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5 OS pleasures in your day today - part 3



  • Pleasures for the last few days

    NOT having to go out in the rain. :D

    DH treated us to barbecue ribs from Bod**ns - yummy

    Dry day today

    Not beating myself up toooo much about being a lazy c*w:rotfl:

    Reading your posts
    Be Kind. Stay Safe. Break the Chain. Save Lives. 

    2024 Savings Pot Challenge: As a monthly amount, running total = £381.70
    Jan £5; Feb £13; Mch £25; Apr £31:65; May £42.20; Jun £50.00; July £62.00; Aug £75.00; Sep £77.85; Oct £??; Nov £??; Dec £??.  Grand Total £??
  • Purple_kitten
    Purple_kitten Posts: 3,096 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post Photogenic
    A mix from both yesterday and today.
    1 Packing continues, I sold DFs washing machine and it was picked up no problems, we were ruthless with some left bits and with others loaded to boxes what can be cs’d and 2 boxes for us – we are bursting at the seams we won’t need to buy cleaning products for 2 years and soup for the same! DH and I happened to catch who we assume are the new owners, crawling buy in their car which was odd. I’ve listed a sofa for free and a g plan wardrobe for free so here’s hoping they move on. When I got back in there was a lovely thank you off the lady who picked up the washing machine, with lovely words about dad saying how lovely we are and she wants to send us a thank you, very sweet.
    2 Dropped something over to the in-laws that they requested and were very happy with, nice to blether for the evening.
    3 It’s rather nice to just “stop” today, rather hoping the weather holds to get some bits dry, I’ve been holding off washing as I’m a cheapskate.
    4 I was bringing the bird seed through the lounge to the garden when I lost grip it landed in just the right point to shatter and go everywhere, the animals thought this was the best thing ever.
    5 I was going to call the vets for our ill little one for that dreaded appointment and I swear they know, he’s been sort of rallying, a little ponder in the garden and coming to find us so I haven’t made the call it is rather the last thing in the world I want to do.
    6 Several loads of animal bedding through the wash to the line.
    7 The house is clean and lived in, that’ll do.
    8 A bit of shopping in the dreaded Mr t as the only place we can get sugar free soft drinks, and a detour from there to our best Chinese – it was delicious.
  • Frith
    Frith Posts: 8,401 Forumite
    First Anniversary Photogenic Name Dropper Mortgage-free Glee!
    Only half a post lost today so I'll try again!

    1) Not a bad sleep.

    2) Hens very perky and 4 eggs.

    3) Smaller son went to watch his team play football (at home).

    4) Bigger son did a 10 hour (!) shift at the hotel. Just picked him up.

    5) I had 4 hours with no sons (this will only happen 3 times during the summer holidays). So I went to Ludlow for lunch and a look round. Nothing in the charity shops (rare) so I stopped off in 2 towns as I drove back to pick smaller son up.

    3 nice tops for me, a T shirt for smaller son and the Haynes guide to chickens!

    6) Watched Casualty which was very exciting.

    7) Up to date with the washing (almost) including all bigger son's NCS stuff and the new charity shop finds.

    8) In bed and will watch Gardeners World. Just waiting for Monty's "hullo"...
  • DundeeDoll
    DundeeDoll Posts: 4,992 Forumite
    Photogenic Name Dropper 10 Posts Second Anniversary
    Oops very very late. So in brief
    1) got the car back safely from the garage (price not mse!) with mum and dd2
    2) called in at garden centre on way home for lunch
    3) vacuumed. Not my fave job but getting faster with decluttering
    4) parteeeee friend!!!8217;s 70th.danced the whole night through
    5) home and did a 95 second plank. Yay. My core is still feeling it though...
    MrsSD declutter medals 🏅🏅🏅⭐⭐
  • LaineyT
    LaineyT Posts: 4,775 Forumite
    Ninth Anniversary Photogenic Name Dropper 10 Posts
    Saturday pleasures,

    Capt S up and at em by 6am as he is was off to Toon town for a weekend of football and cricket, I got a cup of tea in bed and promptly fell back asleep.

    Boiled egg and marmite soldiers for breakfast.

    My kind of perfect summers day, 24 degrees with a nice breeze, lovely walk around the field with little dog.

    Over to yard for hay delivery, girlie was in a different paddock so charging around excited because more grass. Hay man was held up so washed all brushes, cleaned tack and had a real tidy up. Just finished when he turned up to fill my feed store with beautifully, sweet smelling hay.

    Home and with the house to myself no need to worry too much about cooking, unearthed a portion of paella from freezer and enjoyed whilst binge watching Poirot and Lewis.
  • 1) The best nights sleep for ages last night, I put the quilt back in the quilt cover and was just the right temperature, not waking up cold or hot, magnificent!

    2) More and more boxes packed and more things taken to the book and clothing banks and the tip.

    3) Nell, James and the boys remained dry and cosy last night despite the weather, they are on a camping holiday down in the west country and the pictures we're getting on the phone show a flowing stream in front of their tent where there is supposed to be a walk through between tents.

    4) Going to go for coffee at the garden centre late this morning, it's getting to the point where I need time out of the chaos of packing.

    5) Getting to see less in the freezers and cupboards when I open them, using up what's in there is giving us some unexpected meals but they've all been nice so far.
  • apricity
    apricity Posts: 198 Forumite
    Xmas Saver!
    1. when i woke up, my F.H said "Morning beautiful" and we snuggled
    2. He took us to breakfast at the local pub & was thankful he said that because I used all the tea cups last night and had to wash them up for my morning cuppa (we're both ill so we used the cups for a lemsip each and I had tea & coffee yesterday - i hate using thee same cup for both...tastes funny!)
    3. We had a laugh together , i cheered him up as he's feeling ill
    4.did the washing up , so now I can have a cuppa on the sofa :)
    5. having a lazy day on the sofa - we pulled it out and got our spare blanket out. lush to chill!
    We're like 2 over grown children lol ... especially as we had a nerf gun fight earlier
    :heartpuls Getting married 21.09.19 :heartpuls
    Emergency Savings - £15.55 / £1,000 :heart: XMAS '19 Savings - £0.00 / £365 :heart: Holiday savings - £6.00(SA) £00 (PB)
  • V At last. The boys are rolling. Back in the swing and I have just bought our first derby tickets for a while. So next Saturday is up early to the Theatre of Fish. More later.

    4 Breakfest yesterday we had the snorker fest as usual. Best back, mushrooms and poached egg on buttered toast. Grilled toms and toms. Washed away with tea. Tum was rubbed!

    3 Had token for the emporium today! So the rule of BoP, short arms deep pockets played! Go enuff bog roll for next weekend!

    2 Day for dinner we had frexh cod and smoked haddock pie, with home made parsley sauce, buttered minted new tatties and garden fresh peas! Then a spotted richard. P{roper foods and lumpy custard. Tum is well rubbed again!

    Having one again today! Watching ther goooooners. Bring back ...

    Now that is what not to do!
  • One from yesterday - DB phoned from Germany - everyone well including the menagerie:rotfl: Both my nephews have restarted school. DB has 2 weeks work in Italy & :T then is being taken on full time with all the appropriate benefits :T:T:j

    Today’s pleasures

    Spitting with rain practically all day but not as chilly as yesterday

    DSis went to sm - so now enough milk to last until tomorrow :T

    DH put finishing touches to shed base - still level :T

    Dinner will be bacon, egg, mushrooms & fried potatoes - yummy

    CS bags gradually filling up

    Reading your posts

    Be Kind. Stay Safe. Break the Chain. Save Lives. 

    2024 Savings Pot Challenge: As a monthly amount, running total = £381.70
    Jan £5; Feb £13; Mch £25; Apr £31:65; May £42.20; Jun £50.00; July £62.00; Aug £75.00; Sep £77.85; Oct £??; Nov £??; Dec £??.  Grand Total £??
  • VJsmum
    VJsmum Posts: 6,991 Forumite
    Part of the Furniture I've been Money Tipped! First Post Photogenic
    Evening all. Last leg of a looooong journey home from Holyhead

    Pleasures for last few


    1. Got quite a bit of work done, including making a start on the latest batch of marking. The payment for which papers I've done will pay for one of our B&B nights
    2. DS took me to the station as it was raining. having a child that drives brings pleasures and worries.
    3. Journey there ok, got a bit delayed here and there but managed a free tea in the lounge at crewe and a swift half at Llandudno junction :beer: Did more number shuffling on the train
    4. B&B rather weird but clean and decent and owned by a very nice, friendly chap. The weirdness was the room arrangement (long thin room with bed in the middle going lengthways, and Parisian sized ensuite - i.e. teeny), and the bed (a sturdy double with a single bunk over the top)
    5. Lovely meal in a bistro - goats cheese and beetroot veg burger with a divine salad. And red wine...


    1, Really nice 'full Welsh'
    2. We walked 12 miles from Holyhead to Treaddur bay, past south stack lighthouse. Breathtaking scenery
    3. Finished with beer :beer: of course
    4. back to B&B to change before we went for a drink in a real old fashioned pub before
    5. Lovely meal in a little bistro - seafood chowder and sea bass

    and today

    1. A good night's sleep. We may have had the weirdest room, but it was also the quietest. Friends did not have such a good night.
    2. Another Full Welsh
    3. walked 9 miles from Treaddur to Four Mile Bridge. We wanted to finish the Holyhead leg but time and weather defeated us
    4. Passed the 200 miles coastline walked point.:T Only 650 or so left :rotfl:
    5. Cafe forgot to bring our drinks so we told them to forget it and we'd just pay for the cake. THey gave us the cake free :T (but we left a tip)

    Last leg of the journey home now.. DS is collecting..:T have a good evening all
    I wanna be in the room where it happens
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