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Wherediditallgo’s ‘path to enlightenment’ bankruptcy diary

I’ve decided to do a diary to keep my head focused, & so that I can remember there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Some days it feels like the only light coming through is that of a fast-approaching train. :(

I'm sure there are many like me who are worrying about going through bankruptcy, & maybe reading about what led me to that decision & how I'm getting through it will help them. I'm hoping having it in typed form glaring me in the face will help me too. :)


  • wherediditallgo
    Oct 2005 – split from long-term partner (my decision) & had to move home. Had only a fortnight to get moved in, so paid a bomb in removal costs as didn’t have much choice about the people I used at such short notice & didn't have a chance to decorate & clean the place properly before moving my stuff in. What seemed like a good place to move to (& still is, in some respects) starts to eat money like crazy, in terms of basic household items, some decorating etc. I don’t regret the move, but my finances were only OK because there were two of us. Now there’s only me, I don’t have the money to play with & I’m having to rob Peter to pay Paul to get things paid. In two months, I spend over £1,000, just to cover the basics.

    The floorboards need a lot of work, but I can't afford it & the council won't do it. Decide to buy sheets of hardboard from B&Q (bringing it home on the bus wasn't fun). Hadn't got a clue what I was doing, but managed to buy the right tacks, then get the hardboard down. I used to prize my long nails - they disappeared within an hour of me getting the hardboard in & starting to trim it to put it in place. Slept like a log from sheer exhaustion.

    Nov 2005 - though I don’t have much money, I pay for enough carpet for the rooms as I can’t face walking on cold floors in winter – the stairs & landings will have to wait. I can't afford to pay to have the carpets fitted properly though, so I get the carpet delivered in rolls of room-sized cuts, & then live with the rolls in the hall while I work out how to cut it to size & put it down. The furniture has to be moved out of each room before I can get the carpet on the floor, so I have to lift it all out myself then put it all back. If I'd paid someone, it would probably have all been done in a weekend, but I haven't got the money, so it goes down as & when I can do it in between working full-time.

    Dec 2005 - spend Christmas & New Year with friends & family away from home. Couldn't face being in a cold & unwelcoming flat, & definitely didn't want people to see what I'd moved into when they knew what I'd had before. :(
  • wherediditallgo
    Feb 2006 – the stress of moving & the break-up finally catch up with me. Very ill & signed off work for 5 weeks. :(

    End March 2006 – back at work, thinking that I’ve got to get a grip on my life otherwise not having one will get a grip of me. In between thinking so positively, I do absolutely nothing about it. Instead, I stuff my face with chocolate & take-away foods, put on loads of weight & my skin goes to pot. I buy clothes that I can’t try on in the shop because I’m too embarrassed about my size, & if they don’t fit when I get home I’m too embarrassed to return them. So I keep them thinking I’ll lose the weight. Never do that – by the time you lose the weight, they’re so out of fashion you don’t want to wear them anyway!

    Summer 2006 – I realise that I’ve hit 40 with nothing much to show for my life. A failed relationship that has robbed me of my confidence no matter what it looks like to everyone else. I have ever-increasing debts because I have no choice but to pay for some things. For instance, the washing machine broke down beyond repair. But I have to have a slimline one because of the space available, which costs twice as much as a normal-sized one. So it was £399 to find, & quickly. I can feel my depression slowly creeping back over me, so I take two weeks annual leave so that I don’t have the stress of work to deal with as well. Still eating like a locust, & feeling unbelievably miserable. :(
  • wherediditallgo
    Autumn 2006 – fell behind with the rent a few months before because I had to miss a couple of months' payments, but have just managed to delay action being taken on the rent by since then always paying the monthly amount as soon as I get paid. I’ve got to catch up though, otherwise either it’ll increase or they’ll write to me about it, so I decide to pay off an extra week’s rent each month until it’s completely cleared. Fell behind with the Council Tax too, & the council call in the bailiffs, who decide to make it their life’s mission to make payment to them as difficult as possible. Thank goodness for a phone with an integral fax - I start faxing the bailiffs & the council like there's no tomorrow.

    Speak to CCCS – they do a financial statement for me, which I send to my creditors. Some respond, some don’t. I can’t even cry about it - I’m so tired.

    Dec 2006 – the most miserable Christmas ever. Spent it with friends, some of whom were in couples, but I felt so alone. I didn’t have time to dwell on the relationship breakdown last year as the move kept me really busy, but this Christmas I had lots of time to think about how the last year had gone. I resolve to make sure Christmas 2007 is very different, as I never want another Christmas like this one. The first priority is to get my debts in some sort of order, so that I’m controlling them instead of them controlling me.
  • wherediditallgo
    Jan 2007 – speak to CCCS again. My debts make horrific reading – nearly £30k in unsecured debts! I can’t believe I owe that much! I’m paying the council tax, but the bailiffs aren’t making it easy, & I’ve already had to lodge more than one complaint about them with the council. I decide to pay the council direct via their online service regardless what the bailiffs say, so that at least I’m reducing that debt. But I’ve fallen into the trap of paying some people a few days late, & not opening other envelopes because I know who they’ll be from & what they’ll want. Manage to earn an extra £150 doing some extra work for someone, so that goes straight towards paying off the rent arrears. It’s a pity the extra work isn’t a regular option – my poor health won’t let me take on a second job.

    Feb 2007 – can’t get anywhere with the bailiffs for the Council Tax (do they all have to go to the School for Stroppy Gits before they're qualified? :mad:), but I look to be making headway with the council at long last. Thank goodness I kept paying them direct each month – at least they could see I was genuinely trying to clear the debt. Bailiff comes round while I’m at work & leaves a card letting me know he’ll be coming back. I try ringing his office – no joy there. Send yet another fax to the council & to the bailiff’s office. I’ve sent nearly 20 in the last 6 months, but the fax machine has been worth its weight in gold as they can’t say they haven’t receive the letters.

    Good news at long last - I made the final payment to clear all the rent arrears! I’m so pleased! :j I’d like to pay at least £50 extra rent each month, so that (a) by Christmas I’ve got a healthy credit there, & (b) if something happens that I can’t pay as much one month, I won’t start building up such big arrears again.
  • wherediditallgo
    March 2007

    5 March – posted letters with postal orders to two banks to get details of the last 6 years’ bank charges. Hopefully, I’ll get some money from putting in a claim, & that can then go towards clearing the debts.

    12 March – finally win the battle with the bailiffs over the Council Tax! The council take the case back off the bailiffs (all my faxes finally showed their worth), remove the court costs & I’m left with less than £10 to pay! :j I happily pay that off online, & can’t keep the smile off my face all day. Now the roof over my head isn’t at risk because the rent & Council Tax are up-to-date, & I feel so much better. :) The other debts are ridiculous though, & I know I’ve still got a big battle ahead with them.

    Decide 60-40 to take the CCCS advice given months ago to go for bankruptcy, as I can’t cope with the stress any more. Even while I was delaying the decision, I did manage to save up the money to pay for the petition, so at least I don't have to worry about finding that. I don’t have the money to clear the debts, & can’t face another 15 years or more in this mess – my health won’t take it. Though I’ve made mistakes, I know 15 years of misery is too harsh a penalty to pay for them.

    Since the start of March, I’ve been wavering between whether to go for the bankruptcy, making more offers to my creditors or go for payment plans like DMP etc, but I realise my chances of sticking to an arrangement long-term aren’t good. With my poor health, I could end up having to give up work in a few years, & I wouldn’t have cleared much off my debts in that time, so would have to face bankruptcy then anyway. I've had a lot of great advice from some internet forums over the last couple of weeks, & feel stronger than I did.

    15 March - the balance in favour of bankruptcy is now 80-20, but there’s still that last bit of doubt & fear to get over. I make myself sit down & work out my finances, & start opening the backlog of letters that have been sent to me over the last few months, starting with the most recent first. They don’t make pretty reading, but none of them are at bailiff stage, thank goodness. My debts total roughly £23,000. Was a bit concerned that my employer would find out if I went bankrupt, but also read on the forums that if I put in my petition before the end of the tax year, there won’t be time to change my tax code, so they need never know about it. Not even sure why that bothered me so much – there are over 5000 employees & I’ve never met anyone from payroll yet in several years of service, so the chances are I never will, plus I'm unlikely to be the only one in this position anyway. And bankruptcy isn't the only reason someone's given an NT code, so employers aren't going to automatically assume why someone's got one.

    Read that some people are having to wait several weeks for a court date, so in a panic I ring my court to book a date. I find out that I can just turn up on the day, which is great. Also find out that they have a volunteer service that will take you round to the different parts you need to go to & give you emotional support leading up to submitting your petition & on the day itself, provided you arrange it the day before you plan to attend! I’m shaking in my boots now, so I can see that I’ll probably need that. The woman was very nice though, so at least I don’t think the volunteers will judge me. It's the first time I've felt someone might be on my side for 18 months. :)
  • wherediditallgo
    16 March – I could scream. Get a letter from a debt collector on behalf of a creditor who, according to their letter, not only hasn’t taken the monthly payments despite having my debit card details, but also intends to charge me £25 for every missed payment. So what was a £750 loan is now just over £1200! The letter says "In order to deal with this matter quickly we will be applying for the outstanding amount via your debit card details as per the signed authority on your mandate". :eek: I tried to reason with them by ‘phone, but the woman told me they want £97.50pm & will charge the £25 every time I miss it or pay anything less than that! There was just no talking to her - I couldn't get her to see that I couldn't afford that, but was prepared to make a reduced payment if they would accept it & also stop adding the £25 per missed/reduced payment. At that point, I realised that if I don’t take firm action very soon, I will be living with the pressure of that kind of attitude & pressure for years to come, & will never get rid of the debt. :( Pinning my hopes on winning a large sum on the lottery wasn’t going to get me anywhere. :rolleyes:

    Mentally, I couldn’t even argue with the woman - I felt like I was talking to a robot, programmed only to hear the words "I'm begging your forgiveness - I'll pay in full now". :mad: The scales then almost tangibly tipped to 100% in favour of bankruptcy. It was the wierdest feeling - a strange sort of elation & peace wafting over me knowing the decision had finally been made. I treated myself to a Chinese take-away for dinner. I hadn’t had one since well before Christmas, & just this once I wasn’t prepared to deprive myself. It wasn’t a reward for my decision, it was acknowledgement of it, a sort of ‘last supper’.

    I worked out that even if I paid nothing else except my utilities & very basic roof-over-my-head expenses & only my major creditor, I’d be paying them & only them for 4 years. If I was to pay them £100pm & try to negotiate with the other creditors so that I could pay them at the same time, I’d be paying them for at least 13 years. :eek: I can't live like that. If I had to give up work because of ill-health, I’d have to go bankrupt at that stage because I’d still owe them a sizeable amount plus all the other creditors, so all I’d have done is prolong the affect on my credit record by not doing it now.

    Spent 10 minutes on the phone tonight with the bank going through all my direct debits & cancelling the lot. Typed up a list of them, so that I can contact my utility suppliers to let them know that I'm changing banks, so will pay the next payment direct to them if necessary.
  • wherediditallgo
    17 March, 2am - sent a fax to that woman's company forbidding them from taking money from my account. I don't expect them to pay a blind bit of attention, but at least I've sent it.

    Took out the remaining free cash in the account as soon as I could get to a cashpoint this morning, then rang the bank & reported the card lost - they'll put an immediate stop on the card & issue me with a new one. That company now won't be able to get a dime.

    Went to the building society & took out the money for the bankruptcy petition. Got a £1 postal order ready to send to the same debt collection people tomorrow (must remember to send it registered post) with a request for a copy of the credit agreement - I'll enclose a copy of the fax too. They've got 12 days from receiving the credit agreement request to respond. By then I should have been to court.

    Tonight - can't afford to go out, so spent the best part of 4 hours putting up a Venetian blind in my kitchen. Ladies, learn basic DIY skills while you can, instead of when you're forced to. I've never done one of these things before, & was ready to throw up after going up & down my dodgy ladder a million times measuring, marking where it needed to go, drilling etc & trying to balance over the sink at the same time. Doesn't help that the blind keeps trying to unravel while I'm trying to hold it in place. Finally got the thing up though, & it looks great. :)
  • gettingitsorted
    Well done for coming so far on your journey
    Official DFW NERD 189

    I may be a woman but dont hold it against me:D

    Officially declared Br 6/11/06

    Discharged Br 4/5/07 (6 months to the day)

  • wherediditallgo
    18 March - checked another bank account. A nice refund of £180 for the supply of faulty goods has come through. :)

    It seems I'm learning already. If I'd got that money a couple of months ago in my 'head is very comfy buried in the sand' days, it would have gone on something that I wanted but don't actually need. Having replaced that head Wurzel Gummidge style for my current 'bankruptcy's staring me in the face' head, I'm going to put that money aside for post-bankruptcy utility bill payments while the new bank account gets sorted out. Then I won't be starting off with a whole new set of arrears to deal with. :)
  • rosieben
    rosieben Posts: 5,010 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    You've done so well! Looking forward to hearing that you've been to court and starting out on your new life.
    ... don't throw the string away. You always need string! :D

    C.R.A.P.R.O.L.L.Z Head Sharpener
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