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crafty for christmas 2008

Anyone else getting crafty and making things this christmas??? I am going to be makign a few tings but ill nip and find the linsk i need so you can have ictures to see what im condiering making. Just wondered if anyone else was making/crafting things for christmas this year??

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Current weightloss - 2lbs (week 1)


    MRSMCAWBER Posts: 5,442 Forumite
    Hi sammy....

    im sure i follow you from thread to thread :rotfl:
    Im cross stitching a picture for my mum for xmas...
    im also knitting little xmas stockings for my tree..when i can find the bloomin pattern book:rolleyes: i have done a few and they are sooo sweet and old fashioned :T
    I have loads of beads etc from when i used to make jewellery..so im planning on decorating large church candles as something a bit different for my candle loving sisters and sil
    oohhhh and im knitting pretty scarves too... hmmmmm not sure how much i will get done for xmas if i don't get a riggle on :p the x stitch is the biggy as its a lot of work...think i just need to get myself organised a bit more

    can't wait to see what you are planning :D
    -6 -8 -3 -1.5 -2.5 -3 -1.5-3.5
  • melissa75_2
    melissa75_2 Posts: 2,801 Forumite
    I want to make some hampers for my mum, sister and mother-in-law. I've already bought the baskets and quite a lot of stuff to go in them.
    I make cards so I was thinking of giving a few people a decorated box with a selection of hand-made cards in.
    Also I want to get into scrapbooking and was thinking of making a few albums, I've just bought a few mini kits and I am waiting for them to be delivered. I also saw a gorgeous address box with decorated name cards in it (like a recipe card box) which was in this month's papercraft inspirations magazine and I wanted to do something similar. The blank one that they featured was £10, so I'm trying to find something a bit cheaper.
    After looking at some K & Co. products (they make scrapbooking stuff) I found more stuff that I want to try and make. They sell kits to decorate folders, calendars, photo frames, address books etc but are very expensive so I was going to try and find a cheaper way of doing them.
    That's if I have the time to do any of this!!
  • sethsgran
    sethsgran Posts: 2,855 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Hi I am making tons of presents this year, 2 Noahs ark to knit for my grandsons, 2 fairy dolls to knit for my grandaughters, knitted ball for the new baby, lots of Primitive Stitchery I am doing the large nativity for my MIL (pattern 172 Away in a manger on holiday pattern pages) http://www.plumcreekcollectibles.com/index2.html and then loads of others for nieces etc. Knitted facecloths knit in 100% cotton for all g/children and also adult females wrapped round some nice soap. I am also knitting some felted slippers for my DIL and S2 I made them last year and they loved them I sewed leather to the underneath, not shiny side up, so they would wear well, http://www.fibertrends.com/viewer/patterns/AC33.html . I also have some other stuff on the go but can't remember what I need to check my list. As you can see just a bit to get me started. Oops forgot I need to knit 4 nativity sets.
    Nothing Changes if Nothing Changes
  • rainmac
    rainmac Posts: 7,063 Forumite
    Home Insurance Hacker! Cashback Cashier
    I'm aiming to make/ put together most of my pressies this year...:T
    Going to put together several hamper/baskets with 'themes' e.g. cooking hamper; chocoholics hamper...
    Fill nice jars with old fashioned kiddie sweets (men pressies).
    Fill jars with layered cake/cookie ingredients (kiddie pressies).
    Homemade bath salts in a jar with flannel cupcake (think I must have metioned this in about 10 threads now, sorry all for being soooo repetitive & boring!) ;) .
    Cross stitched Xmas tree decorations to add a finishing touch to presents.
    Cross stitched coasters with mug & flannel cupcake maybe?
    Several cross stitch pictures or stitched pieces on front of album/ box...haven't decided on this one, depends how much time I have to stitch really! :D
    Maybe some homemade shortbread wrapped in cello for teachers?
    Errr, run out of ideas - must get all this written down so I don't forget anything! :rotfl:
    :wave: If you want the rainbow, you've got to put up with the rain :wave:
  • rainmac
    rainmac Posts: 7,063 Forumite
    Home Insurance Hacker! Cashback Cashier
    melissa75 wrote: »
    I want to make some hampers for my mum, sister and mother-in-law. I've already bought the baskets and quite a lot of stuff to go in them.
    I make cards so I was thinking of giving a few people a decorated box with a selection of hand-made cards in.
    Also I want to get into scrapbooking and was thinking of making a few albums, I've just bought a few mini kits and I am waiting for them to be delivered. I also saw a gorgeous address box with decorated name cards in it (like a recipe card box) which was in this month's papercraft inspirations magazine and I wanted to do something similar. The blank one that they featured was £10, so I'm trying to find something a bit cheaper.
    After looking at some K & Co. products (they make scrapbooking stuff) I found more stuff that I want to try and make. They sell kits to decorate folders, calendars, photo frames, address books etc but are very expensive so I was going to try and find a cheaper way of doing them.
    That's if I have the time to do any of this!!

    Hi melissa, a decorated box with selection of cards is such a brill idea! :j May have to nick this one from you if that's ok!!! :D

    I've also seen the K&Co door hangers, calendars, photo frames etc - gorgeous aren't they! Very £££ though :eek:
    :wave: If you want the rainbow, you've got to put up with the rain :wave:
  • plumduff55
    plumduff55 Posts: 887 Forumite
    Homepage Hero First Post Name Dropper First Anniversary
    Hi, In February I really felt like knitting but couldn't face a full size garment so I started knitting scarves for xmas presents. I bought the wool from ebay - it is aran weight with either silver or gold threads running through it. I have now knitted 11 scarves and counting !!! The scarves are a complicated lacy pattern with scalloped edges - after doing so many I can nearly knit them with my eyes shut :) . So far I have knitted 2 pink, 2 lilac, 2 green, 2 silver and 3 gold, as you can probably tell I am really pleased with them - absolutely everyone is getting a scarf at xmas !!!
    Debt free - Mortgage free - Work free ( in that order :) )
  • sammy_kaye18
    sammy_kaye18 Posts: 3,679 Forumite
    Homepage Hero Name Dropper Photogenic First Post
    Wow not just me then who is going to be getting a wriggle on soon.
    ok are you sitting comfortably??

    I am hoping - fingers crossed that I can get the following done for some of my christmas presents.

    a hand decorated diary - she has a diary every year
    a hand decorate matching address/telephone book
    a nice writing set
    and a handmade knitting bag for her that ill make plain and let my son decorate for her (hes 4)
    (hoping this will turn into a letter writing basket fo soem sort as she loves to write to people sp perhaps some homemade biscuits too)

    a hand decorated money journal (shes very MSE)
    a hand decorated pocket diary
    pretty mini calculator
    and a pretty spare penny jar

    Pyjama case for my son (aged 4) 2 youngest cousins (4 and 2) and 2 nieces (2 and 1) with their names on them and an animal of some sort appliqued on it with new PJS inside.

    2 x bag and matching make up roll up for my oldest cousin and step sister . (female, both 16)

    2 x homemade calenders - for my dad and mother in law

    Might do the jars full of old sweets for boyfriend, father in law, mother, sister and mother in law so whats that 5? but one may be scottish sweetie orientated for mother in law.

    3 nightgowns with initials embroidered on them. One will be for my sister in law with some nice smellies and the other two im hoping to get my dad and his wife (my step mum) a pampering day or massage for them to have together so the nightgown will go in the box with the token for the massage etc

    Im also making my own cards - I found some very easy ones that involve wool and the card and they look very simple, yet arty and ben my 4 year old can do them with me so that will be them sorted and i hope to give them to everyone this year. Still have a few presents yet that im stuck with but hey its only june right? its gone quickly though!!!
    Also Im hoping to make some nice decoartions with my little boy too - plenty of snowflakes, light blue and white pom poms and i might see if he can sit still long enough to make some paper chains.
    I'll be making all my own tags this year too for my presents which should be good.

    Also we have a few pets int eh family so am hoping to make a few catnip fileld toys for my mums two cats (mate has it growing in her garden) so she has said she'd donate me some. Then for the 2 dogs who are in the family (sister in laws and mother in laws) im hoping to make some treats for them both and find a toy fro them each. Then for our dog im hoping to make some collar bandanas, a new bed, some treats and possibly a few little jumpers or tshirts (see pet forum - its not a fashion thing more a health thing for him)

    anyone have any makeable ideas for a computer game mad 8 year old with ADHD?? He loves to read too so might make him a little reading hamper. and also a 14 year old boy who is a gaming freak - i made him a movie hamper last year so want somethign different this year
    Making Changes To Save My Life
    Current weightloss - 2lbs (week 1)
  • melissa75_2
    melissa75_2 Posts: 2,801 Forumite
    sammy_kaye18 how are you going to decorate your diary/address book etc. ? Are you just going to buy cheap ones and do those up? Or buy blank ones? I just wondered as I haven't tried before. Definately post some pics please of your finished creations - and everyone else too!
    I spotted some large boxes in Home Bargains for £1.99 that were baby/wedding keepsake boxes that I thought about buying to decorate. They were a decent size (bigger that a4), and had a couple of trays inside - quite sturdy too. I would have to cover the whole thing as they had a little bit of writing on them. I thought maybe about doing a flowery one for my Mum to put documents or bits and bobs in. Rainmac - you would fit loads of cards in them! Thinking that maybe I should have bought one now, but its finding room to store it all as I only live in a small house!
    I also thought about maybe making a writing set.
    Speaking about Home Bargains, I picked up a set of 4 wicker boxes for £3.99 for doing hampers with.
  • sethsgran
    sethsgran Posts: 2,855 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Just seen some lovely decorated wooden coat hangers on the Prima site they would make a lovely gift. Anyone know where I can get wooden hangers cheap as I might make them with our youth club girls so I would need 80+.
    Nothing Changes if Nothing Changes
  • sammy_kaye18
    sammy_kaye18 Posts: 3,679 Forumite
    Homepage Hero Name Dropper Photogenic First Post
    sethsgran - there is a pack of 80 wooden coat hangers on Ebay for £19.99 - if that helps in any way

    Melissa75 - Im hoping that I'll be able to buy come nice plain covered books and diarys etc and decorate them myself - im not quite sure what is going to be the best thign to decoarate them with - our local sewing shop did have felt in it so was thinking of doing somethign with that and see what happens but i think ill have a few non glued runs before I actually get to sticking things down.

    Think maybe I should turn this thread into more a process thread and let everyone have their checklists of what they are doing in here nad we can all keep each otehr motivated and keep giving ideas
    Making Changes To Save My Life
    Current weightloss - 2lbs (week 1)
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