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Just used my full ISA allowance



  • firestone
    firestone Posts: 520 Forumite
    Name Dropper 500 Posts Third Anniversary
    bowlhead99 wrote: »
    Two euphemisms, one cup.
    i really hope no one works this out
  • nomorekids
    nomorekids Posts: 421 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker Name Dropper
    firestone wrote: »
    i really hope no one works this out

    Unfortunately I did :rotfl:

    :T op
    If you want to be rich, never, ever have kids ;)
  • capital0ne
    capital0ne Posts: 872 Forumite
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    Herbalus wrote: »
    Though if we actually do the maths on this, you only need a £200k portfolio for a £10k contribution to increase the pot by a "small single digit" (in this case 5%).

    So it may not actually be that grand in the scheme of things. Certainly to reach £200k over 20, 30 or 40 years (including pensions) is eminently achievable, and in some circumstances possibly quite poor.

    It's even reasonably probable that an IFA may not be interested in such a "largish" pot because several round my way turn their noses up at anything below £250k.
    Not even close :beer:
  • RG2015
    RG2015 Posts: 5,949 Forumite
    Eighth Anniversary Photogenic First Post Name Dropper
    capital0ne wrote: »
    Not even close :beer:
    Gor Blimey, Mate!

    You must be worth a bloody fortune!
  • bowlhead99
    bowlhead99 Posts: 12,295 Forumite
    First Post Name Dropper Second Anniversary Post of the Month
    RG2015 wrote: »
    Gor Blimey, Mate!

    You must be worth a bloody fortune!
    When you're worth a bloody fortune, even if you deserve it for your efforts, lots of people who don't even know you will presume you're probably a bit of a jerk and not too smart at all - the politics of envy.

    So, trying to come off as anything other than a bit of a jerk is a complete waste of time. You're best just to embrace it and build your online persona around being wealthy and not the sharpest tool in the shed.

  • RG2015
    RG2015 Posts: 5,949 Forumite
    Eighth Anniversary Photogenic First Post Name Dropper
    bowlhead99 wrote: »
    When you're worth a bloody fortune, even if you deserve it for your efforts, lots of people who don't even know you will presume you're probably a bit of a jerk and not too smart at all - the politics of envy.

    So, trying to come off as anything other than a bit of a jerk is a complete waste of time. You're best just to embrace it and build your online persona around being wealthy and not the sharpest tool in the shed.

    I thank that particular ship sailed quite a while back. :)
  • talexuser
    talexuser Posts: 3,503 Forumite
    First Post Name Dropper Third Anniversary
    I've just ignored my full ISA allowance, when you get to a largish portfolio, it's meaningless to buy in anything less than £20k in my case because it would be such a small 0.001 percentage of my total sum. So i only invested in Azerbaijan holiday homes and Thule island multi storey car parks.

    I'm sure many of you have the same problem. Makes drip feeding a complete waste of time.
  • No_6
    No_6 Posts: 835 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Anniversary
    But if you want to keep track of your money ?

    you know where to go

    MS money..... only on pc's though.
  • omg you guys are so funny lol possibly the first time i laughed while browsing MSE!!!

    Aim to retire by 45.
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