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Right to Buy Process - Regulatory body?



  • da_rule
    da_rule Posts: 3,618 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post
    Just for interest of the OP, the Council cannot be compelled to complete where you, as a tenant, owe them, as your landlord, any money (s.138 Housing Act). Therefore they are complying with the law in relation to not completing while you are apparently in debt to them. Therefore you cannot claim any sort of relief/compensation.

    In relation to the claim for compensation in relation to the delays, you could claim compensation. This takes the form of deducting the rent you have paid from the purchase price between the operative date and the date of completion. However you must have served the landlord with a tenants notice of delay as per section 153A of the Act. If you have not done this then you cannot claim.
  • Norman_Castle
    Norman_Castle Posts: 11,871 Forumite
    Photogenic 10,000 Posts Name Dropper Part of the Furniture
    edited 20 May 2017 at 12:58PM
    luvleighr wrote: »

    I have a rent statement showing the £4k as credit in my previous rent account; as I said, they have paid it to themselves so no, I don't owe it.

    The £1.7k states 'rent account' - I'm not being flippant in saying I don't recognise what it's for..
    luvleighr wrote: »

    Also, whilst the Housing Dept & HB Dept are not exactly the same; they are inextricably linked and there is a lot of overlap in dealings with the two.
    The 4k was paid on your behalf and while it may not have been your mistake Its clearly an overpayment. Contact one or both departments and ask for the overpayment to be returned. Explain the urgency.

    The 1.7k rent account debt is presumably for missed rent payments. Ask them to provide detail of this debt.

    If you have difficulty getting a copy of the Right to Buy application form or require further
    information or advice, contact your landlord or:
    Department for Communities and Local Government
    Right to Buy
    Fry Building
    2Marsham Street
    London, SW1P 4DF
    Telephone: 0303 123 0913
  • silvercar wrote: »
    It's an internet forum, as such people with all sorts of views post. Whereas most posters are generally helpful, there are some for whatever reason (political/ jealousy) tend to jump up and down when they see posts like yours. You need to wear a thick skin.

    It is the right place to get advice; you just need a filter to distinguish between the helpful comments (even when you disagree) and the point scorers.

    I don't think it's jealously

    More not understanding why the OP is !!!!!ing about a delay on a property that will have still maintained by the council during this delay, and on which they are no doubt getting at a knock down price.

    Not sure who I'm going to vote for but the first political party that says they will stop it would get it
  • Norman_Castle
    Norman_Castle Posts: 11,871 Forumite
    Photogenic 10,000 Posts Name Dropper Part of the Furniture
    SnooksNJ wrote: »
    I would have to say it's more of a taxpayer forum.
    It can be a very sanctimonious forum.
  • Nnenne1
    Nnenne1 Posts: 28 Forumite
    Seventh Anniversary First Post
    Hang in there op, you'll get there. In law you have a right to buy that property, what others think doesn't come into it. As if they won't exercise their right to buy if they had it.get your solicitor to smack them with delay form, that might straighten them out. Good luck.
  • Marvel1
    Marvel1 Posts: 7,296 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Name Dropper
    Discount on the right to buy = compo to me.
  • wullie
    wullie Posts: 118 Forumite
    You are correct . This is not the place for anyone wanting advice on Buy to Let. The sanctimonious will put you up there with suicide bombers and child molesters all because you had the nerve to take advantage of Government policy. No doubt the same people all too willing to hear about a good tax dodge they can get in to. Good luck anyway.
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