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Civil Enforcement LTD

Good Morning,

apologies i am a little lost. i received a letter yesterday from CEL advising i owe them £140, also including was a draft of their case against me, advising me this was my final chance, if i didn't pay within 14 days they would be taking me to court?

This is the first i have heard of this charge (dated 25th July 2017). The car is in My name however i was not driving at the time. And the person who was said they do believe they parked in the supermarket carpark that day, however not at the times that CEL informed us, as they were at work at 9am, and the time was 10 something.

I found the letter below when i was snooping around on this thread, however i wondered if somebody with a bit more know how that me could help me edit it to reflect that this is the first i have heard of this, so how can i receive a final warning? and also that there times were incorrect and it cannot be possibly be the times they suggest? thanks in advance

"Dear Civil Enforcement,

Re - your Letter before Claim re PCN xxxxxxxx

This is a formal response to your 'Letter before Court Action'. I remind you of the overriding objective and - if your company really has a 'Legal Department' - then the qualified staff member will recognise that Civil Enforcement Ltd has no cause of action in law, but that I do.

When your company issues a 'parking charge' you do not use Schedule 4 of the POFA 2012, therefore you have no basis whatsoever to write to a registered keeper, except for the single purpose allowed under the DVLA KADOE rules, namely to 'enquire who was driving'. You must not use the data for any other purpose whatsoever, and certainly not to pursue a registered keeper as if the alleged 'debt' was their liability in law.

You have failed to supply any photographs or evidence of the driver, nor even the 'contract' (in this case presumably a sign), nor have you set out clearly, the basis upon which you are attempting to hold me liable. The charge is disingenuously described in your letter as 'your debt' and you have drawn up a draft claim form in my name, whilst failing to point out that this is/was a matter for a driver alone.

The driver's identity will not be supplied to a company like yours. There is no dispute that the driver was entitled to drive the car and I can confirm that they were. As the keeper of the vehicle, it is my right to choose not to name the driver, yet still not be lawfully held liable if an operator is not using or complying with Schedule 4.

Should you seek to proceed with a claim I will apply for it to be struck out, due to CPR Part 3.4:

(a) that Civil Enforcement's statement of case will disclose no reasonable grounds for bringing the claim;
(b) that the statement of case will be an abuse of the court’s process or is otherwise likely to obstruct the just disposal of the proceedings; and
(c) that there has been a failure to comply with a rule, practice direction or court order.

Breaches of the Pre-action Practice Direction (“the PD”):

Paras 3, 8 and 12 of the PD set out its purpose, which is to primarily to avoid litigation (para 8) by laying down a procedure which allows the parties to:
- understand each other’s positions (para 3)
- make decisions about how to proceed (para 3)
- explore settlement/consider ADR (para 3)
- support the “efficient management” of any proceedings and reduce costs (para 3)
- “stocktake” and review their respective positions after following the PD by exchanging information, to see if proceedings can be avoided and to “at least” narrow the issues (para 12).

Paras 6(a) & (c) oblige a Claimant to enter into a meaningful dialogue with a Defendant at an early stage by imposing specific obligations to:
- explain the claim in a Letter before Claim, and
- provide relevant core documents.

The only 'core document' you have enclosed is a mock-up of a claim form in the name of myself, the registered keeper. This will be drawn to the attention of the presiding Judge at the County Court Business Centre and then at my local Court, should a spurious claim of yours manage to get that far.

Since you have no cause of action against me as registered keeper, should you proceed with a claim I will file a counter-claim for not less than £500 in compensation for distress caused by your unwarranted demands arising from misuse of the data you obtained from the DVLA for one purpose, yet are now processing it for another purpose not covered by the KADOE regulations.

I am aware that when a counter-claim was heard in D6GM2199 Civil Enforcement Ltd v Mr B, at Bury County Court in May 2017, DJ Osborne found that the £500 sum claimed by the data subject defendant was not unreasonable. He accepted the argument regarding data misuse under the Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA); he accepted the tort of damages and stated that he was disappointed in the claimant bringing an unfounded case. Punitive costs of £405 were granted for unreasonable behaviour, and were paid by your company in addition to the £500 claim.

Further, I would like to draw your Legal Department's attention to a landmark 2017 judgment at the Leeds County Court, 3SP00071 - Blamires v LGO. This was a claim for damages including a matter of a breach of the DPA, for which an award of £2,500 was granted as compensation for distress. As is now relatively well known, the DPA’s original drafting appeared to preclude compensation for distress alone, but the Court of Appeal, in Vidal Hall & ors v Google [2015] EWCA Civ 311, it was held that this was contrary to the provisions of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and that, accordingly, there was a right under the DPA to claim compensation for “pure” distress.

The award in Blamires was of “Vidal Hall” compensation, with the judge saying there was ''no doubt in my mind that the data breaches have caused distress to the claimant in their own rights as well as as a result of the consequences that flowed.'' The judge awarded a further £2,500 aggravated damages because of the manner in which the Defendant conducted its case, including the fact that, notwithstanding being told by the Claimant that its conduct/data was wrong, it took nearly two years for the Defendant to admit the mistake.

I expect Civil Enforcement to now cancel this 'parking charge' and admit its mistake in attempting to misuse my data, and in trying to mislead me by suggesting that a registered keeper is liable for a non-POFA parking charge 'debt', and that I could be liable for escalated costs/legal fees. As you will be aware (or Wright Hassall can explain to you), the general costs rule in Small Claims is that there is no costs order.

However, in support of my own counter-claim, I must remind you that under CPR Rule 27.14(2)(g):

''costs can be awarded where a party behaves unreasonably''.

I refer Civil Enforcement to paragraph 16 of the Practice Direction – Pre-Action Conduct:
''a party who has not complied with its pre-action obligations can be ordered to pay costs (even if the party has succeeded in its claim/defence) and there is also a power to remit/increase interest.''

I expect to hear from you within 14 days to confirm that the charge is cancelled. Should you fail to cancel this PCN and/or pursue a baseless claim without supplying any evidence of any breach of a relevant contract or relevant obligation, or photographs, or the contract, or your basis for pursuing a registered keeper outwith the POFA 2012, you may consider this adequate notice of my intention to sue Civil Enforcement Ltd, for the significant distress your actions have caused to a vulnerable family.

All letters exchanged will be used in evidence in court.

Finally, I will also submit that you have hereby been informed by this letter, that a passenger in the vehicle that day has a heart condition, and was taken ill by a prolonged bout of sickness.

I need not explain further, other than to point out the fact that a person with a heart condition meets the definition of disability under the Equality Act 2010 (EA) and any delay in leaving was as a direct result of a medical emergency. Should you fail to cancel the charge, Civil Enforcement Ltd - and the person making the decision to proceed with a claim, whose name must appear on your letter of reply, along with their reasons for disregarding the EA - will be held corporately and personally liable for a failure to make a reasonable adjustment for a disabled person. This will of course add further costs, echoing Blamires - which also included a four figure claim for discrimination - in terms of the sum sought in compensation for distress and harassment under the EA.

I reserve the right to include your client (landowner/agent) in any claim made, since that party remains jointly and severally liable for the conduct of its agents on their land.

yours faithfully,

your name (same person as the letter is addressed to)

your address

Take that to your local Post Office in an envelope with a first class stamp and ask the counter Clerk for a free 'certificate of posting' and KEEP IT SAFE with a copy of the letter."


  • Coupon-mad
    Coupon-mad Posts: 133,925 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Post Photogenic First Anniversary
    There are newer versions now, and a general advice thread about CEL.
    PRIVATE 'PCN'? DON'T PAY BUT DON'T IGNORE IT (except N.Ireland).
    CLICK at the top of this/any page where it says:
    Forum Home»Motoring»Parking Tickets Fines & Parking - read the NEWBIES THREAD
  • Granty022
    Oh excellent, sorry but are you able to help me out with where that is?
  • Loadsofchildren123
    I started the general advice thread. Look for my other posts/threads. However it’s geared towards people who already have proceedings issued against them. Worth reading to educate yourself though.

    I will have a proper look at your letter tomorrow because CEL are giving me the rage right now with their bulk claims that they can’t keep up with.

    The good thing I can tell you straight away is you can’t be liable as driver (provided the court believes you), nor as registered keeper because you didn’t get a Notice to Keeper which was compliant with POFA 2012 (you didn’t get one at all).

    I wonder why you haven’t heard anything before now. Have you moved since the date of the parking “event”? Normally people get chased by dodgy debt collectors for months/years before they get to this stage.

    Could you scan and host what you’ve received to a site like tinypic or Dropbox and post the link here? You can’t post live links as a newbie so copy the link but then change http to hxxp and one of the regulars will convert and post it.

    I want to see this before helping you with your response.
    Although a practising Solicitor, my posts here are NOT legal advice, but are personal opinion based on limited facts provided anonymously by forum users. I accept no liability for the accuracy of any such posts and users are advised that, if they wish to obtain formal legal advice specific to their case, they must seek instruct and pay a solicitor.
  • Granty022

    Thank you so much for your help. I have don’t this on the link above, thanks
  • Lamilad
    Lamilad Posts: 1,412 Forumite
    First Anniversary Photogenic Name Dropper First Post
    Granty022 wrote: »

    Thank you so much for your help. I have don’t this on the link above, thanks
    Post the full link with http changed to hxxp
  • Granty022
    Sorry I did try but it wouldn’t work before hxxp://
  • Granty022
    It won’t let me do it with www. Included
  • KeithP
    KeithP Posts: 38,173 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Post First Anniversary
    edited 31 October 2017 at 8:44PM

    A letter before action dated 23 October 2017 must conform to the new protocols effective from 01 October 2017.

    This LBA fails to do that.
    Just one example: it offers just 14 days before court action whereas the latest protocols insist on 30 days.

    There is a robust LBA rebuttal in post #2 of the NEWBIES thread which addresses the failings of a non-conforming LBA.
    Here's the link:
  • nicks_mate
    I have received an identical letter on the 26th from them (apart from where the car was allegedly parked on the 2/6/17).

    The main difference though is mine is a leased company car and the letter was sent to my head office that have forwarded it to me.

    This is the first communication that head office have received from them.

    I realise that I need to start my own thread but I'm watching this with interest.
  • Loadsofchildren123
    I've taken the precedent KeithP linked to and amended it because you are not dealing with solicitors but with a PPC direct. And also because this is the first you've heard of this (you didn't answer my earlier question - why is that? is it because you've moved, or you've literally just heard nothing?).

    Although the original emanated from a draft I had done, I've also played around with it a bit. perhaps C-M might link it to the Newbies thread as an example of what to send CEL/PPCs direct, where there are no solicitors.

    Dear Sirs,

    I am in receipt of your Letter Before Claim of 23 October 2017.

    First of all, I wish to formally record that this is the first I have heard from you about this alleged debt and it is therefore incorrect for you to say that your letter presents me with a "final opportunity" to pay it.

    Secondly, whilst your letter purports to be a "Letter Before Action", it contains woefully insufficient detail of the alleged debt, and certainly nothing which allows me to make a sensible response, or for us to engage in any sort of dialogue about it.

    You must know that on 1 October 2017 a new pre-action Protocol applies to debt claims, which sets out clearly and unambiguously the steps that each party must take prior to proceedings being issued. Prior to 1 October 2017, the Practice Direction – Pre-Action Conduct applied to such claims. Pursuant to paragraph 7.2 of the Protocol, the sanctions contained in paragraphs 13-16 of the Practice Direction continue to apply.

    The Practice Direction and the Protocol are both part of the CPR and the obligations contained therein are binding – they are not merely a “guide” or “best practice”. As serial litigants of these types of claims, you must be familiar with the requirements of both the Practice Direction and the Protocol. The Practice Direction and Protocol bind all potential litigants, whoever they are and whatever the size or type of the claim. Their express purpose is to assist parties in understanding a claim and each other’s position, so that they may each take stock and negotiate a settlement, or at least narrow the issues, without incurring the costs of court proceedings or using up valuable court time.

    Nobody, including you, is immune from the requirements and obligations of the Practice Direction and Protocol. The obligation for you to give certain information about the claim is contained in paragraphs 3, 6(a) and 6(c) of the Practice Direction and paragraphs 3.1(a)-(d), 5.1 and 5.2 of the Protocol; the obligation on me to respond is contained in paragraphs 3 and 6(b) of the Practice Direction and paragraphs 4 and 5.1 of the Protocol. Paragraphs 7 and 8 of the Protocol and paragraphs 8-12 of the Practice Direction then provide for us to engage in meaningful dialogue.

    Your “Letter Before Claim” flies in the face of these obligations. It does not draw my attention to the Protocol/Practice Direction, and it lacks any specificity or detail at all. It is astounding that a commercial entity in the business of pursuing small claims has sent such a letter in complete ignorance of its obligations.

    Your letter purports to provide me with the “key terms” of the signage displayed on the land in question, which it is asserted form the basis of a contract between you and the driver of the vehicle. It also states that an additional £40 has been added to the original alleged debt “in accordance with the terms”. Furthermore, the amount claimed is said to be £140, which it is stated “includes legal fees and interest to date”.

    However, the only terms set out in the letter you have sent me is this wording:

    “Summary of Terms: Maximum 2 hours free parking”.

    There is therefore nothing which shows me that a contract was entered into, what the terms of the alleged contract are, what the original alleged debt was, how the additional £40 has arisen, and what “legal fees and interest to date” have been added, in order to reach the final total of £140.

    Your letter also fails to enclose the documents set out in paragraphs 3.1(b), (c) and (d) of the Protocol, which you are obliged to send to me, nor does it include any detail about the debt, how any alleged contract was entered into, or what its terms were, as required by paragraphs 3.1 (i) to (viii).

    Further, your letter demands a reply from me within 14 days, contrary to the 30 days which should be allowed according to the Protocol (paragraph 4.2).

    In short, there appears to be nothing at all in the letter which is compliant with the Protocol. This is a serious matter.

    I put you on notice that I require you to comply with the Protocol before you take any steps to issue proceedings, otherwise I will ask the court to stay the claim and order you to comply with your pre-action obligations pursuant to paragraph 15(b) of the Practice Direction, and when costs come to be considered (paragraphs 15(c) and 16 of the Practice Direction).

    In particular, I require you to send me the following information/documents:

    1. An explanation of the cause of action;
    2. Whether you are pursuing me as driver or keeper of the vehicle;

    3. If as driver, what evidence you have that I was driving the vehicle on the day in question and on what basis you assert that I was driving;
    4. If as keeper, how you claim that I can be liable as such and evidence of a Notice to Keeper being delivered to me and on what date, and a copy of that document;
    5. Any photographic or other evidence you have of the vehicle being parked on the land between 9.57 and 17.29, and of the vehicle entering the land at 9.57 and leaving at 17.29;
    6. Whether you are relying on the provisions of Schedule 4 of POFA 2012;
    7. How the debt claimed arose and how it has been calculated, including details of the original charge, and any interest and administrative or other charges added;
    8. A full copy of the terms of the contract it is alleged was entered into (not just the wording “Maximum 2 hours free parking” which you have disclosed on the Schedule of Information), including in relation to the additional charge of £40 and the other charges referred to in the Schedule of Information;

    9. A copy of the contract between you and the landowner under which you claim authority to bring the claim and authority to issue parking charges on the date in question (25.7.17);
    10. A plan of the land in question showing where any signs were displayed;
    11. Details of the signs displayed (size of sign, size of font, height at which displayed)
    12. A copy of any previous correspondence you claim was sent to me since 25 July 2017 by your or your debt collecting agents or solicitors, including any Notice to Keeper;

    13. A copy of the Information Sheet and the Reply Form required by the Protocol.

    If you do not provide me with this information within the 30 days required by paragraph 5.2 of the Protocol, and/or if you issue a Claim before doing so, then I put you on notice that I will apply for an immediate stay and order under paragraph 15(b) of the Practice Direction, and for sanctions to be applied against you (paragraphs 13 ,15(b) and (c) and 16 of the Practice Direction, as referred to in paragraph 7.2 of the Protocol). I will rely on the cases of Webb Resolutions Ltd v Waller Needham & Green [2012] EWHC 3529 (Ch), Daejan Investments Limited v The Park West Club Limited (Part 20) – Buxton Associates [2003] EWHC 2872, Charles Church Developments Ltd v Stent Foundations Limited & Peter Dann Limited [2007] EWHC 855.

    Until you comply with your obligations and provided this information, I am unable to respond properly to the alleged claim and to consider my position in relation to it, and it is entirely premature (and a waste of costs and court time) for you client to issue proceedings.

    As I am sure you know, the court has the power in a small claim to award costs if a party behaves unreasonably: I also put you on notice that it is my intention to apply for such an order given your conduct.

    Yours faithfully

    Although a practising Solicitor, my posts here are NOT legal advice, but are personal opinion based on limited facts provided anonymously by forum users. I accept no liability for the accuracy of any such posts and users are advised that, if they wish to obtain formal legal advice specific to their case, they must seek instruct and pay a solicitor.
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