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Has anyone had any dealings with Lender & Court Services, and have any feedback?

I’m desperate to have a CCJ removed that I contest the amount, and would rather leave this to a professional to do on my behalf for a greater chance of success.

If anyone has had any dealings with them, I’d love to hear.



  • You'd be better off posting details of why you are contesting the CCJ.

    A professional anything is highly unlikely to be required.
  • Thanks. I had posted on a previous thread, but can’t post the link as I’m a new member.

    My fiance is pregnant and I’m trying to apply for a mortgage, but this is really holding me back. I just need it removed if at all possible.

  • I’m hoping for a bit of advise on hopefully getting a CCJ set aside. The debt in question was originally littlewoods, and for a laptop. The laptop didn’t arrive and I therefore requested they send another, which they did. Now...they double charged me for the laptop even though the first never arrived. My credit limit was £600, and the laptop cost was £599 (per laptop), therefore it would have been impossible to go over my limit and order a second.

    I should have sorted this at the time (around 7 Year’s ago) but I didn’t, being young and naive. A CCJ was issued last February just before the default dropped off my file. The CCJ was issued to a previous address.

    My question is...what are the chances of the CCJ being set aside due to the amount being incorrect and being double charged (have emails to back this up stating credit limit etc)?

    Also do I need to provide proof when I send the N244 form or do I wait until the hearing?

    I would really appreciate any help or advise?

  • boo_star
    boo_star Posts: 3,202 Forumite
    10 Posts First Anniversary
    You received correct advice in the other thread.

    I’m not sure why you reposted it here but people are only going to echo what was said on the DFW board.
  • I spoke to National Debtline as advised in the other post, who advised me to seek legal advice.

    That is why I’m asking if anybody has dealt with Lender & Court Services.
  • MEM62
    MEM62 Posts: 4,913 Forumite
    Part of the Furniture Name Dropper 10 Posts
    Wonderer17 wrote: »
    I spoke to National Debtline as advised in the other post, who advised me to seek legal advice.

    That is why I’m asking if anybody has dealt with Lender & Court Services.

    Some law firms will give you an initial consultation for free. Initially, I would see if there is anyone local to you that you can discuss the issue with. However, in my view there is little or no chance of you having the CCJ set aside - the lack of attention to the matter in the past being your downfall.
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