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Is this figure correct?


I am due to be made redundant from my side job (I work one day a week as I have my own business) I average about £70 a week and have been there for 9 years. The past 2 years I have not taken any holiday as to be honest I didn’t think it was worth having a day off as the work would only mount up. The amount I’ve been told I’ll receive is £580. I spoke to my boss about the fact that I’m entitled to holiday pay and haven’t taken it or received it and she told me that my redundancy figure includes my holiday pay (for one year, I’m aware I won’t be able to claim last years i taken holiday)

I don’t believe this figure includes my untaken accrued holiday, does anyone in the know know if that sounds correct?



  • comeandgo
    comeandgo Posts: 5,768 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post
    How old are you?
  • MalMonroe
    MalMonroe Posts: 5,783 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post Name Dropper Photogenic
    There is a government calculator to help you find out how much you are entitled to. Here is the link :


    Acas also have a holiday entitlement calculator :   https://www.acas.org.uk/checking-holiday-entitlement

    Please note - taken from the Forum Rules and amended for my own personal use (with thanks) : It is up to you to investigate, check, double-check and check yet again before you make any decisions or take any action based on any information you glean from any of my posts. Although I do carry out careful research before posting and never intend to mislead or supply out-of-date or incorrect information, please do not rely 100% on what you are reading. Verify everything in order to protect yourself as you are responsible for any action you consequently take.
  • MalMonroe
    MalMonroe Posts: 5,783 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post Name Dropper Photogenic
    comeandgo said:
    How old are you?
    What does that matter?
    Please note - taken from the Forum Rules and amended for my own personal use (with thanks) : It is up to you to investigate, check, double-check and check yet again before you make any decisions or take any action based on any information you glean from any of my posts. Although I do carry out careful research before posting and never intend to mislead or supply out-of-date or incorrect information, please do not rely 100% on what you are reading. Verify everything in order to protect yourself as you are responsible for any action you consequently take.
  • thebrexitunicorn
    thebrexitunicorn Posts: 187 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post Name Dropper
    edited 28 August 2020 at 11:35PM
    MalMonroe said:
    comeandgo said:
    How old are you?
    What does that matter?
    It matters for calculating statutory redundancy entitlement.  Op have you completed nine years service?
  • JReacher1
    JReacher1 Posts: 4,652 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post I've been Money Tipped!
    If you go on


    put your details in and £70 a week it says you are entitled to £560. This is close to the £580 you have been told. It doesn’t however include notice so I believe in addition to the redundancy you should also receive notice pay. 

    Surely though your employer has provided a breakdown of how the £580 was calculated?
  • thebrexitunicorn
    If you haven’t requested holiday and your employer hasn’t told you to take it then yes, they should pay you for what you’ve accrued this holiday year. This is in addition to your statutory redundancy pay.  You’re also entitled to nine weeks notice, or notice pay if they don’t want you to work it.  
  • p00hsticks
    p00hsticks Posts: 13,214 Forumite
    First Post Name Dropper Photogenic First Anniversary
    edited 30 August 2020 at 10:31PM
    JReacher1 said:
    If you go on


    put your details in and £70 a week it says you are entitled to £560. This is close to the £580 you have been told. It doesn’t however include notice so I believe in addition to the redundancy you should also receive notice pay. 

    Surely though your employer has provided a breakdown of how the £580 was calculated?
    I just received a letter stating £580 which I agree with. She is saying this also includes my 5 days holiday I haven’t taken which I don’t think is correct. I believe the holiday should be paid on top but she is disputing it

    5 days holiday outstanding seems quite a lot for someone who only works one day a week  unless you are close to the end of the holiday year. How many days/hours a year are you entitled to as holiday and when does the holiday year run ?  
  • Juliette100
    You are entitled to a break down of your pay and it’s worth asking. If you have 9 years service and was 20 when you joined the business you are entitled to the following redundancy. 

    • age 18 to 22 - half a week's pay
    • age 22 to 40 - 1 week's pay
    • age 41 and older - 1.5 weeks' pay

    If you turned 22 while working for your employer, the higher rates only apply for the full years you were over 22  

     Employers need to take an average of your pay 12 weeks before you got your redundancy notice.  

    Statutory Notice is 1 week for each year of service so you should gain 9 weeks notice in addition to your redundancy pay.

     Accrued holiday pay up to your last day should be paid unless these were part of your notice period.  
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