Dancing in the Rain



  • Tinkerbelle2000
    DIA - I totally agree with you about having your days off pottering around at home. Although I love meeting my friend (mostly on a Friday), I do like to have the weekend with no plans so I can do things at home in my own time instead of rushing.

    Well done on the decluttering, it's a step in the right direction.

    Tink xx
    As of 31st December 2018 Total Debt = £15837.59
    DEBT 1 - £41.10 DEBT 2 - £257.41 DEBT 3 - £584.12 DEBT 4 - £700.00
    DEBT 5 - £655.02 DEBT 6 - £669.18 DEBT 7 - £3448.00 DEBT 8 - £2169.12
    DEBT 9 - £2964.25 DEBT 10 - £4349.39
  • doingitanyway
    Thanks Tink and Rosa. Good to know you get it :)

    My eating was better today, but I still went from 10.00 to 4.30 fuelled on fruit and some walnuts. Not good. I came in starving and ate crisps (AGAIN) but other than that I’ve been relatively OK.

    Tomorrow will be a NSD

    At last I have slipper socks. I wanted washable slippers and these were TKM reduced from £25 to £12. They are mens so I can wear my bed socks inside the slipper socks :T

    I still need my hot water bottle. I saw them in Boot$ for £8.99 and left them there. Too expensive. I already have beautiful covers. I need a plain hot water bottle so I will wait…

    I still need a set of warm PJs. Pay day in 2 weeks will get some then.

    In TKM there were epsom salts with essential oils for £6.99 reduced from £9.99. Then I thought I have my own essential oils I can add to the bath so I got plain epsom salts, same quantity for £3.49. Put salts in an old pickle jar with a gold lid and one of those old style brown post office labels tied with string and IMHO they look fab in the bathroom now :)

    MnS have a sale. Good prices on bras but I couldn’t afford to stray from my list so I got knickers. Very pretty reduced from £8 to £3.:)

    Some nice Yogi tea, some leather cleaner and an ostrich feather duster were also purchased.

    An expensive day, but all the spending was planned so I am OK with that. less pleased with the crisps :o

    I had a coffee today and wiped the table as the counter girl was on her own. She gave me a free 9 stamps to thank me! :T

    A good, relaxing day. Yay :)

    Work tomorrow but this time I’m ready

    Happy Monday :)

    DIA x
    If you have built castles in the air, your work should not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them.

    Solicitor/survey savings 300/1700
    Emergency fund 0/1000
    Buffer fund 0/200
  • in_need_of_direction
    I've previously bought reasonably priced hot water bottles from a local pharmacy. Maybe worth a try.
    Mortgage at 01.01.14 £119,481.83:eek: today £0 Emergency fund £5.5/5.5k & £200/200 cash.:jWeight 24/02/19 14st 7lb now 11st 8lb determined to stop defining myself by my mistakes. Progress not perfection.:T100%through my 1% mortgage challenge. 50% through my pb challenge.
  • Tinkerbelle2000
    Wilkos do cheap water bottles too. Your epsom salts container sounds lovely and home made is always better.

    Well done on keeping to your budget.

    Tink xx
    As of 31st December 2018 Total Debt = £15837.59
    DEBT 1 - £41.10 DEBT 2 - £257.41 DEBT 3 - £584.12 DEBT 4 - £700.00
    DEBT 5 - £655.02 DEBT 6 - £669.18 DEBT 7 - £3448.00 DEBT 8 - £2169.12
    DEBT 9 - £2964.25 DEBT 10 - £4349.39
  • doingitanyway
    Thinking ahead
    Looking at colour charts. Decided to paint one feature wall with lovely non acrylic paint in a beautiful colour even if the paint is a very expensive. If the colour makes my heart lift and it’s in a small quantity it is worth it. I’ll do the remaining walls in white to bring the cost down. Also this way once it’s done I can do the upkeep easily myself. Loving a colour called Damson Mousse by earthborn :)

    Cleaned shoes
    A little dusting. I’ve never been a duster, but I like the way this duster flips between things and you don’t have to move the object. Who knew?
    Cleaned bath

    Found a steak at the bottom of my freezer. I have frozen mediterranean veggies so adding fresh broccoli and tahini sauce. I’m low in iron so it should do me some good

    Craving sugar, but less so than the past few days…Drinking cinnamon and cardamon tea instead. No chocolate or crisps today for the first time in AGES

    Undies/T-Shirt/A rug /T-light holder/tupperware/2 pencils

    Where I’m at today (sorry, I’ve been listening to American podcasts and their ‘English’ rubs off)
    Feeling edgy (too much coffee??)
    It’s cold. I put the central heating on yesterday to test it for 30 mins. Not using it again until November 1st if I can help it. The slipper socks help (feet so cosy now). I need to buy some thermals too as putting on the heating all day when WFH is not something I fancy doing. I’ll get a hot water bottle tomorrow. Thanks Tink and INOD for the suggestions. :)

    A NSD (3/31)

    I hope your day went well
    DIA x
    If you have built castles in the air, your work should not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them.

    Solicitor/survey savings 300/1700
    Emergency fund 0/1000
    Buffer fund 0/200
  • Jumblerina
    Well done on getting back on track DIA, I'm inspired by your ability to self-reflect so honestly and change what you do :) I'm loving the sound of those teas and your de-cluttering efforts sound great too :D I always find a little tidy/de-clutter helps me get back on track. Sounds like you're getting ready for winter, I must admit I've been thinking about all the lovely warm jumpers and socks I've got - so I'll be following in your tracks with winter prep!

    Jumblerina xxx
  • milasavesmoney
    How do you guys use the hot water bottles? I'm assuming they are for warmth but can't quite picture how you use them.
    Overprepare, then go with the flow.
    [Regina Brett]
  • doingitanyway
    doingitanyway Posts: 8,900 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post Mortgage-free Glee!
    edited 12 October 2016 at 10:18PM
    How do you guys use the hot water bottles? I'm assuming they are for warmth but can't quite picture how you use them.
    Hot water inside a rubber bottle. Simple really :)
    If you have built castles in the air, your work should not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them.

    Solicitor/survey savings 300/1700
    Emergency fund 0/1000
    Buffer fund 0/200
  • doingitanyway
    doingitanyway Posts: 8,900 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post Mortgage-free Glee!
    edited 12 October 2016 at 7:25PM
    A little decluttering, WFH this morning, a little drudgery.

    Then I saw the hygienist this afternoon. I used to the hate going, but now I’m just grateful I have teeth of my own and the resources to see a hygienist to help me keep them longer. :)

    I went to the Waitr0se nearest the dentist. I wish I liked this supermarket less. I do like Ald1 and L1dl but I LOVE Waitr0se. I found my favourite Padron peppers they were £1.89 a bag but they were reduced to 39p a bag. Halloumi was reduced by 25%. Stuffing the peppers with the cheese is so yum and they are yum hot or cold. In total I spent £20 but I have eggs, salad, and turnips as well as canned wild salmon and other stuff, so I am okay with that spend.

    I’ve been thinking about winter, as Jumblerina pointed out. I don’t get colds often but I’ve been known to have bad chest infections some winters. If I couldn’t get out to the shops I’d probably order an online shop but there are things I should have in just case.

    Anyway, I went into full prepping mode. All of the scenarios presented have happened to me in the last 3 years. It would be nice to be prepared next time…

    Water supply not safe —ordered water for next online shop/emergency number
    Can’t get out to shop—create an online shopping list
    Too unwell to cook —canned tuna, canned beans, canned fish, soup
    Too unwell to get out to the pharmacy—arnica, tea tree, vicks, olbas oil, paracetamol, cough syrup, antiseptic, vit C
    Power down —a torch with batteries, battery powered solar lights
    Boiler & home emergencies —a contract and number to hand
    Cold weather —thermals, hot water bottles, blankets on the back of all chairs, sofas, wraps, slippers, socks, fingerless gloves
    Not being able to dry clothes outside—order the dehumidifier
    Dark —get outside lights sorted, winter blues? keep treats/£2 jar topped up
    Snow—keep an eye out for snow boots, order a large bag of salt for next online order

    I’ll let you know how I get on. I hope to have checked everything off before Spring

    I hope your day went according to plan!
    DIA x
    If you have built castles in the air, your work should not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them.

    Solicitor/survey savings 300/1700
    Emergency fund 0/1000
    Buffer fund 0/200
  • Tinkerbelle2000
    That's some list DIA, but so organised. I think I might be pinching a few of those ideas.

    All sounding very positive.

    Tink xx
    As of 31st December 2018 Total Debt = £15837.59
    DEBT 1 - £41.10 DEBT 2 - £257.41 DEBT 3 - £584.12 DEBT 4 - £700.00
    DEBT 5 - £655.02 DEBT 6 - £669.18 DEBT 7 - £3448.00 DEBT 8 - £2169.12
    DEBT 9 - £2964.25 DEBT 10 - £4349.39
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