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Best put on my big girl pants! my saving for a deposit diary



  • mumof3.12kindebt
    mumof3.12kindebt Posts: 1,474 Forumite
    First Anniversary Photogenic First Post Name Dropper
    £52.20 spent on food Thats a weeks shop shouldn't need much else.

    Got my dementia and diploma to crack on with tonight well the kids are in bed. Really need to get my bum moving with that!

    Health visitor is coming tomorrow.
    Work on Tuesday
    Peadiatrician and work on Wednesday
    Then I'm off till the week after as Ive taken some holiday ..
    So going to get some jobs done we have been putting off. Will only use stuff we alresdy have so wont cost anything
    June 17 £16,000 debt ~ nov 18 DEBT FREE •June 21 £16,308 debt / july 22 debt free •Original mortgage free date 01/06/2059 current mortgage free date 01/05/2046
  • mumof3.12kindebt
    So with July only one more sleep away.
    And a much needed break away booked for the begining of August (camping) it feels like there is no better time to get back on track and set ourselves a challenge for July.

    No spent july commences tomorrow.
    The basic rule is that we only buy essentials.

    It's both mine and my partners birthday in July (within a few days of each other). We have always gone out for each of our birthdays since we have been together. But that's not going to happen this time. I'm going to organize a date night at Home with a fakeaway instead.

    Hoping to do a carboot in July also.

    I'm not setting any other challenges for july as I dont want feel like its too much.

    Kids break up for school in 3 weeks so I'm going to fill the calander with lots of free activities Throughout the holidays with a few low spend ones.

    I dont have any other challenges but I do have a few more things I want to continue / focus on more than I have been
    These are
    1. studies
    2. 30 day water challenge
    3. 30 days no make up
    4. stick to the food shop list / meal plan
    5. try and get some overtime at the end of July
    6. pamper / movie night for myself
    7. organise a sleep over for eldest
    8. do more yoga
    9. have a date night in the garden under the stars
    10. Have a fakeaway night for our birthdays
    11. sort an activity each day I'm off on the weekends and school holidays so we are not stuck at home
    12. sort out a realistic plan and budget for between now and December
    June 17 £16,000 debt ~ nov 18 DEBT FREE •June 21 £16,308 debt / july 22 debt free •Original mortgage free date 01/06/2059 current mortgage free date 01/05/2046
  • mumof3.12kindebt
    This weeks plan.

    Sort through food make a meal plan and list
    Declutter hall and bedrooms

    Skip run
    Food shop / petrol
    park with the kids
    Ds2 nursery

    Football game with popcorn
    Take the kids for a walk
    Kids clothing exchange?

    Park with the kids

    Ds2 nursery
    Get swimming pool out and set up for kids

    Movie night
    Swimming pool fun
    fakeaway night

    Go out for the day - national trust pass? Beach? Take a picnic

    June 17 £16,000 debt ~ nov 18 DEBT FREE •June 21 £16,308 debt / july 22 debt free •Original mortgage free date 01/06/2059 current mortgage free date 01/05/2046
  • mumof3.12kindebt
    I haven't posted for a while.
    Life has been busy.
    I'm still trying to stay focused.
    Will end the year debt free and hit our emergency savings goal if we stay on track.

    We have the summer holidays to look forward to which starts on Friday. I have some holiday booked off for 3 out of the 6 weeks.
    I plan to do as many free days out as possible. The basic rule being if I'm not working that day we go out somewhere and find something to do outside of The house. And if the weather is really bad we will do free activities at home using things we already have here. Art. Baking. Movie days . Board game nights etc.

    In September ds2 starts school.

    I need to draw up a savings plan for us to stay on track. And to help us visually see we are getting closer to our goal.

    I'm working on gaining my qualifications to work up the ladder in my career.
    All I need my partner to do in the next few years is pass his driving test. This will help take pressure off me and means we could move without moving the children schools.

    For now we are paddling on.
    I have 3 main goals. (listed in order of priority)

    1. Pay off last bit of debt
    2. Build a minimum of a 5k emergency fund
    3. Build our deposit fund (25k) + moving costs estimated (8k)

    After all this is done. We are going to travel with the children. Take them to Disneyland Paris and hopefully get married.

    The aim is still to complete the 3 goals above by age 30 . That's just 4 years away.

    I've been keeping good track of our finances this month and will continue to do this to see where we need to focus on cutting back further.
    June 17 £16,000 debt ~ nov 18 DEBT FREE •June 21 £16,308 debt / july 22 debt free •Original mortgage free date 01/06/2059 current mortgage free date 01/05/2046
  • mumof3.12kindebt
    Today we used our national trust pass and had a free day out

    I've also half filled the summer holidays with free activities for us will keep researching to get the diary filled. Going to chuck in a few play days which will help.
    We also have a few appointments so those days will be activities at home.

    Keeping life busy. On a low or no cost and making lots of memories... I have a feeling this will be the best summer holiday we have had so far. :j:money:
    June 17 £16,000 debt ~ nov 18 DEBT FREE •June 21 £16,308 debt / july 22 debt free •Original mortgage free date 01/06/2059 current mortgage free date 01/05/2046
  • mumof3.12kindebt
    so we went away on sunday.
    we were suppost to be staying until the saturday but had to come home on wednesday as the two youngest got hit with a sickness bug. wednesday night the rest of us came down with it .... which has been lovely (note sarcasm) . ive dettol'ed everything including the inside of my washing machine.

    we are mostly on the mend now. 3 children being ill a partner ill and yourself ill is no fun and games ... honestly ive never had them all ill together before.... possible one of the many bad experiences of my parenthood ......
    June 17 £16,000 debt ~ nov 18 DEBT FREE •June 21 £16,308 debt / july 22 debt free •Original mortgage free date 01/06/2059 current mortgage free date 01/05/2046
  • debtaghh
    debtaghh Posts: 1,798 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Anniversary First Post
    So sorry to hear that, hope you alll fully recover quickly!
  • zcrat41
    zcrat41 Posts: 1,729 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Oh no! There is nothing worse than a family tummy bug!
  • mumof3.12kindebt
    Thankyou both. Everyone seems much better today we are all just low in energy. So had a chill out day with board games and films.

    Im doing a 50 day no spend challenge starting today. Ending the last day in September. I've managed to source most of the children's uniforms ready for school. And they have shoes and backpacks that are still in good condition. I want to get as much into our savings account as I can.

    I'll update with current figures over the next few days. We still have some Debt. But I will also have a 8 month electricity bill to pay due to our meter breaking so I've been putting money in our savings account for that.

    I have no energy at all and I'm full of cold. I also have my diploma to catch up on and some training for work. I really need to learn to just crack on with work from my diploma and just get it out the way and completed. With three kids work and running a house it's another thing that takes up alot of time although I Am enjoying studying I'm looking forward to a time when I'm able to relax in the evenings again.

    On a financial front I have around £2k of debt left. And £1500 in savings.
    June 17 £16,000 debt ~ nov 18 DEBT FREE •June 21 £16,308 debt / july 22 debt free •Original mortgage free date 01/06/2059 current mortgage free date 01/05/2046
  • mumof3.12kindebt
    Things haven Been good. I've had to take a few days off sick which I won't be paid for so wages will be down in next pay. We are doing a carboot a week on Monday and in the mean time I'm selling as much as I can on fb to make up for loss of wages. Also gets rid of stuff out the house.
    I've minimised the kids clothes and mine. Minimised the toys. Tomorrow I'm going to bag up house hold stuff before work. And go through the wardrobe again and under the stairs monday.

    Tomorrow I Aim to put 20 things in a bag to leave my home.

    Also on a plus side I've been doing yoga at home again. It really helps with my cerebral palsy and I have managed without tramadol for 6 weeks. (was taking it daily)

    Also tomorrow I'm going to go back to my vape. And cut my caffeine and go back to drinking more water as I've been struggling to sleep lately.

    We will have to make up for the lack of days out over the last two weeks in the next few weeks and the upcoming weekends I have off. (been housebound for 2 weeks due to all of us being Ill)

    Hoping to get back on track with the finances now we are all better too
    June 17 £16,000 debt ~ nov 18 DEBT FREE •June 21 £16,308 debt / july 22 debt free •Original mortgage free date 01/06/2059 current mortgage free date 01/05/2046
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