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Losing control, time to take charge.



  • Caspeia
    Caspeia Posts: 166 Forumite
    edited 29 June 2018 at 1:49PM
    CC amounts are higher than the first post as I spent on them:

    I also just realised that the halifax one will generate interest so going to put the account I was going to be on tesco to the halifax to pay it off in full.

    These payments bring out accounts down to:

    Halifax: £594.33 to £0
    TSB: £775 to £750
    Lloyds: £395947 to £3919.41
    Sofa: £1122.24 to £1075.48 (payment for this is included in my bills section)
    Tesco: £273.54 to £243.30 (£30.24 payment instead of full amount quoted in previous post)

    £735.92 will be paid off.

    My accounts are currently a total of: £6724.11
    This payments will take it down to £5988.66

    This works out to be 10.9% of it paid off!
  • Caspeia
    Caspeia Posts: 166 Forumite
    July budgets:
    Food: £250
    Fun: £60
    Other: £60

    I took away my petrol allowance as I already fuelled up.

    Baby is about to be completely out of his size 3 - 6 month clothes, he some stuff in 6 - 9 months but not sure exactly how much so this weekend I'm going to go through the cupboards and find what he had and work out what he needs.

    Another thing we need is a mattress for his cot, he's currently in a snuzpod which attaches to our bed but he has taken to crawling around our bed in the middle of the night. I'm worried he'll end up hurting himself, right now he just crawls over to me and then tries to pull my top up to get milk (I kind of feel like an all you can eat buffet!) but I'm worried he might try and get off the bed though so I think he needs to move into his cot. I've seen quite a few on amazon for around £25. We will also need to some sheets for the cot, I had quite a few when my daughter was a baby but I have no clue where they are! I've searched everywhere!
  • Caspeia
    Caspeia Posts: 166 Forumite
    I've decided to set a goal to get the debts to under £4000 by the end of the year. It means I need to pay £1988.66 which works out to be £399.73 every month. I hope to pay more but this is the minimum I would like to do.

    Budget spent:
    Food: £27.86/£250
    Fun: £0 / £60
    Other: £0 / £60

    The food money I've spent was on crap mainly. I still need to buy some food for us to actually have this week. Tomorrow we will go to aldi and do a food shop.

    I've been buying some things in the coop and I need to work out whats cheaper to buy there. I get a 10% discount with my NUS card and 5% on own brand products back with my membership card. I currently have £1.32 on my membership card.

    Unexpected expense today of £114 as we needed to get a locksmith to fix our lock as someone tried to break in. They only got as far as our shared stairwell before the upstairs neighbour caught them when they were halfway up the stairs and they ran. They broke the lock so we have had it replaced. I will be getting the money back from my landlord (family member and I'm seeing them tomorrow) and then upstairs will pay them back their half when he gets back from his business trip on Monday. So when I get this back in cash £100 of it will be split between the gas and electric, £14 back into the food budget.

    Cat food has also been ordered which will do us until about the 10th of September. I'm hoping we will have enough in our cats account that when it comes to that we have the money already put aside.
  • Caspeia
    Caspeia Posts: 166 Forumite
    I've really overspent food money wise for only being the start of the month. We have bought enough food for the next week, a couple of things will last the whole month. 23.99 was spent in asda the other day which only bought our tea/snacks for the night

    Food £99.82/£250
    Fun: £0/£60
    other: £0/£60

    I need to plan what I'm doing this week with the kids so we don't get bored and also that we don't spend much.
  • helsbell
    helsbell Posts: 208 Forumite
    Part of the Furniture Combo Breaker
    I'm glad you're burglar was interrupted, shame they broke the lock in the process.
    SPC 11, No. 062 DFD November 2020 :(
    Aug 2017 B'card £5006.83 BoS £1086.59 MBNA £0 Total: £6093.42
    Aug 2018 B'Card £995.06 BoS £863.43 MBNA £3,644.98 Total: £5503.47
    9.68% paid off
  • Caspeia
    Caspeia Posts: 166 Forumite
    helsbell wrote: »
    I'm glad you're burglar was interrupted, shame they broke the lock in the process.

    I'm just really thankful my upstairs neighbours have a dog, if they didn't they wouldn't have been on the staircase otherwise as they were taking the dog out for a late night walk. Our door is the first door they come to which is a bit scary to think about.

    This has been a recurring problem, they haven't attempted to go up the stairs before but they have raided our bins (they jumped the fence into the garden) and the charity shop next doors donations are always stolen and the stuff they don't want left in the alleyway outside our door. They bring their kids with them and they make the kids raid the bin, my gut feeling is that they are very poor and struggling. My husband tried to speak to them when they were in the alleyway once but they didn't speak any english, they also run if they see us. It worries me that they might be getting more desperate, I hate the fact these children are suffering but at the same time I'm worried that my familys safety might be compromised.
    I think I need to move my pram into the house as I leave it on the staircase and I don't want someone to take it. I couldn't afford to replace it right now, there isn't much room in our flat for it but I'll need to find a space for it.
  • Caspeia
    Caspeia Posts: 166 Forumite
    We've spent all of today in the house so far but we are going to a wedding reception this evening. I haven't spent any money and don't plan to either. I have a wedding card in the house which I bought for a wedding we went to a few months ago but I forgot to write the card so we'll use that. I'm also just going to bring my water bottle and some juice for the kids in my bag. I will also bring some snacks for them. For tea we are going to just have a snack as we will be getting the buffet at the wedding. I'm not going to bring any cash or bank cards with me so I'm not tempted to spend anything!

    Tax credits came in so I could complete the payment to my halifax credit card so that is now paid off!

    3 year old has had no accidents in over a week now so I think I can safely say she's fully potty trained, she doesn't need a nappy to bed either so nappy costs have completely halved. For the baby I'm going to use up the size 2 nappies we have in the house before starting to use the reusables again, I don't think he'll be in them for much longer and I don't want them to go to waste. We have 2 packets of 40 nappies to use up.

    Tomorrows plans:

    - Take cats to vets for vaccinations
    - Fill out paperwork for funding for my university course, I really don't want to be stuck with the £1476 bill for the units I'm starting in October. Luckily I qualify for a grant for my fees so I don't even have to pay them back. Hopefully will post these tomorrow and the cost will come out of my 'other' budget.
    - Make shepards pie for tea, I've been looking for some lamb mince for ages and found some yesterday in Aldi.
    - Find my bank card. I've set up a couple of savings accounts for my seperate budgets, I need to find the bank card that goes with the current account these are connected to. This will be used for all my spending.
    - Look out babies clothes for next size up and make a list of what I need. I don't think I need much
  • Caspeia
    Caspeia Posts: 166 Forumite
    I ended up not following my plan for yesterday, I had a sore head and lost my motivation!

    Our cat food arrived yesterday and it was damaged, food still usable but I complained and got a refund of £56.20. This is my head meant I had the green light to spend it as it was 'extra money' in my head. I went out to lunch with my sister which cost £14.10 and for tea we had a chippy and used £10. We don't even have the money in our account for another week.

    When the refund comes in I'll repay the accounts and use the remaining £32.10 towards the debt.

    Tonight we're having pizza for tea as we're getting the free wuntu pizza deal they have on today, husband is picking his up between jobs and my mums bringing mine to me later on this evening. I will just make some pasta for the children or maybe some veggies fingers, depends what they want.
  • Caspeia
    Caspeia Posts: 166 Forumite
    Caspeia wrote: »
    CC amounts are higher than the first post as I spent on them:

    I also just realised that the halifax one will generate interest so going to put the account I was going to be on tesco to the halifax to pay it off in full.

    These payments bring out accounts down to:

    Halifax: £594.33 to £0
    TSB: £775 to £750
    Lloyds: £3959.47 to £3919.88
    Sofa: £1122.24 to £1075.48 (payment for this is included in my bills section)
    Tesco: £273.54 to £243.30 (£30.24 payment instead of full amount quoted in previous post)

    £735.92 will be paid off.

    My accounts are currently a total of: £6724.11
    This payments will take it down to £5988.66

    This works out to be 10.9% of it paid off!

    I've just checked my accounts:
    Lloyds: £3919.88
    TSB: £750
    Tesco: £237.30
    Sofa: £1075.48

    For some reason Tesco account is £6 less than it was before, theres no pending transactions or anything so not sure why it was reading more.

    Total: £5982.66

    I also checked my statement for the Lloyds card some of this is balance transfer and some of it is purchases.

    Purchases: £1550.88( 0% until 1st October 2019)
    Balance transfer: £2369 (0% until 28th March 2019)

    My payments go towards the purchases first which is annoying since that is 0% for longer.

    My plan of action:

    1. Pay off TSB card first as 0% interest is up in September.
    2. Pay off Lloyds card next, try and clear full balance before 28th March.
    3. Pay Tesco card off afterwards.
    4. Overpay on finance for sofa to pay it off early
  • Caspeia
    Caspeia Posts: 166 Forumite
    Thought I was doing really well as I remembered to bring food for the kids to have after swimming. Forgot to bring myself something and Im starving! ended up spending £3.30 in the cafe.
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