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The Simple Bare Necessities feat. Gratitude & Recipes



  • Cheery_Daff
    Cheery_Daff Posts: 16,203 Forumite
    10,000 Posts Photogenic First Anniversary Name Dropper
    Glad you're feeling a bit better :j both of you :D I know exactly that feeling of not quite knowing what to do :rotfl:

    I thought of you last night - didn't know what to do but eventually decided it was worth dragging myself off the sofa to go somewhere nice to watch the sun set. Drove out to somewhere I'd not been and had a lovely walk along a beautiful rocky edge with views all round and yes, it was lovely :j

    But I mainly thought of you because I took a flask of hot chocolate with vanilla essence and cinnamon :j Quite often do that now because it just sounded so great when you suggested it, so thank you :kisses3:

    Going to try and persuade MrCheery to come out for a walk and visit the little tea-and-cake-in-the-village-hall place near our new house :D this is the last one til next summer now! :eek: But i'm not sure he'll agree as we have to come back to the big city for a BBQ later today, then head back out to the hills for a gig this evening, so if we went to new house too it'd be over 100 miles of driving... :eek: Nice driving though :j

    Have a cheery day whatever you end up doing :j
  • Cheery_Daff
    Cheery_Daff Posts: 16,203 Forumite
    10,000 Posts Photogenic First Anniversary Name Dropper
    ALMOND essence, not vanilla! (Although that would probably be nice too but I do like all my food to taste of marzipan where possible :rotfl: ) :D

  • But I mainly thought of you because I took a flask of hot chocolate with vanilla essence and cinnamon :j Quite often do that now because it just sounded so great when you suggested it, so thank you :kisses3:

    Going to try and persuade MrCheery to come out for a walk and visit the little tea-and-cake-in-the-village-hall place near our new house :D this is the last one til next summer now!

    Although the sun is coming up here, there is a definite autumnal-ness feel to this morning. The hot chocolate is definitely going to be making a reappearance :D

    That sounds nice - do volunteers staff the tea and cake stall? I see what you mean about the driving, but I'd try and do it - because you know when you live 50 steps away from it, you'll never end up going...... Plus you'll be able to compare and ensure that next year's cakes were up to this year's - or even surpassed - standard....... ;)
    ALMOND essence, not vanilla! (Although that would probably be nice too but I do like all my food to taste of marzipan where possible :rotfl: ) :D

    Cheery love, as long as you never tell me you like all your food to be beige, it's ok that you love almond essence. I like vanilla and don't have any almond (currently), but DH would like almond I'm sure - maybe nearer Christmas - 'stollen' inspired hot choc :think:

    Have a lovely day

    Greying X
    Pounds for Panes £3,855/£10,000 - start date Dec 2023
    Grocery spend September £237.79/£300
    Non-food household spend September £21.09/£50
    Bulk Fund September £0/£10

    Knitted Blankets for charity 4/6
  • Cheery_Daff
    Cheery_Daff Posts: 16,203 Forumite
    10,000 Posts Photogenic First Anniversary Name Dropper
    Well I do NOT like all my food to be beige so can we still be friends? Pretty please? :D

    We did go to the tea and cake place a couple of weeks ago so I can affirm that they are indeed of the cheery 20p-for-a-fairy-cake variety, of which I heartily approve :D I think it's mostly just one elderly lady who does them amd seemed to be serving by herself (although others who knew her were popping and washing their own plates etc) Mostly caters for walkers I think but here we a couple of locals there. So I might have a harder job with my persuading than if we hadn't been at all.

    But I'm *excited*... :o :rotfl: and I need to stock up summery memories because when we move we'll likely have months of winter ahead of us and everything will be muddy and brown and COLD and I may be wondering what the heck we've done :o :erl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
  • Good Morning :hello:
    Well I do NOT like all my food to be beige so can we still be friends? Pretty please? :D

    Lawks! Yes, yes, yes Cheery. It's my MSE chums and the small clutch of friends in RL that contribute to making my life so wonderful. It's you lot that get why we're living 'small', but not mean. It's my RL friends that....... well, I shan't mention what they do for me, because they've been heavily called upon of late. But let's just say, my friends, RL and virtual are the best :D I don't want y'all to go nowhere!

    We had a very quiet day yesterday. DH worked very hard and he did a fair chunk of the items on the list. In fairness, we have been able to tick them all off, although I think we both agree that the shed could probably do with another intensive sort out, with the ruthless getting rid of tack taking place. This remains difficult as only one of us can be doing it at a time; darling BG needs caring for. However, crud that previously we kept 'just in case' has been permanently removed. It is easily over a year, probably getting on for 4 :eek: since we last cleared out the space, and hey, guess what, we've not used owt of that 'just in case' stuff. None of it was high value (quite the opposite), some of it was gifted by a friend clearing out their garage...... 15? years ago? So...... given that we've got rid of high value stuff and not regretted it, the low grade, space sapping stuff was easy to get rid of......... :D

    Tea last night was fish, chips & mushy peas. I'll admit, it was the 'ease' that got me :o Also it didn't seem to samey, having oven chips again, because they were different. I still can't wait until the tattie harvest begins - although I won't say that when stuck behind a tattie tractor and trailer for miles on a country road, will I :rotfl:

    Tea tonight will be... I can default to l/o bolognese with pasta if we go out, or whip up something 'fab.u.lous darhling', if we stay put....... :rotfl:

    I'm feeling better - I'm glad I've been able to try to fight this cold - it's horrible. But I am at the slightly less dribbly, slightly more coughing stage now. i'm trying not to sound like I smoke 40 fags a day......And my voice is definitely not on the s3xy side of husky.........:rotfl:

    BG is dribbly, but full of energy and smiles too, so hopefully they are coming through it too :D

    Right, can't think of owt else MS. so best vamoose.

    Ta for popping in, reading, joining in and all in all, being supportive. I'm grateful. Thank you.

    Greying X
    Pounds for Panes £3,855/£10,000 - start date Dec 2023
    Grocery spend September £237.79/£300
    Non-food household spend September £21.09/£50
    Bulk Fund September £0/£10

    Knitted Blankets for charity 4/6
  • beanielou
    beanielou Posts: 92,244 Ambassador
    Debt-free and Proud! Home Insurance Hacker! PPI Party Pooper I've been Money Tipped!
    Happy Monday :)
    I am a Forum Ambassador and I support the Forum Team on Mortgage Free Wannabe & Local Money Saving Scotland & Disability Money Matters. If you need any help on those boards, do let me know.Please note that Ambassadors are not moderators. Any post you spot in breach of the Forum Rules should be reported via the report button , or by emailing forumteam@moneysavingexpert.com. All views are my own & not the official line of Money Saving Expert.

    Lou~ Debt free Wanabe No 55 DF 03/14.**Credit card debt free 30/06/10~** MFW. Finally mortgage free O2/ 2021****
    "A large income is the best recipe for happiness I ever heard of" Jane Austen in Mansfield Park.

    ***Fall down seven times,stand up eight*** ~~Japanese proverb.
    ***Keep plodding*** Out of debt, out of danger. ***Be the difference.***
    One debt remaining. Home improvement loan.
  • Cheery_Daff
    Cheery_Daff Posts: 16,203 Forumite
    10,000 Posts Photogenic First Anniversary Name Dropper
    Glad we can still be pals :D :j And glad your RL friends are being there for you in areas where we are not so well placed (being virtual/imaginary) :D Hooray for chums! :j :j
  • Hooray indeed.


    Glad you're on the mend, on all counts.
    Total debt 26/4/18 <£1925 we were getting there. :beer:
    Total debt as of 28/4/19 £7867.38:eek:
    minus 112.06 = £7755.32:money:
    :money:Sleeves up folks.:money:
  • Good Morning :hello:

    Must remember it is Tuesday today! :D

    Tea last night did end up being l/o lentil bolognese with pasta and brocolli. I know, the same as we had last week, but it was simple to prepare (we'd been out), and hopefully was nutritious, as it certainly was delicious - filled a hole too :D

    We purposely went to a quiet spot - we had to drive through a tourist honey-trap spot to get there, and made the right decision, it was heaving - but as long as folks were having fun in the sun, well, that is all that matters, isn't it? We parked up for free, found a vacant picnic bench, watched the world putter by, went for a potter and snarfed blackberries (didn't bother picking, but a week or two's wait will probably do no harm) straight off the bush. I think the vit c injection overrides the countless gazillion 'bugs' ;) that fruit and vegetables grown out in the wide open ;) are bound to be inundated with ;) We had a lovely time :D Bit annoyed the pesky sqizzles had got to the hazelnuts early though and nicked all the nuts - they weren't ripe?

    Called in at a mrT oon the way home. It does make me laugh this particular branch. I've possibly mentioned it before. It's too big (probably) for the population it serves, so they always have loads of stuff to YS. But they clearly don't like discounting stuff. Yesterday's highlights were their absolute speciality, which is 'lime green' organick potatoes, still £1.75, 50p knocked off a £2.25 bag of mineolas, with one of the oranges oozing mouldy decaying 'juice' from the net.... _pale_ And lots of pre-prepared salad, that had gone brown....... I settled on taking a punt on some flat peaches that they'd reduced to 25p a pack (part of their 49p offering). I've not got high hopes for them - flat peaches and I don't really get on. But we'll see.

    Right, I've things to attend to. If only to work out which soup to make for tea. I was going to do brocolli cheddar, but as we had brocolli last night......

    Ta for popping in and joining in. Appreciated.

    Greying X
    Pounds for Panes £3,855/£10,000 - start date Dec 2023
    Grocery spend September £237.79/£300
    Non-food household spend September £21.09/£50
    Bulk Fund September £0/£10

    Knitted Blankets for charity 4/6
  • Good Evening :hello:

    We've had a day of enforced confinement to base camp. DH realised after leaving for work that the buggy was still in the boot of the car...........

    I have missed the opportunity for a breath of fresh air and a bit of exercise :o

    Will have to get the TV mag tomorrow.

    I was going to do harira soup for tea. I make it quite often, but we've not had it in a while. But when it came time to cook it, I found I CBA'd :o The daft thing is, I ended up making Chickpea chana masala, lentil dhal and lemon basmati rice. If you look very closely, Dear Reader, you'd struggle to spot much of a difference in the ingredients for harira, versus the ingredients for most of that lot....... I do amaze myself sometimes with my reasoning....... :rotfl: I guess I just felt in a curry mood, rather than soup. Anyway, it was all storecupboard ingredients, reasonably simple to make and there was a little rice left over (my fault for not weighing out) and some dhal and chana masala, so it was a good thrifty, easy tea :D

    I've started looking up trades to do something in the house that needs doing irrespective of whether we stay put, rent out or sell. I saw that one person had actually written, 'if I don't get back to you, it means I don't want to quote'. Which is fair enough to a point. But how long do you wait? If they don't get back within 24hrs, 48hrs? a week? Would a pre-set text/email/voicemail message of 'not taking on new business at present' be so difficult? Anyhoo, they didn't make it onto my list. But let the frustrating times begin, again. It isn't something we can do ourselves, and even if we wanted to, it will need certifying etc so that we can rent/sell, so no point in cutting corners.

    I spent some time looking at pictures of BG today. I can't get over how much they have changed. And even the outfits etc that they have outgrown - OK, I have kept a couple of bits, but most things I was thinking, 'gosh, I'd forgotten they had that'. Remarkable.

    Today I am grateful for these 3 things;

    good memories

    cheap and cheerful teas that hit the spot

    free help/advice from a technician in building reg
    s :D

    Ta for popping in, reading and supporting me. I am sorry I've been a little bit below par. The cotton wool is just beginning to lift. Normal service should be resumed shortly :p

    Greying X
    Pounds for Panes £3,855/£10,000 - start date Dec 2023
    Grocery spend September £237.79/£300
    Non-food household spend September £21.09/£50
    Bulk Fund September £0/£10

    Knitted Blankets for charity 4/6
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