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The mindful MFW: A healthy, happy journey to a mortgage free life!



  • museumworker
    museumworker Posts: 2,240 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Anniversary
    Rooms measured for carpet, and they don't charge for lifting furniture. Looking forward to seeing the quote.

    Passport photos of DS rejected by passport office, despite their own website saying it is fine for children under 6 to smile. Grrr! I've raised a complaint but won't know for 15 days if successful.

    The virus definitely lingering, yesterday I almost collapsed after 8 minutes of yoga! I have 2 v v busy days ahead so trying to take it easy today.

    Gifted two bin liners of garden toys from family, just sorted through with DS. Picked 2 of each type - one for him, one for DD2 - and will leave rest in local sandpit for other children to enjoy. Still have a ridiculous amount of play dough toys to sort through, but have an empty box to store them in for now at least.

    Am aware we are due to house swap on Friday, we are nowhere near ready :eek: although I have set aside some time on Thursday to prep house.

    We also have used this month's home maintenance money to buy LED bulbs, both DDs leave their lights on and these should pay for themselves within 9 months in terms of energy saving. I bought branded ones as knew I could retrofit them, shopped around to get £12 offstandard price and 6% cashback. OH going to swap them all over today.
    Mortgage [STRIKE]16/03/2011: £190K 01/01/2017: £107,729.65 [/STRIKE] 01/07/2017: £95,979.89
    OPs 2011-2016 = £45K 2017 OPs = £9250.20
  • themadvix
    themadvix Posts: 8,169 Forumite
    Photogenic Mortgage-free Glee! Part of the Furniture Name Dropper
    Hope you're feeling better and stronger today - try to take it easy!
    Mortgage free 16/06/2023! £132,500 cleared in 11 years, 3 months and 7 days

    'Now is no time to think of what you do not have. Think of what you can do with what there is.' Ernest Hemingway

  • museumworker
    museumworker Posts: 2,240 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Anniversary
    edited 2 June 2018 at 10:30AM
    Well, what a few weeks that has been! Short version, I got through it, managed the multiple challenges and really enjoyed the houseswap. I am exhausted though!

    New month, new attitude. I had been letting the finances get a bit out of control, especially with the lack of smart phone it was hard to keep YNAB updated and bit by bit it just got more out of sync. I then found I was overspending, as there was little accountability. Just burying my head in the sand really.

    So today I have started a new budget, all feelings of guilt gone. My smartphone is now fully up and running and YNAB downloaded so keeping track of everything will be loads easier.

    We had our first quote for new carpet back at £2,600 and already have £1,100 saved. We may end up using it to get the shed instead though, in which case carpets will definitely be next year.

    Both kids off today, just about to get ready for cheap day out in local park.

    To do:
    * [STRIKE]chase second carpet shop for quote[/STRIKE]
    * [STRIKE]add £2 off voucher to Mr T order[/STRIKE]
    * [STRIKE]talk through new budget with OH[/STRIKE]
    * Post budget here for extra accountability
    * [STRIKE]washload X 2[/STRIKE]
    * [STRIKE]Book haircut[/STRIKE]
    * book hp studio tour
    * [STRIKE]contact friend R for date to meet up[/STRIKE]
    Mortgage [STRIKE]16/03/2011: £190K 01/01/2017: £107,729.65 [/STRIKE] 01/07/2017: £95,979.89
    OPs 2011-2016 = £45K 2017 OPs = £9250.20
  • museumworker
    museumworker Posts: 2,240 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Anniversary
    June planning ahead

    DS birthday party (party paid for, £125 food budgeted, hoping to do for a lot less)
    DS birthday presents (£50 budget)
    DD1 music rehearsals (extra £5 travel, £12 lunch)
    Send out DD2 party invites
    Night out OH bday treat (£90 pocket money)
    Course on DD1 condition (already paid). [Need to have dinner options prepped to avoid them going via takeaway every time]
    Support group for DS condition (free)
    2 x days out (days out budget £20)
    Father's Day (£25 budget for card/gift)
    Buy sandals DS (£20)
    Book HP Studio Tour for me/DD1 (£50)

    Extended family and friends
    3x family members staying (extra food/free babysitting)
    Camping weekend (£35 + petrol/ days out money)
    Night out with friends x2 (pocket money looking low already!)
    Museum visit (free + any coffees)

    Free local walk (free)
    Paid wishlist walk (£30 pocket money).
    4 x blog posts
    Restart miracle morning
    Cycle to/from work twice
    Enter comps from magazine pay for (any additional spends to come from grocery budget)
    Haircut (£25)

    Work evening event
    Work away trip (£10 pocket money)
    Claim back expenses (+ £87)

    Quotes for guttering cleared and fixed
    Mortgage [STRIKE]16/03/2011: £190K 01/01/2017: £107,729.65 [/STRIKE] 01/07/2017: £95,979.89
    OPs 2011-2016 = £45K 2017 OPs = £9250.20
  • museumworker
    museumworker Posts: 2,240 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Anniversary
    edited 7 June 2018 at 2:52PM
    Chased carpet quote from local company and it came back the same as the national department store, so we will go for the latter as we're clear on the high standard of service and the quality of the product. When we will fit is another question but at least we know who we will use and how much it will cost.

    Haircut booked for later today, planning to have a little trip up the forest with the kids if DS not too tired from swimming lesson.

    £150 had earmarked for party for OH now in the new carpet fund.

    Had lovely afternoon out with kids, local outdoor play group and then playground, both really enjoyed it and only £4 spent.

    To do list:
    * [STRIKE]Haircut[/STRIKE]
    * Charity run
    * Yoga
    * [STRIKE]Mindfulness[/STRIKE]
    * Write blog post
    * [STRIKE]Book HP ticket[/STRIKE]
    * [STRIKE]Wash load x 1[/STRIKE]
    * [STRIKE]Put all laundry away[/STRIKE]
    * [STRIKE]Walk in forest[/STRIKE]
    * Turkish shop for lunch basics
    * Claim cashback on food shop
    * Post budget
    * [STRIKE]Update YNAB[/STRIKE]
    * Enter comps in magazine

    Hope everyone has a great day!
    Mortgage [STRIKE]16/03/2011: £190K 01/01/2017: £107,729.65 [/STRIKE] 01/07/2017: £95,979.89
    OPs 2011-2016 = £45K 2017 OPs = £9250.20
  • museumworker
    museumworker Posts: 2,240 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Anniversary
    Day off, after a rather demanding few days at work, my work evening event is over with after a rather gruelling 12 hour day. I think my body has had enough and all plans to have an active and productive day have gone out the window. I was rather violently ill this morning and have not done much more than sit around, eat some carbs and watch rubbish tv today. I'm also giving up caffeine as I've noticed my anxiety is quite bad at the moment, and hopefully going back on the decaf will help with that.

    YNAB is up to date, I've spotted an iTunes payment which eventually tracked down to OH subscribing to an app by accident. A refund of £28 now on its way.

    We've ordered the new mattress for DS bed, I had some money in my PayPal from a clothing return, so £95 out of home maintenance budget and ready to collect next week.

    My much reduced to do list this afternoon:
    * collect prescription
    * buy nephew birthday card and post
    * collect kids
    * do double bedtime

    I've got an easy dinner out the freezer for me and DD1 as OH is out tonight, just need to do some rice/ celeriac to go with it.
    Mortgage [STRIKE]16/03/2011: £190K 01/01/2017: £107,729.65 [/STRIKE] 01/07/2017: £95,979.89
    OPs 2011-2016 = £45K 2017 OPs = £9250.20
  • pinkypig
    pinkypig Posts: 1,814 Forumite
    Part of the Furniture First Post Photogenic Name Dropper
    Awww MW that sounds grim. Poor you, hope you're feeling better xx
    Original mortgage £112,000 . Final payment due August 2027.
    Mortgage neutral achieved August 2020 - 7 years early!!!
  • Brodiebobs
    Brodiebobs Posts: 1,032 Forumite
    Part of the Furniture First Post
    oh man... thought you'd been quiet ;)

    just re-found & subscribed will catch up!
  • museumworker
    museumworker Posts: 2,240 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Anniversary
    edited 8 June 2018 at 5:07PM
    It was really grim PP, I have never seen anything like it and had to Google the symptoms. I'm just keeping an eye on it, not 100% but a lot better. Am wondering if its a physical reaction to a very vivid dream I woke late from, I was with a friend who passed away a few years ago and I knew that would be the last time I saw them so I was trying to say goodbye and tell them I loved them without them knowing what would happen to them. I woke up with tears down my face, then had to literally leap out of bed as was late for a meeting at nursery.

    Hi Bridie, good to see you here and hope there's enough of interest to keep you reading til the end!

    Prescription collected and filled and kids in bed, it was quite stressful at points I must say! DD1 liked our freezer katsu curry, and polished off a Christmas pudding from the cupboards too!

    Online shop ordered for tomorrow after school, more store cupboard than meals but hope we can muddle through. £42 after £6 off voucher used, plus £8 to claim from cashback apps.

    Anyway, time for book and bed. Hope tomorrow is an easier day

    Night all x
    Mortgage [STRIKE]16/03/2011: £190K 01/01/2017: £107,729.65 [/STRIKE] 01/07/2017: £95,979.89
    OPs 2011-2016 = £45K 2017 OPs = £9250.20
  • CathT
    CathT Posts: 7,127 Forumite
    Part of the Furniture Name Dropper 10 Posts
    Hope you are feeling better MW, that's a lot of carpets. Is it most of the house?
    Sep 2024 - part 1 - £26,647 part 2 - £23,798 Total - £50,446 38 months to go!
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