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Care payment

Dad is very disabled due to terminal illness. Granted DS1500 (or whatever it us called now) CHC funded four times a day double up care but it is not enough.

Read about this chap who got £11k a month to hire personal carers.

How does one apply for this? It would make all our lives easier, and our backs and wrists less painful if we got round the clock care rather than 4 visits. Is it a case of a postcode lottery?


  • elsien
    elsien Posts: 33,483 Forumite
    Name Dropper Photogenic First Anniversary First Post
    edited 18 February at 5:05PM
    In what way is the four times a day, personal care not enough? Have you gone back to CHC and told them that? Have you got all the equipment that you need? CHC is very evidenced based, so you need to be keeping really good records about why the current level of support is not enough to keep him safe. 

    Round the clock care is very unusual, and my guess would be that it’s for people with much more complex nursing needs. If that level of care is needed, it’s normally the point of which older people in particular have to move into full time care although that shouldn’t be the case. 

    If you haven’t done so already, you could ask about a personal health budget, I’m not familiar with the level of care that they will provide, but it’s a starting point.

    All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well.

    Pedant alert - it's could have, not could of.
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