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6 month rule

Hi , I was caught by a camera cam doing 79mph on a motorway on May 4th last year.

It’s a lease car and by the time it reached me and I admitted I was the driver they didn’t send the conditional offer of fixed penalty notice until 6th November that is date of the letter. 

I ignored the letter but then I had a letter in December to say they are starting proceedings against me.

i rang the police and they gave me an extra month to pay and I now have tuntil
17th of this month to pay.

can they still
take me to court as on the phone they said that they have 6 months from the conditional offer they have sent me


  • Umkomaas
    Umkomaas Posts: 41,825 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post Photogenic
    As we major on private parking tickets here, PePiPoo will be your best bet for police tickets. If you do receive a ticket, register there but please note that a hotmail address won't work - try using a throwaway gmail account instead if you do have trouble registering and post a new thread; here's your link:
    Have a read through some of the other threads and use the NiP Wizard there before you post your own to get the hang of what information they need from you in your opening post - but as a minimum you will need to post redacted photos/scans of all correspondence you've received from the police (both sides, if appropriate) as they need to see all the small print.
    Please note, we are not a legal advice forum. I personally don't get involved in critiquing court case Defences/Witness Statements, so unable to help on that front. Please don't ask. .

    I provide only my personal opinion, it is not a legal opinion, it is simply a personal one. I am not a lawyer.

    Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day; show him how to catch fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.

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