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Realising the dream



  • Primrose
    Primrose Posts: 10,631 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Post First Anniversary I've been Money Tipped!
    Congratulations on taking the plunge.
    Yes a drop in I come is scary but you need to turn your new life into a fun challenge and celebrate all the little successes and new achievements along the way.
    Will you now have time to grow some of your own veg in your garden? It,s enormously rewarding, good. Exercise and will help save you money.

    Invest in some charity shop body warmers to wear indoors when you're home to reduce your heating bills.

    Perhaps do some Lesley Sanson youtube walk at home videos or other exercises which yiu can do during the winter months in your free time.

    Rediscover your local library. How about reading all the classics yiu never previously had time for?

    Batch cooking and menu planning will help reduce your grocery bills.

    Am sure other will offer useful suggestions from their own experiences. Yes, and do try and out some money away for your pension. Retirement these days can often end up being almost as long as your working life and yiu don,t want to be living in a situation where you're too hard up or scared to switch the heating on when yiuyou hiuae is freezing.
  • jackieblack
    jackieblack Posts: 10,320 Forumite
    First Post Name Dropper Photogenic First Anniversary
    Hi Lifeofdreams :wave:

    Been wondering how things are going for you, now a few months have passed - have you settled more into your new lifestyle? Are you feeling the benefits of your improved work/life balance yet?
    I also expect the run up to the festive season will be very different for you this year?
    How is everything going?
    2.22kWp Solar PV system installed Oct 2010, Fronius IG20 Inverter, south facing (-5 deg), 30 degree pitch, no shading
    Everything will be alright in the end so, if it’s not yet alright, it means it’s not yet the end
    MFW #4 OPs (offset): 2018 £866.89, 2019 £1322.33, 2020 £1337.07,
    2021 £1250.00, 2022 £1500.00, 2023 £1500
    Target for 2024 (offset) = £1200, YTD £575
    Quidquid Latine dictum sit altum videtur
  • Mistral001
    Mistral001 Posts: 5,349 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post I've been Money Tipped!
    I took a set back a few years ago with the credit crunch where my income was cut drastically. I found it OKish to adjust to the lower income by not taking any foreign holidays and then not taking any holidays, doing all my own car and house maintenance not eating out etc. Cutting back on food also was not a problem. However, I found that many of the conversations I had with friends and family had to change. Swapping stories about holidays, the best places to eat out or anything to do with consumer spending became very one-way. You have to do a lot of listensing and not much talking.
  • Siebrie
    Siebrie Posts: 2,909 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post
    Hi Lifeofdreams, how are you getting on? Have you settled into your new spending pattern and stressfree life?
    Are you wombling, too, in '22? € 58,96 = £ 52.09Wombling in Restrictive Times (2021) € 2.138,82 = £ 1,813.15Wombabeluba 2020! € 453,22 = £ 403.842019's wi-wa-wombles € 2.244,20 = £ 1,909.46Wombling to wealth 2018 € 972,97 = £ 879.54Still a womble 2017 #25 € 7.116,68 = £ 6,309.50Wombling Free 2016 #2 € 3.484,31 = £ 3,104.59
  • Lifeofdreams
    Hi Jackieblack, Mistral001 and Siebrie and thank you for asking how I am getting on. I cant believe where the time has gone!

    I have had a difficult few months and ended up in another job that was all consuming! I had to have another rethink and left.

    So.. I am currently rethinking my plan and trying to avoid falling nto the same trap again!

    I may sign up with agencies and see what they have so I can choose working hours and in process of looking into this.

    It is fair to say my endeavours at living a more sime frugal life so far have been slow but I am now more determined and so posting g again for help and support.

    I have also been looking back at previous advice. Part of my plan will be to post on here regularly to help and keep me accountable.

    Have a great day everyone. I am off to see what is in the freezer toward dinner.

  • jackieblack
    jackieblack Posts: 10,320 Forumite
    First Post Name Dropper Photogenic First Anniversary
    Great to hear from you Lifeofdreams!
    Well done on the rethink! I know, from experience, that it’s so easy to slip into ways that we know won’t make us happy in the long term, and it’s not always easy to extricate ourselves.
    Being ‘more determined’ sounds like you are now certain that the simpler, more frugal lifestyle is the direction you really want to be headed in - when you first started posting (your previous thread) you sounded less convinced - so that in itself is progress.

    New Year, new start...
    I look forward to hearing how you’re getting on :)
    2.22kWp Solar PV system installed Oct 2010, Fronius IG20 Inverter, south facing (-5 deg), 30 degree pitch, no shading
    Everything will be alright in the end so, if it’s not yet alright, it means it’s not yet the end
    MFW #4 OPs (offset): 2018 £866.89, 2019 £1322.33, 2020 £1337.07,
    2021 £1250.00, 2022 £1500.00, 2023 £1500
    Target for 2024 (offset) = £1200, YTD £575
    Quidquid Latine dictum sit altum videtur
  • lessonlearned
    lessonlearned Posts: 13,337 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post I've been Money Tipped!
    Hi Life Of Dreams. I have been wondering how you are getting on.

    I am sorry you had a bit of a set back to your plans for a simpler life but I'm glad to see you back. Life does throw us curved balls and sometimes we do have to put things on hold whilst we get our bearings and think things through. Anyway it sounds like you are more determined than ever to make some lifestyle changes.

    It's a good Jackieblack says "New Year, New Start". :D

    And the good thing is Spring is on its way......lighter days and hopefully some sunshine to help you on your way.

    Good luck and definitely keep posting, it will keep you on track.
  • Lifeofdreams
    Morning all. I cant believe we are in February already! I am posting to keep myself accountable and also to garner support to keep going in my endeavour for a simple and more frugal lifestyle.

    I have this week worked out my budget and I am writing down my spends. It has been a real eye opener so far! It is interesting to see where if goes! I managed a couple of NSD and used top cashback force purchase I had to make
  • Lifeofdreams
    Mmm was not finished post sorry pressed button too quickly!

    I am also trying to wind down freezer and cook meals from there than I intend to plan and batch cook.

    By the time I've done the never ending housework the fors not seem to be time for much else so I have decided I am going to diary in the things I want to do also!

    I have to confess I am feeling very bored now not at work and so looking for part time work via agency and also thinking about doing some voluntary work. It is taking some adjusting too..
    I think part of the problem is I have been defined by my career and despite wanting the changes feeling slightly adrift! Is this normal?

    So glad however for the simple things enjoying lovely leisurely cup of coffee sleeping better, losing weight! Less stress!

    I hope everyone has a great week ahead and as always look forward to any pearls of wisdom.
  • boultdj
    boultdj Posts: 5,312 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper Combo Breaker First Post
    I think a lot of people go through the bored, what to do next phase.
    Simple pleasure's are a lovely gift, reminds us that money is not having to be spent to enjoy ourselves.
    Well done on losing weight and getting rid of the stress.
    £71.93/ £180.00
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