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O/S Daily Sunday 4 September 2016



  • [Deleted User]
    Morning (((((((((( hugs )))))))))) if you need one.

    Lie in and brekkie in bed this morning. It was sunny when I got up to get our breakfast, but it ha clouded over, hope it clears I want to do some laundry, I guess the water will be turned off tomorrow whilst they finish the wet room.

    We had a good time at my friends yesterday, it makes me sad that such a talented quilter can no longer practice her art. Her remaining good eye is getting worse.

    Did not watch strictly, I cannot stand all the falseness of it......prefer to wait for the first 'proper' programme. OH had recorded the first series of 'death in paradise' so we watched 2 programmes of that, nothing else worth watching on TV.

    Chicken for supper tonight, chicken breast to roast with some stuffing. Started to eat cabbage from the garden yesterday, lovely, such a nice taste.
  • loocyloo
    loocyloo Posts: 265 Forumite
    Morning all,

    I got up early as had a pile of paperwork ( on the computer ) to finish ... got lots done, and then my internet turned itself off, and none of it was saved! ARGHHH! I could have spent another hour in bed!

    need to name all of DDs uniform as off to high school this week, won't take long - just iron on labels!

    off to church and then maybe a walk or something before cooking roast for tea.

    have a good day everyone

  • redruby
    redruby Posts: 7,317 Forumite
    Morning all,

    Rained most of the day here yesterday, has cleared up this morning and is quite blowy so I have stripped the beds and got them in the wm.

    DD has listed a load of her superdry clothing on ebay so we need to get that washed and dried today, I am going to do some listing later as well, I found an old phone which still seems to be worth a bit so will get that on with a few other bits.

    House has been completely de-cluttered which is a good feeling we have a huge pile for the cs though and will have to start taking it bit by bit.

    Dinner tonight will be some gammon steaks with wedges and salad, and then its get ready for going back to work tomorrow after almost three weeks off :( I love my job but have so enjoyed having this time off, I think my work / life balance has gone wrong as I seem to be always working or always exhausted, its such a stressful job and I think I have some thinking to do re my long term future.

    Right better get on have good days all xx

    Hugs to Hilstep xx
  • elona
    elona Posts: 11,806 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    I had a really good sleep and woke up at nine. The laundry is ready to go on the line outside and a beef brisket is in a cast iron casserole in a low oven for lunch. I have also made dinner party chicken ready to bake later. Just chicken breasts sliced nearly through, mozzarella in the middle and wrapped in bacon and then foil.

    Par boiling potatoes for roasties soon and looking out veg from fridge and might treat SIL to home made yorkies. I also want to try out the breadmaker on a rapid loaf as it has been a bit tempremental.

    There should be four or five of us for lunch at one so want to have a quick shower and shampoo, run vac over ground floor, load dishwasher etc. I get a bit wobbly if I rush around so will make myself move slowly and pace things.


    Anxiety is horrible especially if you are not sure why so be kind to yourself.


    Would a wire coat hanger manage to wiggle the canvas from the radiator?

    Just having a quick coffee before I tackle the kitchen.

    Hugs to all.
    "This site is addictive!"
    Wooligan 2 squares for smoky - 3 squares for HTA
    Preemie hats - 2.
  • snoozer
    snoozer Posts: 3,615 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary
    Two weeks today until DS' wedding in Italy. He managed to change his suit which he slimmed out of (not that he was fat - he's 6'6 and now weighs 12st 7 which I think is a bit low). We leave in a week to drive down with a lot of paraphernalia in the car, I hope it all fits!

    I watched the tennis last night - Andy Murray didn't play well but nver looked like being beaten while Dan Evans played his socks off but couldn't quite manage it.

    I want o get out in the garden for a quick weed because if we leave it now it will be a jungle when we come back.
  • TopsyMum
    Morning everyone!
    Busy productive day yesterday...cleared and rearranged bookshelves in dining room,have lots to either sell or give to charity,cleared a whole bookshelf which I will try to sell on gumtree as its in fab condition and an ikea Billy one. Also did a lot more tidying and sorting and rang and booked a collection for my fave local charity shop so they can benefit. So that gives me until Thursday afternoon when they collect to get some boxes to put it in and finish the decluttering!
    Weather was truly awful yesterday so had washing indoors which I hate but it had to be's overcast today but a bit blowy so I've just stuck it all outside to hopefully finish off drying,means we are on rain watch now though, lol!
    Forgot to get my chicken out of the freezer so this morning had to pop to Aldi to buy one for today's roast.
    Sorted out all the school stuff too,these summer holidays really seem to have flown by.
    Off to watch the formula one now,I know the race isn't for an hour and half but I do like to watch all the build up too!
    Hope everyone has a good day and good luck to everyone returning to school tomorrow! Can't say I'm looking forward to the early starts again,lol
  • ancientofdays
    Internet eating post again but probably tldr anyhow.

    Sorry you are feeling anxious and low nmlc.
    LaineyT that's a great idea of JackieO 's, and if your mum is like mine, she'll perhaps enjoy reminiscing about the people and places in the photos.

    I am waiting to have an extraction at the dentist, may have told you about this, not a tooth but a shard of bone from an old extraction and blimey is it hurting today.

    Chicken dinner tonight.
    I was jumping to conclusions and one of them jumped back
  • Hard_Up_Hester
    Afternoon all
    Hugs to nmlc, lainey and anyone else in need.
    Overcast here, we've been out today for drive around.
    I'm dressing the front bedroom today my L&M is supposed to be painting the study but is actually sitting watching the GP.
    Have a good day everyone.
    Hugs Hester
    Chin up, Titus out.
  • Floss
    Floss Posts: 8,373 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Post First Anniversary Photogenic
    I agree about the photos - my mum did all of hers when she wasn't sleeping well after my dad died in 1991, and then finished off the newer ones when she was ill in 2005.

    Good luck to all going back to school & starting uni - I found the Cash's woven nametapes I bought years ago for DS1 & DS2 the other week - I gave DS2's to his future wife, who said she will sew one into his wedding jacket :D

    Been to the lottie, watered & picked raspberries, just had a scrummy chicken sandwich & a glass of white and now off to town to buy wedding shoes for DH.
    2021 Decluttering Awards: ⭐⭐🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇 2022 Decluttering Awards: 🥇
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  • LaineyT
    LaineyT Posts: 4,684 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper Photogenic First Post
    edited 4 September 2016 at 5:32PM
    Grand idea about the photos Jackie, I'll make an afternoon of it once finished work and take a special cake over. We can sit, look through them all and reminisce to our hearts content :heart:

    Have just ordered some small jewellery boxes to be delivered to Mum's, she is going to go through everything and do a box up for each of her granddaughters, daughters-in-law and nieces. She has many heirloom pieces from both sides of the family so will do a little card with each box so that the recipient knows exactly where the piece came from. Am hoping all this will go a long way to putting her mind at rest, she said yesterday that sorting the loft out was like a huge weight off her shoulders x
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