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NST Joyful July



  • Toni'sfriend
    Toni'sfriend Posts: 4,056 Forumite
    Eighth Anniversary First Post
    I am so sorry, Thrifty.
    Have adventures. laugh a lot and always be kind.
  • Fmess
    Fmess Posts: 2,920 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post First Anniversary Photogenic
    Hugs thrifty
    LBM = 07/09/13 Debt = £13339 (100% cleared)
    New roof and car £8557/£19003 New kitchen £396/£5039 Credit card Paid Student loan Paid
  • indigowarrior
    indigowarrior Posts: 745 Forumite
    Still on 4 nsds. Today was a total bust. I am aiming for the weekend to be spend free.
    Today I am greatful for spending time with my children and also to weather being lovely at the moment.
    Hugs Thirfty
    No Spend November 2/15 and SPC 134
  • Lauralozzle
    Lauralozzle Posts: 719 Forumite
    Sixth Anniversary Combo Breaker First Post Photogenic
    Thursday was a NSD so I'm at 2/14 this month. Today has been spendy as I treated myself to lunch today. A refund came through from my contact lenses, more than I thought I would get! I was expecting £23 but got £46 so I was pretty chuffed with that!

    I've offered to do overtime again this weekend on Sunday. My manager said she could turn a blind eye and let me do Saturday too but it's against policy (need one day off in 14) and I don't want it to bite me if payroll then refuse to pay. They probably won't but I don't want to take the chance! I offered the Sunday as its more money and I have worked 12 days on the trot so I'm quite looking forward to a day off tomorrow. I've got Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday off so my plan is to rack up NSD those days.

    I'm grateful for my day off tomorrow. Need to decide if we should do something :)
    February Grocery Budget: £190.75/£350.00
    NST no. NSD 4/15
  • SkintTeacher
    SkintTeacher Posts: 340 Forumite
    Sixth Anniversary Debt-free and Proud! Photogenic
    nsd 3 today
    Went to the gym after work for my final bit of training before Sunday's race. Now for a lovely cheap weekend.
    Have a great weekend everyone x
  • x_raphael_xx
    x_raphael_xx Posts: 4,354 Forumite
    Debt-free and Proud! Photogenic First Post First Anniversary
    Evening all,
    Didn't post yesterday, was feeling a little down. Today I've been feeling a little head spinny and weird. I've not been out for any runs, and been eating rubbishy. Maybe my body needs a boost? :o Think the house thing is getting me down too, all we're waiting on is for the seller to move out, but she's having difficulty finding a flat to rent with a dog. We've even started looking at other houses.

    Couple of spendy days too, I logged in to my bank to find £39.99 have been charged to my card for my yearly xbox live subscription, paid it back from my treat fund. Took out £10 to pay my friend to do my hair, arrived at her house to find she'd forgotten and was heading to the beach :rotfl: she promised she'll do it tomorrow, but as I took the money out yesterday I won't count it as a spend again. treated myself to a costa iced mocha too.
    Today I had to pop £2 in for parking for a work seminar, and topped the car up with fuel. I'd left it as long as I could, it was almost running on empty.
    YOU If you don't like it, change it. Weight & Fitness. I'm feeling a little burnt out so taking a step back.

    FRUGAL The Frugalwoods are having another Uber Frugal Month Challenge Bf has stocked up the fridge and cupboards.

    USE what you have. Not today. Sent bf to co-op for a pizza.

    LOOK after you. Trying to relax and re-charge.

    UNLESS you have a specific reason you should avoid takeaways etc Pizza bought, but it was shop-bought and not a takeaway.

    YOU will aim for 16 NO Spend Days 5/20 Still on 5. 25%

    JOY Find 3 things to be grateful for at the end of each day.
    1) Watched Tremors today, love a cheesy 'horror'
    2) Short day at work, 2 hours for a seminar, and early finish thanks to my long day on monday.
    3) Dropped some donations off at the cats & dogs home. Good feelings.
    Debt Free as of 17/01/2009 Turtle Power!!

    EF Challenger #3 £1543.72 / £5000
    MFW 2024 #100 £1300.00 / £10,000

    MFiT #40 Jan 2025 Target - £99,999.00
    Mortgage at 30/09/22 £113,694.11 | Mortgage at 24/01/23 £110,707.87
    Mortgage at 21/04/23 £107,701.01 | Mortgage at 20/07/23 £106,979.65
    Mortgage at 04/10/23 £106,253.77 | Mortgage at 10/01/24 £105,324.57
    Mortgage at 01/04/24 £104,424.73 | Mortgage at 01/10/24 £103,594.98
  • apple_muncher
    apple_muncher Posts: 14,917 Forumite
    Tenth Anniversary Mortgage-free Glee! 10,000 Posts I've been Money Tipped!
    Today I am grateful for dd enjoying her new class, for dd having an epic time at the scout centre, for the sunshine, for sainz having everything I wanted to buy there, for dh being more chilled and relaxed after his double tooth extraction yesterday, for the lovely kids in the neighbourhood for dd to play with, for my knitting, and my sewing, for doing shred #5 in a row.
    NST March lion #8; NSD ; MFW9/3/23 Whoop Whoop!!!
  • abundant1972
    abundant1972 Posts: 1,690 Forumite
    Name Dropper Part of the Furniture Debt-free and Proud! Photogenic
    Evening all :)

    Had a late night last night so no check in... but still on track.

    Yesterday = NSD number 5
    Today = NSD number 6

    I didn't get to the gym today as my protein powder exploded in my bag covering my kit lol. I didn't do it - honest guv!!! I could still go - I'm just putting it off a bit. Lame!!! I will definitely be in Sat and Sun.

    The last few days I have been grateful for:
    1. Lots of laughs at work
    2. A clear desk and a clutter-free mind
    3. The gang on here for motivating me
    Hugs Thrifty - be kind to yourself this weekend. They'll always be in your memories and in your heart so always alive in you. I miss having a pet... as soon as I get my own place... they are such good company.

    Restful weekend planned. I'm out of milk... otherwise I could probably 'make-do' with what I have in. Loathe to have a spend day... I just can't get used to black coffee!!! Maybe I can barter a few cartons of milk with my housemate, for something I have in I want to get rid of haha. Actually - that's quite a good idea haha!!!

    Debt = £8200.00 - DFD = November 2026
    Follow your heart & be true to yourself always
    My life is full of abundance and prosperity
    NST Sept: Food & Spends = £36.56 / £200.00 NSD = 7 /15
    Be kind - Eat well - Exercise - Be mindful
  • PlaysNicely
    PlaysNicely Posts: 153 Forumite
    edited 7 July 2017 at 9:42PM
    :wave: Happy Friday!

    1) NSDs: still at 4 / 16 - had to buy family birthday gift today (budgeted for) and cheeky bargain of lined linen summer skirt from £1 rail in CS (unscheduled spend by way of slight treat to self, see below)! Tomorrow will involve small spend for birthday breakfast gathering in cafe.

    2) At least one store cupboard menu week this month: longest run so far 5 days.
    No food spends today, dinner of HM caponata (OH specialty) and tagliatelle, but despite being today's chef he's now moaning there's no pudding!

    3) Try to up my own income in some way (legally, of course)!
    :D Achieved! Success at gallery, will now be working there weekends but will need to do some weekdays beforehand to learn the ropes etc (this training will be paid). Will have to juggle existing work to free up weekeday time to do this but it'll be worth it. Very happy so minor celebratory treat of summer skirt for £1 because I only have one summery skirt and it always seems to be in the wash at the moment (seaside dog walks tend to be messy)!

    4) My NST health goal: 10,000 steps a day (as total of 70,000 across a week)!
    Achieved this today, currently have just over 11,000 showing on pedometer, but sadly means I didn't quite get the overall 70,000 as am at 61,940 / 70,000, which goes to prove that you can be on your feet for hours on end across a day but not actually getting very far! So, will try to do better next week :o

    5) No FleaBay shopping for the whole month - achieved again today = 7 / 31.

    6) Frugal focus: sourcing instead of spending:
    * Valance in progress
    * Doggy glove puppet in progress
    * Am drinking some wine I found in the fridge, does that count? :p

    Simple pleasures:
    :) The lovely roses in our garden & neighbourhood, seem to do well here.
    :) OH's beloved vine he brought from old house & didn't have much hope for now has tiny grapes on it!
    :) Meeting new people & feeling it's a good fit.

    :( So sorry about your cat thrifty.

    :T Congrats on the NSD Foxy, hopefully plenty more for you where that one came from.

    Happy weekend to all, PN x
    £1000 Emergency fund challenge #236 - £ 5 / £332.05 + 365 day penny challenge - £ 18.15 / £667.95; 52 weeks challenge = £183 / £1,378;Frugal Living 2018 #42 <£11,500
  • Evening everyone,

    Me and the little one have spent most the day at soft play. We were out the house from 10am to 4pm and spent a total of £11.

    Back at home we had dinner, a quick play and bed for the little one. I’ve managed to tidy the toys (they’ll be all over the place again tomorrow!), do some surveys, have a cup of tea and read my book this evening. Ready for my bed now, will catch up on everyone's postings tomorrow at some point.
    VSPC 2019 #10 - £168.80/£100 VSPC 2020 #4 - £262.03/£200 VSPC 2021 #9 - £242.88/£200 VSPC 2022 #3 - £188.03/£200 VSPC 2023 #7 - £0/£200
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