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  • Thanks for all the replies,

    I'm not one for reading books or listening to tapes, I have a short concentration span, hence, why I'm thinking hypnosis may be the better option.

    Google doesn't offer much help, rather than sticking a pin into yellow pages, is there an official list of certified hypnotherapists?
  • Person_one
    Person_one Posts: 28,884 Forumite
    First Post Second Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Hypnotherapy is unregulated, anybody can claim to be a hypnotherapist and if they call themselves 'qualified' that could mean anything from a certificate they bought online to a reasonably reputable diploma style course. It can also be very expensive.

    What you are describing sounds like it could be better managed with CBT, you can get this on the NHS if your GP thinks it would help you but there is usually a long waiting list. There are lots of good books on the subject though that can help you learn the basic techniques on your own and really make a big difference to how you think and feel.

    I would recommend this book, even if you're not a big reader its very easy, with bitesize chunks you can dip in and out of. I found it very useful when dealing with intrusive unpleasant thoughts after a bereavement and I still use some of the techniques from time to time if I find myself 'catastrophising' or stressing out for no good reason: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Cognitive-Behavioural-Therapy-Dummies-Branch/dp/0470665416

    If a book definitely isn't for you, have a look here to see if any of these websites may suit: http://www.nhs.uk/conditions/online-mental-health-services/Pages/introduction.aspx
  • Although CBT can be really helpful and gives ways of coping it doesn't usually resolve the underlying issue.

    Although it isn't a requirement for hypnotherapists to be registered, many choose to be. The National Council for Hypnotherapy https://www.hypnotherapists.org.uk
    only allow qualified and insured hypnotherapists to register with them. It is also requires continuous professional development to stay registered with them.

    You could start by looking on their website for hypnotherapists in your area. Then speak to the hypnotherapist on the phone and ask any questions you have. In my opinion I would avoid anyone who tells you they can 'cure' lots of things or have 100% success. It really is a form of therapy and so results depend on lots of things (including how honest you are with the therapist, how motivated you are to make changes etc). Don't be worried about asking what qualifications the person has, how long they have been practicing etc. (you might also find that on the individual hypnotherapists website). Choose someone you feel comfortable with when you speak to them.

    Good for you for deciding to make positive changes in your life and I wish you lots of success.
    Crazy clothes challenge 2017 - 30/300
  • Laz123
    Laz123 Posts: 1,742 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post First Anniversary Name Dropper
    Thanks for all the replies,

    I'm not one for reading books or listening to tapes, I have a short concentration span, hence, why I'm thinking hypnosis may be the better option.

    Google doesn't offer much help, rather than sticking a pin into yellow pages, is there an official list of certified hypnotherapists?

    Make sure the therapist is fully insured, that proves they have had to assure an insurance company of their bona fides. The therapist should also have a proper code of practice. My ex association is the largest in the world and operates in a highly ethical way. If you give me an area I can point you in the right direction if required.
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