blinky smickleifigus and friends facebook

    https://berryjingles.wordpress.com/ berry jingles blog

    http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/...00001820676972 Sunny Sparkley Toes facebook

    http://elfyourself.jibjab.com/?cmpid=1331 elf yourself

    http://www.elfontheshelf.com/#/north-pole elf on the shelf

    http://christmas.organizedhome.com/gifts-crafts-gift-tags/santas-magic-elf-visit-your-home - passport and bits

    www.northpole.com cute site

    http://www.claus.com/naughtyornice/nn_hmpg2.php naughty or nice list

    http://familyfun.go.com/christmas/christmas-gifts-cards-decorations/christmas-decorations/christmas-wreaths/elf-entrance-710139/ elf door

    the following 4 are letters for when elves arrive:





    http://www.fiestatoy.com/AppImages/Client/santaelf.pdf secret code letter

    http://forums.moneysavingexpert.com/showthread.php?t=1111705&highlight=otis 2008/09 mse elf thread

    http://forums.moneysavingexpert.com/showthread.php?t=1944229 2009/10 mse elf thread

    http://jinglesbojangles.blogspot.com/ jingles jangles blog
    due to spilling coffee :coffee: on my keyboard it works when it wants to :rotfl:

    member 1254 sealed pot 4
  • Jammygal
    Jammygal Posts: 1,213 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited 10 November 2010 at 5:34PM
    Other things my elves have done;

    Woken up in bed with kids/ adults.
    Drawn Moustache on oh's face when he was asleep ;)
    Found in the car with takeaway boxes.
    Painted snowflakes and graffiti on the windows.
    Drank all oh's beer (found with empty bottles etc).
    Toasting marshmallows on sticks on the fire.
    Found with camera (which had lots of posed photos with the other toys on it.)
    Reading Christmasy books to lots of other Christmasy toys.
    Raided sweets and covered floor with wrappers etc
    Found parachuting from the loft.
    Disappeared for a few days and came back with a wife!
    Decorated the tree with underwear.
  • Mappygirl
    Hi all,

    I'm so excited my elf came today!!!!

    He is called Jolly Jingles Elf and he has sent a few friend requests on facebook! can you add him to the list please?

    Thankyou all so much for a wonderful idea - my kids are going to love this!!!

    Lauren x
    :D lightbulb moment Jan 07 - DFW 417!debtwas£32k
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    A payment a day total - £370.50
  • penguin83
    penguin83 Posts: 4,817 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Sooo excited nearly that time again! We have Ben-elf come and visit us and the kids love him! This year he is bringing this with him for us all to play on in the run up to Christmas (fingers crossed it arrives on time!) xxxx
    Pay Debt by Xmas 16 - 0/12000
    There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man.
  • yummy-mummy-amy
    penguin83 wrote: »
    Sooo excited nearly that time again! We have Ben-elf come and visit us and the kids love him! This year he is bringing this with him for us all to play on in the run up to Christmas (fingers crossed it arrives on time!) xxxx

    i thought it was only being released in USA, you have made me soooo happy!!!
    due to spilling coffee :coffee: on my keyboard it works when it wants to :rotfl:

    member 1254 sealed pot 4
  • knithappens
    knithappens Posts: 1,850 Forumite
    penguin83 wrote: »
    Sooo excited nearly that time again! We have Ben-elf come and visit us and the kids love him! This year he is bringing this with him for us all to play on in the run up to Christmas (fingers crossed it arrives on time!) xxxx

    oooooh i am definatley getting this
  • thifty
    thifty Posts: 1,027 Forumite
    where have you all got your elves from please? would love to join in :)
    Cross Stitch Challenge Member ?Number 2013 challenge = to complete rest of millenium sampler.
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