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Changing leaded glass in uPVC to plain wouldn't put buyers off, right?

Our house is a 1990 build with modern uPVC double glazing (dark brown wood effect frames). The glass is leaded (diamond pattern). I hate it - I feel like a zoo animal looking through a fence. I'm currently getting quotes to replace all the sealed units - 39 of them :eek: - with plain glass instead.

This won't massively put buyers off, right?

I'm hoping it's one of those things where some people prefer plain, some people prefer leaded, so you'll never suit everyone.

One of the guys who came to quote said he does more jobs changing plain to leaded! I know leaded is more expensive - is it seen as 'better'?

In general, I do what *I* want with the house (within reason!), but this will be a pretty significant outlay for something that certainly won't add any value. Just want to make sure it won't lose us any. :o


  • Niv
    Niv Posts: 2,507 Forumite
    Part of the Furniture First Post Name Dropper
    Are you looking to sell the house in the near future?
    if no, who cares, YOU don't want to feel like a zoo animal
    if yes, why are you changing it.

    Target: Mortgage free by 58.
  • Surrey_EA
    Surrey_EA Posts: 2,043 Forumite
    Ninth Anniversary First Post
    pinkteapot wrote: »

    I'm hoping it's one of those things where some people prefer plain, some people prefer leaded, so you'll never suit everyone.

    There's your answer.
  • Slinky
    Slinky Posts: 10,335 Forumite
    10,000 Posts First Anniversary Name Dropper Photogenic
    Are the houses around you all leaded? Will yours stand out like a sore thumb?
    Make £2024 in 2024
    Prolific to 30/6/24 £491.56, Chase Interest £37.40, Chase roundup interest £1.14, Chase CB £82.04, Roadkill £1.30, Octopus referral reward £50, Octopoints to 30/6/24 £70.22, Topcashback £82.04, Shopmium referral £3, Iceland bonus £2, Ipsos survey £20
    Total £840.70/£2024  41.5%

    Make £2023 in 2023  Total: £2606.33/£2023  128.8%

  • Why on earth would you bother and incur all that unnecessary cost, as it seems you plan to sell?
    Worst case scenario if your buyers prefer plain glass, they can just get it done themselves. Not exactly a deal breaker.
  • Smodlet
    Smodlet Posts: 6,976 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post Name Dropper
    It must be so nice to have money to burn... Well, not with these new-fangled plastic notes, of course; they would stink.
  • My own personal opinion is that I groan a bit when I spot "fancy" type glass in upvc frames. That applies whether it's that "diamond" type stuff or a "design".

    Either way I hate it personally and would be looking to replace it if it was there in a house I bought.

    Back in starter house - and I remember looking at some windows that had just been replaced in the first place with upvc ones on a neighbours house and thinking "Why on earth did he do 'design' type ones? It will decrease his house value - as people like myself would instantly mentally factor in the cost of replacing them with plain ones".

    So I personally regard "designs" and "diamonds" as being a bit chavvy. Others may disagree. To me - plain is the obvious way to go.

    On my current house - the windows/doors aren't quite what I would have chosen (ie white plastic window handles - instead of those silvery ones). Also the integral glass in exterior doors is "fancier/more old-fashioned" than I would have chosen. But they weren't so obviously "not Me" that I swopped them. But the firm that did some other upvc-ing work on my house looked at me, then looked at my house and instantly offered to swop exterior door handles from "brass type ones" to "silver type ones" and I promptly accepted.

    So - if you can afford to swop them - it will help imo. Just not sure whether you'll get your money back from doing so. But you certainly won't devalue the house.
  • need_an_answer
    need_an_answer Posts: 2,812 Forumite
    Ninth Anniversary First Post
    I totally get the leaded look being like a cage.

    When we were looking to buy it was all the rage and I walked away from so many houses because I didn't like it and didn't have the funds to change it.

    My advise would be if it's your forever home and you don't plan to sell in the next few years then do as you want and make the house your way.
    You will probably end up spending on something that has little or no value except for the peace of your own mind that you have an unobscured view from your windows!
    in S 38 T 2 F 50
    out S 36 T 9 F 24 FF 4

    2017-32 2018 -33 2019 -21 2020 -5 2021 -4 2022
  • 3mph
    3mph Posts: 247 Forumite
    We had those type of windows in our previous house ("Rosewood" sort of colour and lead strips in diamond pattern). Some people changed them to white and plain, some to "Oak" colour but both looked a bit ridiculous next to the adjacent houses.

    If you are going to sell don't waste your money.
    If you are staying then its your choice.
  • Nobbie1967
    Nobbie1967 Posts: 1,525 Forumite
    Name Dropper 1,000 Posts Part of the Furniture Combo Breaker
    Who actually likes that design? I'm certain it must be a small minority. It would put me off a house for the same reason you have identified. If you're staying a few years, I'd do it.
  • Red-Squirrel_2
    Red-Squirrel_2 Posts: 4,341 Forumite
    I don't think leaded windows are more desirable at all, are they not a bit of a late 80s/early 90s fad like mock tudor on suburban semis?
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