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The Bookworm's Thread 2017



  • Syman
    Syman Posts: 2,617 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Post Name Dropper
    Syman wrote: »
    Given up on is too just rambles on and on and i was not enjoying it at all.

    this was in my recommendations on goodreads


    so will give it a go.

    finished this one. good read, well paced and a believable plot.

    Book 2 next
    Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today!:mad:
    Cos if you do it today and like it...You can do it again tomorrow.. :p

    Bookworm's Thread 2019 reading Challenge total :- 1/60
  • VfM4meplse
    VfM4meplse Posts: 34,269 Forumite
    First Post I've been Money Tipped! Combo Breaker
    Book 21:


    7/10. Not quite what I expected, but went some way to explaining how surgeons behave, and wandered into some deep philosophical territory. It was of course sad, particularly towards the end. It challenged me in ways I didn't anticipate: I somehow thought it would be different. I certainly would NOT recommend it to anyone going through the trauma of cancer: although many are very treatable, there wasn't a happy ending in this case.

    I've just realised at this stage in the year, I am well ahead of my book-a-week target! And most enlightening it has been too ;)

    "No man is worth, crawling on the earth"- adapted from Bob Crewe and Bob Gaudio

    Hope is not a strategy :D...A child is for life, not just 18 years....Don't get me started on the NHS, because you won't win...I love chaz-ing!
  • UncannyScot
    UncannyScot Posts: 2,070 Forumite
    Sixth Anniversary Photogenic First Post
    Thanks to Chris25 for pointing me here :D

    I'm currently reading my way through Tad Willams' Otherland series (on Book Three at the moment).
    Stunning story and highly recommended to anyone who loves Fantasy/Sci-Fi...
    It is important that we know where we come from, because if you do not know where you come from, then you do not know where you are, and if you don't know where you are, then you don't know where you are going. If you don't know where you're going, you're probably going wrong.
    R.I.P. T.P.
  • Syman
    Syman Posts: 2,617 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Post Name Dropper
    just finished the second "Jack Carpenter" book by James Swain.
    Absolute page turner (or swiper on the kindle) read in 2 sittings!!

    book three next.
    Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today!:mad:
    Cos if you do it today and like it...You can do it again tomorrow.. :p

    Bookworm's Thread 2019 reading Challenge total :- 1/60
  • sugarbaby125
    sugarbaby125 Posts: 3,335 Forumite
    Part of the Furniture First Post
    Hello Ladies,

    Could I kindly ask you to sponsor me for Race for Life 2017

    This will be my 6th year. My eldest sister lost her battle with stomach cancer some years ago and 2 of my brothers are currently cancer survivors. I decided to do Race for Life for the 1st time when I heard that my 2 elder brothers had cancer. I just wanted to do my own small bit to help Cancer Research UK with their invaluable work, apart from my monthly donation.

    I would suggest a donation of £1 is adequate but of course there is no upper limit should you feel inclined to donate more
  • Wednesday2000
    Wednesday2000 Posts: 7,760 Forumite
    Eighth Anniversary First Post Photogenic Name Dropper
    Syman wrote: »
    Given up on is too just rambles on and on and i was not enjoying it at all.

    Yes, it isn't worth it if you aren't enjoying a book.:D I finally started it today and it is quite wordy, but it is interesting so far. I don't remember it at all!
  • VfM4meplse
    VfM4meplse Posts: 34,269 Forumite
    First Post I've been Money Tipped! Combo Breaker
    Book 22:


    7.5/10, and thanks for the recommendation! I found it a little hard to start with as I was rather distracted by the 1970s imagery (esp the retro food treats: biscuits and Angel Delight :D). Then the subtle but cleverly written characters of the two girls took over before the plot gripped me. It's written gently, covering dark themes under a veneer of innocence. I think this should be on a year 9 reading list, purely because it would encourage young teenagers to think about how they treat other people.

    The only thing I thought may have been inaccurate was the reference to pasta shells. IIRC even macaroni was seen to be exotic in the 1970s!

    "No man is worth, crawling on the earth"- adapted from Bob Crewe and Bob Gaudio

    Hope is not a strategy :D...A child is for life, not just 18 years....Don't get me started on the NHS, because you won't win...I love chaz-ing!
  • Hobsons_Choice
    Hobsons_Choice Posts: 1,123 Forumite
    Name Dropper Part of the Furniture Combo Breaker 10 Posts
    Decided to give Patricia Cornwell another try, her books have been awful lately.
    From the library I got "Chaos" her new hardback. Thank goodness it didn't cost anything, it's dreadful! Very poor plot dragged out and dressed up to fill the pages, going over and over everything at least three times and ....... oh dear, no more Patricia Cornwell for me - and she used to be sooo good, such a shame.
    Normal people worry me.
  • Mr_Singleton
    Mr_Singleton Posts: 1,891 Forumite
    as far as I know I can't "borrow" books on amazon unless I have a kindle, not the app? Am I right?

    As far as I know that is correct.

    It appears you have 2 options....

    Subscribe to Amazon Unlimited for £7.99/month


    Buy a cheap refurbished/secondhand kindle for £50 or a new one starts at £60 for use with your Prime membership.

    Sometimes you need to spend money to save money!
  • Syman
    Syman Posts: 2,617 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Post Name Dropper
    Just finished book 20 for the Year.

    The program by James Swain - the 4th in the Jack Carpenter series. will giz it 4/5 as a stand alone story, as Jack Carpenter is only a "bit part player"

    Got a few new books over the week end



    not sure which one i will read next.
    Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today!:mad:
    Cos if you do it today and like it...You can do it again tomorrow.. :p

    Bookworm's Thread 2019 reading Challenge total :- 1/60
This discussion has been closed.
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