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Guides for Sewing etc

LeeDsall Posts: 7 Forumite
First Post
Was wondering if anyone had any book suggestions or anything for getting into Sewing and knitting. I have always been interested but just never found a good teacher or the motivation to self teach. Any and all recommendations would be great.
thank you!


  • MalMonroe
    MalMonroe Posts: 5,783 Forumite
    Ninth Anniversary 1,000 Posts Combo Breaker Photogenic
    edited 24 May 2022 at 7:45PM
    Hi, to start with, you could do worse than google 'sewing for beginners' and 'knitting for beginners'. There are youtube lessons you can watch and of course, re-watch if you don't understand something. There are plenty to choose from.

    There's also 'The Great British Sewing Bee' which you can watch on TV on Wednesday nights - I love that programme. Although that's really for people who can sew already but it's very enjoyable.

    You could also look in your local newspaper (online if they have it too) or community noticeboards - most towns have them - to see if there are any knitting or sewing groups. Many places have 'knit and natter' sessions where they welcome everyone, beginners and expert knitters as well. That's good because you not only learn from the expert knitters who are usually happy to share their skills but you also have refreshments (bonus!) and make new friends. 

    Just try some googling, see what's out there. I've been able to knit and sew since I was small (gran and Mum both keen craftswomen) and find both quite therapeutic and also, productive! 

    I'd find youtube lessons easier to follow than books - but you may be different. There are books on everything you can think of on places like amazon, too. (Other booksellers are also available.)

    Hope that's helped a bit.  :)

    PS I just googled 'sewing for beginners' myself and this popped up -


    Bit of a long link, sorry but it's quite informative. 
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  • KnittingAmy
    KnittingAmy Posts: 28 Forumite
    Second Anniversary Name Dropper 10 Posts
    edited 24 May 2022 at 8:07PM
    It looks like Lidl has some DK crafting books later this week https://www.lidl.co.uk/p/arts-crafts/dk-bumper-book-of-sewing-14-knitting-crochet/p52220

    I don't know these books themselves, but usually find DK pretty good and £3.99 seems like a bargain! Perhaps worth a look if you have a Lidl nearby.

    Good luck with your new crafting venture!
  • LeeDsall
    LeeDsall Posts: 7 Forumite
    First Post
    Thank you so much both of you for the suggestions! ill be sure to give that show a watch, always more room for tv binges! im going to sit down this weekend and just research research research! I would have quoted you both to make this reply easier but as im new im not allowed to have links in my posts haha
    Thank you for all the help :)
  • button_box
    button_box Posts: 93 Forumite
    Name Dropper Part of the Furniture Combo Breaker First Post
    Before you buy any books you could order up some books from the library. I often order up books to "preview" them and then buy any that I think I will refer to again. There are also some good presenters on "Selly Telly" Alistair from House of Alistair worked in Saville Row and he has brilliant tips when making things and he and Sarah Payne have stuff on the internet for inspiration. You don't have to buy their stuff!! You haven't said what you want to sew or knit. I don't sew many clothes but make lots of gifts and do quilting and embroidery and there are loads of books available with step by step guidance. Some writers have a better style for guidance than others that is why I like to "preview" books before I splash the cash. It is easy to be seduced by glossy photos and then not be able to follow their instructions. I also like Youtube Videos because you can pause them while you try a technique. I hated sewing in school when we got it with Home Economics as it was far to regimented. I am sure those teachers are responsible for turning pupils away from sewing. I love my sewing now and I am sure you will get to love it too. Best of luck!
  • LeeDsall
    LeeDsall Posts: 7 Forumite
    First Post
    Before you buy any books you could order up some books from the library. I often order up books to "preview" them and then buy any that I think I will refer to again. There are also some good presenters on "Selly Telly" Alistair from House of Alistair worked in Saville Row and he has brilliant tips when making things and he and Sarah Payne have stuff on the internet for inspiration. You don't have to buy their stuff!! You haven't said what you want to sew or knit. I don't sew many clothes but make lots of gifts and do quilting and embroidery and there are loads of books available with step by step guidance. Some writers have a better style for guidance than others that is why I like to "preview" books before I splash the cash. It is easy to be seduced by glossy photos and then not be able to follow their instructions. I also like Youtube Videos because you can pause them while you try a technique. I hated sewing in school when we got it with Home Economics as it was far to regimented. I am sure those teachers are responsible for turning pupils away from sewing. I love my sewing now and I am sure you will get to love it too. Best of luck!
    Thank you il be sure to try this out! On the subject of books do you know any good audio books on similar subjects? and although im not 100% what i want to knit starting out me and my family member brother are thinking of going self employed to do local work so i think gifts on the smaller end could be a good support. i think clothes would drain me! haha
  • Katiehound
    Katiehound Posts: 7,788 Forumite
    I've been Money Tipped! Rampant Recycler First Post Combo Breaker
    My thought would be to trawl through all your local charity shops because there may well be something useful there- doubly good as very MSE & donating to a charity at the same time.
    it depends very very much on what you want to knit & sew. Lots of free knitting patterns online and also sewing- including using up oddments.
    If you google 'make small sewing items' you will get some ideas (well, many ideas!)
    Being polite and pleasant doesn't cost anything! --
    Many thanks
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    Stash bust :2023. 120duvets, 24 bags, 43 dog coats, 2 scrunchies, 10 mittens, 6 bootees, 8 glass cases, 2 A6 notebooks, 59 cards, 6 lav bags,36 angels,9 bones, 1 knee blanket, 1 lined bag,3 owls, 88 pyramids = total 420 total spend £5. Total for 'Dogs for Good' £546.82

    2024:37 Doggy duvets,30 pyramids, 6 hottie covers, 4 knit hats,13 crochet angels,1 shopper, 87cards=178 £96.25 spent!!!
  • Try The Sewing Place forum which is UK based and there's a lot of good advice.
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