Frump to Fab 2018 - Fabulous Dahhhhlings



  • lessonlearned
    lessonlearned Posts: 13,337 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post I've been Money Tipped!
    edited 16 July 2018 at 1:33PM
    Sitting in the shade with a cuppa, doing my best to keep cool. It's very humid and oppressive here today but I have a little spot by the back door that is in the shade and which sometimes catches a little breeze. So here I'll stay for a while .....going to read for an hour or so.

    I really ought to be packing some boxes. maybe later. Tonight I'm off to see Oceans 8. Should be fun.

    SFT. Sorry to hear you are feeling in the doldrums. It's horrible when you don't enjoy your job, it impacts your whole life. If there's one thing my husband's early death taught me it's this......

    Life is short and precious. Ageing is a privilege which some are denied. Follow your heart. If you are miserable then do whatever you can to make yourself happy. Make whatever changes are required.

    Well it's been just over two months now since my Year to Change My Life challenge began in earnest. What have I achieved.

    Well the biggest change of all is that I am now a grandmother. Although of course I didn't actually do anything......:rotfl: but my grandsons arrival will have a significant impact on my life. It reinforces my decision to live near to my family so I can be a regular feature in their lives. If im honest I'm not one for tiny babies, but I am really looking forward to the toddler and young person stages. I even like teenagers......:rotfl: so am looking forward to years of fun and frolics.

    The second big change is that I decided to sell up and move. Obviously that hasn't come to fruition yet but it's in hand. Fingers crossed. That will be a nice interesting project to keep me amused for some time to come.

    The third step was I took a course in complimentary therapies. I really enjoyed it but have decided not to take it further. Level 3 just requires too much time and commitment. I have other plans.........cue evil cackle.

    The fourth step was to take myself in hand and try and sort out some of my health issues. Better self care, more rest and relaxation, and of course the acupuncture, which seems to be going well. I am eating simply, sensibly and healthily, concentrating on health and vitality. I'm not too concerned about my weight. Yes I could do with losing a couple of stones but I'm not going to fret over it. It will happen all in good time. I am down to a size 14/16 which for 5ft 7 isn't too bad. Exercise is still a bit sporadic. I need to work on that.

    The fifth thing I've done is to get out more. I have visited friends, met people for lunch and coffee mornings, been out and about more. I have been a lot more spontaneous and have learned to say "yes" to invitations. I've also been more proactive, inviting people into my life and getting in touch with old friends I have shamefully neglected. Im becoming quite the socialite. :rotfl:

    So all in all not a bad start. I am happy with progress so far, although as always, there's always room for improvement. ;)
  • chanie
    chanie Posts: 3,317 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post
    saving my view on work is that if its making you unhappy, you should leave. I have seen lots of mentally broken staff over the years and my observation is that people should leave before it makes them unwell. The key is to recognise this before its too late.

    Sugar Its funny you mention Jamaica as we are planning on going in 2020 ourselves. Even if you stay in an expensive hotel, Wayne probably had good connections which could save you money whilst you are there. My sister recently went and although she stayed in a hotel, she arranged for family members to show her around so it worked out cheaper.

    Lessons well done on your goals. You have come so far and we are only halfway through the year.

    Saved about £130 on some tshirts for OH in the sale this week. We used some of my redundancy money for some treats, so OH bought some new clothes. OH hates shopping, so i went online and filtered tahirts by brand and size and he chose what we wanted and he picked up the order today. Just in time for our holiday.
  • ScarlettMcCain
    Firstly congratulations to glamorous granny LL!! :beer: hope little Alex Robert is doing well, and congratulations to on your DS and DIL on the arrival of a beautiful baby boy :)

    Liked your summary of your 'Year to Change' too LL, very useful to reflect on how far you've come. I do think people can become 'set in their ways' and miss out on such a lot; I know sometimes I could do a lot more, particularly about my personal style, as I don't seem to have one at the moment! Have you thought of any nice names for your new 'Hobbit' home yet? We live close to a canal and I saw a boat called 'My Precious' the other day :D or others that I liked were Sanctuary, Serendipity and Tranquillity.

    I haven't been wearing much make up recently due to the heat - mixing my factor 30 facial sun cream with a bit of BB cream - although I've recently rediscovered the joys of Nip & Fab products, as they've been on special offer at B0ots! The dragons blood serum makes my skin feel much smoother. Currently searching for a nice non-greasy factor 50 facial sun cream, I'm using the Pr!mark one for now as it's nice (and cheap!), but a higher factor one would be better.

    Where are you off to on hols chanie? Glad to hear your new job is going well :) we're going to Poole for a week in August (not far from maman, I imagine?) so will be doing traditional seaside things, we have friends staying in Swanage at the same time.

    It's all been a bit fraught at home for us; DP had a massive row with his DM and DF over his DB, it wasn't over a big issue in itself, but more of a 'straw that broke the camel's back' situation for him. He's blocked them from calling him and says he doesn't want to speak to them again until they recognise that they treat his DB much better than him :( I do think they favour his DB sometimes but am trying to stay out of it all! Unfortunately MIL has to go into hospital next week for a hysterectomy and I've been told confidentially by FIL that she has cancer :( however she definitely doesn't want DP to know as she wants to tell people in her own time. I don't think she even knows that I know, FIL was just making me aware as she does love looking after her DGC, but obviously won't be able to for a good long time after next week.

    DP is annoying me himself as he's become so flipping lazy!! Every opportunity he gets he glues himself to the sofa to watch TV or goes to bed and snores for a while. He doesn't lift a finger to help round the house and would be happy for me to do 95% of the childcare even at evenings and weekends. We took the boys out for a walk on Sunday - only for an hour and a bit, gentle walk followed by them playing in the park for a while - he had to go to bed when we got back as he said he was shattered :mad: we'd talked about going swimming later in the afternoon but I don't dare wake him up as he just gets so bad tempered and ratty. (Then he moaned that we didn't go!). He's back at the diabetes clinic in six weeks or so, first time since April, he was hoping to have lost a couple of stone but I reckon will be lucky to have lost one. He did very well for a while when he was just eating the healthy lunches and dinners I made him but has been drinking far, far too much recently and snacking a lot too :eek:

    I have better things to worry about really, what with MIL ill and DTS1 having his hearing test next week - I hope we get some answers as his speech is so poor and it's affecting his behaviour, he scratches and pulls at other children as it's his way of getting attention, but of course no-one likes it :(

    I would love a holiday to Jamaica sugarbaby, what a fab aim!! Hope things continue to go well with Wayne!
    Finally debt free!! March 2018 :j
  • sugarbaby125
    sugarbaby125 Posts: 3,335 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post
    Hello Ladies,

    Chanie, I have never been on holiday before to any Caribbean Island so I am really looking forward to going to Jamaica next year. Wayne has a house in Jamaica, and he has lots of family that still live there,, including his Father. Wayne really knows his way around Jamaica and he will hire a car to take us around and explore Jamaica. :D If I go with my sisters, it will also end up being a really good holiday for me. :D

    Chanie when are you and your family going on holiday?

    Ruby it is good to hear from you. How you are so patient with your husband when he is so idle and will not take responsibility for his health, I do not know? :( He exasperates me! He should want to be supportive to you, especially with your sons. I hope that you will have an answer to your son's speech delay soon. Enjoy your holiday to Poole.

    What does your husband expect to achieve by blocking his parents from speaking to him? He is a mature man, but he is behaving like a child. If he wants to resolve the perceived favouritism shown to his brother, then he needs to sit down with his parents and talk it all over. He also has to be prepared to listen to how they feel about the whole situation.

    You are in am impossible position with regards to your MIL's cancer diagnosis. Your FIL should not have told you without his wife agreeing for you to be told and your husband needs to know as soon as possible. He will rightfully feel excluded if he is not told and he will also no doubt feel that his parents and you were being disloyal to him. :eek: (I am presuming only on the knowledge of your husband you have shared in previous posts.)

    I too hope my relationship with Wayne will continue to be more positive than negative. :) It is certainly a much stronger one. We are finally taking the time to get to know each other a lot better. :) Sometimes he forgets to put my needs first before doing a friend a favour like on Friday evening. I was so annoyed with him, that I told him to just forget it rather than having to wait for him to pick me up about midnight. Wayne is a really generous person and he does allow his friends to take advantage of his generous nature at times.

    I was able to add another £10 to my holiday savings as I had a bag of 20p pieces to bank.
  • chanie
    chanie Posts: 3,317 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post
    ruby sorry about your MILs diagnosis. Its awful that your FIL has put you in a difficult position.
    Good luck with your sons appointment next week.

    Sugar your plans for Jamaica sound amazing.

    We are off to the Canary Islands. Me and OH pack lightly when we go away, as we hate coming back to a pile of washing. I have a stash of holiday dresses, which I keep in my suitcase, so half my packing is always done.
  • lessonlearned
    lessonlearned Posts: 13,337 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post I've been Money Tipped!
    edited 18 July 2018 at 2:37PM
    Hello,lovely ladies....

    Just having a little break over lunch. This morning I loaded up the car, dropped some stuff at the tip and then took the rest to a charity shop. Still lots more to do get rid of. I try not to wince at how much money I invested in some of this stuff but in true Kondo fashion I have thanked it all and set it free for others to love and enjoy.

    hi Ruby...always good to hear from you. I agree with Sugarbaby - keep pushing for speech therapy for your little one. As for his behaviour well it is likely because he is so frustrated. We had the same issues with DS2, his behaviour really deteriorated and he started to have the most ferocious temper tantrums. But, as soon as we got his speech therapy under way and he could communicate more easily he became a different child, sweet, loving and gentle......a real softy. He still is bless him.

    As to your husband I dont know what to say.......but could he too be might not just be a case of him being "childish". Cutting his parents off for a while might be the only way he can deal with things.

    I used to have to do this with my father after his "episodes". My father was a narcissist, my sister was the Golden Child and I was the Scapegoat. Having a sibling who is favoured over you is not nice. Always being made to feel that you are unloved, unwanted and somehow "lacking" is very unpleasant. It takes a strong character and a lot of willpower to deal with that and not let it destroy you.

    I had to learn to harden my heart and let it wash over me but it wasn't easy and there were times when I had to take a step back and deliberately hold my dad at arms length. Perhaps this is what your husband is trying to do.

    To be absolutely truthful, I only remained in touch with my father because of my feelings for my mother so tbh I can see why your husband may have had to cut off contact for a while if both of his parents favour his sibling.

    I used to have to do that my dad, which meant of course that i also cut myself from my mum at the same time, but, it was the only way to stop him hurting me ......sometimes I had to put some distance between us so that I could "bring him to heel" and get him to modify his behaviour towards me. And sometimes, I simply had to retreat into my shell and lick my wounds.

    Your husband does sound very unhappy with his lot, you, the children, his family etc. Maybe he feels like he has made some bad life choices and doesn't know how to "fix" it, so he retreats, sulks, sleeps a lot .....anything rather than face up to his reality.

    It sounds like typical passive/aggressive behaviour where the perpetrator plays the victim and can't or won't take any by being passive, non cooperative and non communicative they force others to take action. They can't or won't make decisions and they make no attempt to improve their situation. They would rather make someone else assume that responsibility......that way they can assume the moral high ground and play the blame game. The decisions and responsibilities are taken from their hands, so then they are innocent and blameless.

    I think both you and he could do with some relationship counselling. You, because dare I say need to be a bit more assertive......sorry :o. But also he really does need to sort himself out.

    For both of you, the clock is ticking, the years are slipping by and you seem to be both locked in misery. Your children are still young and fairly oblivious but they are growing fast now. Soon they will start to notice.

    Whilst your FIL obviously needed someone to confide in, he has put you in an impossible situation. You husband should be told ASAP. If you don't tell him and he finds out you knew he will be both hurt and furious.

    Chanie.....have a fab holiday.
  • sugarbaby125
    sugarbaby125 Posts: 3,335 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post
    Hello Ladies,

    I went to see the film The Mercy yesterday at my local Odeon cinema. It was a Silver Screen showing so only cost me £3. I got my free cup of teas as well. I found the film quite upsetting even though I had not expected to find the subject matter affecting me in that particular way. It is based on the true story of Donald Crowhurst and his attempt to single handed circumnavigate the world in a sailing boat without stopping and how badly wrong it goes. I would give this film 8.5/10 :D

    Wayne and I have not spent any time together since Sunday as he has been so busy this week. The rest of this week looks unlikely as well, as he has a 'side job' that he wants to do from Friday evening to Sunday. This will mean cash in hand at the end of the job on Sunday for Wayne. :D He has to do his normal job on Saturday until 1pm. We have talked to each other every day and exchanged texts as well. :D
  • moneyistooshorttomention
    moneyistooshorttomention Posts: 17,940 Forumite
    edited 19 July 2018 at 8:58AM
    Keeping at it - in my case sorting various bits out and trying to "get them back to normal".

    So - recently visited a chiropodist and have checked out that my big toenails are healthy (despite not feeling/looking quite right to me) and he's filed the surface of them down a lot and I've found a method someone said about on Pinterest to get them back to normal thickness permanently that I shall have to try. Painting them again - so slight colour difference to what there should be doesnt show. The chiropodist said I had nice-looking feet. Correction - I've got ordinary-looking feet - but I gather a lot of peoples feet look far from ordinary by my age. So - yep...I can still wear flip-flops and not think "Oh dear":D

    Had a tooth filling fall out darn it - one expensive visit to a new dentist later. At least I've finally found my dentist here now (3rd time lucky) and got rid of going to the "butcher hygienist" there was at the 2nd dentist I tried here. So mouth sorted.

    I'd strained one of my arms and decided not to "wait it out" until it got back to normal of itself. So (prompted by the thought of LL having seen an acupuncturist) I looked up the available choice of them here and took myself off to one. He informed me that it was what I thought (ie strained muscle/inflammation) and duly gave me a treatment session and said I'd "caught it in time" that hopefully I won't need any further sessions #fingers crossed. Am waiting for that arm to settle down now - and then I can try and incorporate some arm exercises into daily routine. I need to get my arms back to normal strength (which they havent been for a while) and I've been horrified to discover they are a bit "bingo wings". I wondered why sleeves on a couple of older jackets I had feel tight and hadnt been aware of that happening - as I've not slimmed back down yet to the size those jackets are.

    Next week sees me paying a trip for electrolysis to get rid of a couple of warts I've had for a few months. On my legs - so I'm basically the only one likely to notice them - but I still want rid of them.

    Distinct lesson there - to keep on top of body upkeep and not take eye off the ball - or there's a fair bit of "catching up" to do to get back to normal.

    EDIT; Tossing up whether I can wear perfume or no. I used to way back when and confess to liking Channel no. 5. I know I can't wear some perfume (as I recall some at least is "cruel") - but is Channel no. 5 okay? Meaning - has it got anything in I wouldnt like (eg anything from animals)?
  • seven-day-weekend
    seven-day-weekend Posts: 36,755 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Anniversary Photogenic First Post
    edited 19 July 2018 at 10:05AM
    Hi all:

    MY main achievements to 'fabbing' this year have been:

    1. I have lost 2 stone 9 lbs. Got about the same again to lose, but I look and feel so much better. I saw some pictures of me at Christmas when I was at my heaviest/fattest and they upset me, but then I thought, 'look at them as a motivator to carry on, rather than in a negative way' , and that has really helped.

    2. I have been going to the gym relatively regularly and am now a lot fitter than I was at the beginning of the year. Some of this, of course, is due to losing weight.

    3. My hair is much longer than it was due to changing my hairdresser. This has cheered me up greatly. It is now halfway down my back :) Don't care that I am nearly 69 - I am having my long hair. I love it and so does my husband :)

    My goals:

    1. To lose another two stone by Christmas. I still have a very saggy tummy. I'm hoping it will go when I have lost the rest of the weight. If it doesn't I will pay to have the loose skin removed.

    2. To continue to eat healthily and go to the gym. I am going to book a session with a personal trainer .

    3. To continue to grow my hair until my hairdresser says stop :)
    (AKA HRH_MUngo)
    Member #10 of £2 savers club
    Imagine someone holding forth on biology whose only knowledge of the subject is the Book of British Birds, and you have a rough idea of what it feels like to read Richard Dawkins on theology: Terry Eagleton
  • moneyistooshorttomention
    Been googling a bit re perfumes and turns out I can't have many perfumes still and that includes Chanel No. 5 - darn.

    There is a vegan smell-alike though - ie a firm called Eden Perfumes makes vegan perfumes and their Eden Number Five is apparently indistinguishable.

    The next thing is to be able to find it:cool:. I've looked on their website - and threw my hands up at how disorganised/in need of revamp it is. So awaiting a response from them to see if they even make it anymore/where it's stocked/etc.
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