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Hi there, according to experian my credit report is excellent but It also has me as having little chance of credit because I'm ' unemployed '. I am not, I'm disabled due to damage caused by cancer. Is there any way I can stop being labelled unemployed?
Thanks for any advice


  • iammumtoone
    iammumtoone Posts: 6,377 Forumite
    Ninth Anniversary Savvy Shopper! I've been Money Tipped! First Post
    unemployed is defined as someone who does not work which you are.

    Just because you have a genuine reason for not working does not change what the word means.

    However I will be interested to hear from others if you can change this.
  • YorkshireBoy
    YorkshireBoy Posts: 31,541 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Name Dropper
    Who told them you were unemployed?
  • GingerBob_3
    GingerBob_3 Posts: 3,659 Forumite
    Who told them you were unemployed?

    Yes. Since when have these so-and-sos been recording employment status? Where are the getting the information from?
  • GingerBob_3
    GingerBob_3 Posts: 3,659 Forumite
    Aldo68 wrote: »
    Hi there, according to experian my credit report is excellent but It also has me as having little chance of credit because I'm ' unemployed '. I am not, I'm disabled due to damage caused by cancer. Is there any way I can stop being labelled unemployed?
    Thanks for any advice

    Ah ... maybe you're going for one of these credit score things where they are asking you this stuff?
  • forgotmyname
    forgotmyname Posts: 32,659 Forumite
    Part of the Furniture First Post Name Dropper
    I filled one in as earning £££££££ a year and i got a great credit "score" and on another one i put a silly low price and shocked or what to find they "scored" me a very low figure.

    The issue is only you and that company will ever see that "score" so its meaningless.

    If you had not looked and did not inform them of your status then they wont know. If you apply for credit that company will have their own criteria on whether you are their target customer.

    My bank offered me a credit card whilst i was unemployed. I kept my account in good order and transferred money in and paid the bills promptly.
    Censorship Reigns Supreme in Troll City...

  • Aldo68 wrote: »
    Hi there, according to experian my credit report is excellent but It also has me as having little chance of credit because I'm ' unemployed '. I am not, I'm disabled due to damage caused by cancer. Is there any way I can stop being labelled unemployed?
    Thanks for any advice

    Definition of 'Unemployed' - 'Not having a job that provides money'

    You appear to fit that definition?

  • In the last month I've been offered £1000 CC and £500 overdraft on my current account, despite being off work due to ill health.
    I took up £500 CC as wanted the extra protection when shopping online, and the fact it was going to earn me cashback on purchases (going to put the food shop on each week.)
  • Arleen
    Arleen Posts: 1,164 Forumite
    First Post Combo Breaker
    Cai83 wrote: »
    In the last month I've been offered £1000 CC and £500 overdraft on my current account, despite being off work due to ill health.
    I took up £500 CC as wanted the extra protection when shopping online, and the fact it was going to earn me cashback on purchases (going to put the food shop on each week.)
    But did you inform them about you being off work before taking on this product? Becuase you are obliged to inform people who lend you money about changes like that you know, especially before taking more debt.
  • Thanks everyone for your time or thoughts although I don't really think I need a dictionary definition. Unemployed & illness are not the same thing!!
    Yes I told them the information, problem ia as said there is nowhere to say you are ill or disabled & I think this should be changed.
  • iammumtoone
    iammumtoone Posts: 6,377 Forumite
    Ninth Anniversary Savvy Shopper! I've been Money Tipped! First Post
    Aldo68 wrote: »
    Unemployed & illness are not the same thing!!

    No they are not, but due to illness you do not have a job which means you are unemployed.

    As others have said if you want a CC the best thing is to approach your bank. I got a CC when I was unemployed through my bank (I was on ESA at the time)
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