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O/S Daily Sunday 4 September 2016

nmlc Posts: 4,788 Forumite
First Anniversary First Post
edited 4 September 2016 at 7:18AM in Old style MoneySaving
O/S Daily Sunday 4 September 2016

This is an “over the garden fence” type thread where we chat about everything Old Style and maybe a little bit more. It’s a great, inspiring and motivating thread we start each day to discuss what Old Style things we’re going to do today or what we’ve achieved already. Everyone’s welcome, please do come in, put your feet up (although check the fence hasn’t just been painted first!) and join us for an Old Style natter. The more the merrier!

As this is the Old Style Board, it would be appreciated if posts could include some Old Style content. Please be aware that many people may have small screens, or SLOW internet connections, so please don’t post large pictures, or clip art – links are preferred. When you make a post, if you feel like giving it a title, that will help others that don’t have the time to read everything skim through the thread quickly but if not it's not a problem. Please do not start a new daily thread before you go to bed at night because this often leaves things confusing with two daily threads live at the same time. The idea is that a member would start each new daily thread after they get up in the morning.

Some people who chat here like to try to answer everyone. Don’t feel you have to though, a general “hi everyone, hope everyone’s well” is fine.

Morning everyone

Hugs to those that need/want them x

Happy birthday to those with a birthday x

I'm enjoying first peaceful cuppa of the day.

Now light and drying up underfoot, we had continous rain from lunchtime yesterday and it was still raining at midnight when I went to bed, forecast is better today though.

Dinner last night was a small takeaway, we're going out for lunch today, so no cooking for me. I'll just get the pack ups etc sorted this morning, then I'll chill this afternoon.

Still feeling a bit low, but hoping once we get back to more normal "routine" from tomorrow I can become busier then I won't have time for my mind to wander. It's not helped by the nights becoming darker so much earlier, have really noticed it the last week or so, although I don't think I suffer from SAD, I have a few contributing factors at the moment, which I need to address. 1 particular seems on a loop which at times doesn't bother me at all and then I have times where it overwhelms me and I struggle to cope. I know I need to sort this and then move forward, that is becoming easier and I'm becoming better at dealing with it, just not there yet.

Have peaceful Sundays' everyone x

Keep safe and well x

nmlc x


  • camelot1001
    camelot1001 Posts: 6,055 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post
    Morning All

    Thanks for the thread nmlc, hope you feel more up-beat soon.
    Pleased to hear your leg is healing hilstep.

    Clear skies this morning and the sun is about to shine (I think). I'm doing the sky ride in Glasgow today with some friends - the roads are closed for the route so will be able to cycle in safety. Hoping to see Sir Chris Hoy too.

    Didn't have a very good nights sleep last night so a slow start today. The bed has been stripped, I'll hang it out in a mo.

    Have a good Sunday. Take care. XX
  • Moorhen
    Moorhen Posts: 964 Forumite
    First Anniversary
    Morning everyone,

    Hugs nmlc Hope that you are feeling more positive soon.

    Hugs to anyone else that is in need.

    It is the last day of the summer holidays and I am off to a christening in Ironbridge. It is the for the son of my cousin and I haven't seen any of my cousins for ages so it should be fun.

    Then it will be preparations for the new school year. I can't believe that I only have one child going back to school this year, DS and DD1 are both going to university. DS for his third year and DD1 for her first. The house will seem really empty.

    Have a lovely day everyone.:)
  • TravellingAbuela
    Morning folks and thanks for the start NMLC. Hope you feel better soon. We had the heavy rain from yesterday lunchtime too. It never stopped. This morning looks slightly brighter and no rain!

    I left a beef casserole in the sc overnight and I have just popped in some dumplings for the last half hour or so. Some very lean braising steak I had stashed away in the freezer from when it was on offer at Aldi. It smells delicious and will warm up nicely at lunchtime with some creamy mash. (Comfort food already and it's not winter yet!)

    The ironing will continue today but the end is in sight! I am all at sea with shopping too. We did a massive shop last Sunday when we got back from our hol but with being missing on and off most of the week at the hospital appts a lot of it is still there. One or two bits are needed so may pop down and do a very small shop later and try and get back to my usual weekly Thursday shopping day after that.

    It's the posh wedding in three weeks and the bargain Country Casuals dress I got at Boundary Mills a month or so ago won't fit if I don't lose the few pounds I have put on. It fit where it touched when I got it and didn't allow for any expansion! Must get my diet head on!

    Have a good day all and ((HUGS)) where needed/wanted. Take care xx
    "If you dream alone it will remain just a dream. But if we all dream together it will become reality"
  • Gers
    Gers Posts: 12,165 Forumite
    First Post Photogenic Name Dropper First Anniversary
    Morning everyone.

    Hope you soon pick up nmlc, there are still some nice days ahead.

    Camelot - have a fab time on the ride. There's going to be some big cycling stars in town. I got a bit lost getting to the velodrome yesterday cos of roadworks and rubbish signage.

    Did my piece of work and then took mum shopping. Got caught in huge tailbacks because of some more roadworks so came home the scenic route.

    This morning I'm taking mum to Cost*o as she wants a few things and then I'll be heading home. Fingers crossed for no rain.

    I wish everyone a happy Sunday.
  • tru
    tru Posts: 9,138 Forumite
    First Post Photogenic First Anniversary
    [FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Morning :hello: [/FONT]

    [FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]RosyRed Scampi's gone backwards lately. Nervous about a couple of things I thought he was now OK with. So I've put a bit more distance between us and the scary thing, feed treats then we walk away. We're slowly getting closer and soon we should be able to walk past with no reaction. I hope :D[/FONT]

    [FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Donna Chick is hyperactive, I think. Everything is so exciting to her, lol. She's taken to sleeping on the high shelf in the shed, she won't come down til I open the door wide then she launches herself down and out. Then it's oooooh food, oooooh water, oooooh more food, look there's the dog (runs to fence), I need more water, oh look at that leaf....... This carries on til bedtime then she seems excited about jumping up onto her shelf :D[/FONT]

    [FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]It rained for most of the day yesterday and was quite dark. I had a cosy afternoon, I left the lights off, lit scented tealights and lounged around on the sofa. I took my lunch in there and didn't want to leave Scampi out so he sat at my feet with a small dish of ham and tomatoes :D[/FONT]

    [FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]The weather's not much better today. The second load of washing is in the machine, it'll have to go on the airer indoors. My lines are under cover but the air feels very damp so it'll take ages to dry outside. I've writted a shopping list so will order that this morning, I'll also order my yarn. This afternoon I'll be browsing for craft blogs while eating chocolate :D[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
  • LaineyT
    LaineyT Posts: 4,684 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper Photogenic First Post
    Morning everyone,

    Thanks for the thread nmlc, positive thoughts coming your way x

    Have just taken Mum a cup of tea, she has had a rough night pain wise so will hopefully have her drink and then snuggle back down, she was tired yesterday evening and went to bed just after Strictly.
    Took us a good four hours to sort everything in her loft, a lot of stuff has gone to CS including bags and bags of wool which was my Grandma's so must be over 20 years old :eek: luckily it was mostly all bagged up and was some lovely stuff there so any OS knitters are in for a lovely surprise when they go in. There was also a fair amount of junk which has already gone to the dump, my DF clearly didn't like throwing anything away.
    But oh there was some treasure as well, my three bridesmaid dresses, two tiny from when I was a small child and one adult. Must admit did have a tear when I saw those. Lots of family photos of course which we have put in a suitcase and that can be sorted when we all have more time. Some lovely vintage clothes that I will pass on to my eldest niece as she loves that sort of thing.
    After everything had been sorted through we all sat and had a meal together, Mum was so relieved that it was all done and all that's left in her loft is some Xmas decs.
    Today will be a quiet day as all could do with the rest, will pop over to see Bill yesterday but that's about it.

    Enjoy your cycle ride Camelot
    Tru your afternoon sounds just about perfick

    Have a good day everyone, take care folks x
  • dp1
    dp1 Posts: 1,714 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post
    Morning everyone
    Pouring with rain here though its supposed to be fine by this afternoon. Hope so as I've a load of bedding and a load of black washing to get dried....including my 'school' coat which I've had 7 weeks to wash!
    Just sitting in bed with my breakfast; going to do next weeks Tesco order. I had freebies last week...a cardboard 'lunch box' with a box of squeezy yogurt, a little box of cereal, some healthy kiddy fruit snack, a little pack of cooked chicken and watermelon fingers. I think they were probably meant for children younger than mine, but 17 year old was very impressed!
    Hope everyone has a good day. I have to go to work for training tomorrow afternoon then back to normal on Wednesday. Very strange now I have no children at school....
  • [Deleted User]
    Good Morning chums Lainey well done for getting the loft sorted.If you get a chance go through family snaps with your Mum and see if she can date them on the back and say who exactly are in them.I have lots of photo's that I wish I had got dated and written on the back as an amateur genealogist it helps no end when you are 'doing a tree' I am thinking of you and how you are coping my dear <<virtual hugs > to you all xx

    yesterday was great as I went to my friends coffee morning at the little church where she is on the committee. They had a small fundraising coffee morning to help raise funds for a girls orphanage and refuge in India.Volunteered to do some knitting for them and had a nice couple of cups of coffee with beautiful Hm coffee and walnut cake.When I was coming home one of the ladies said I saw you enjoyed the cake so I have wrapped a piece up in a box for you I had it last night after dinner as a treat and it was gorgeous, well worth the £2.00 donation

    I freezer dived for my dinner last night so another NSD for me :)

    This morning I am just about to do my menus for the week as I have done my accounts for the month and belt-tightening is a work in progress :0
    Dinner at DDs later, so apart from making a salad lunch no cooking for me today

    Children go back to school on Tuesday and Wednesday this week so life will get back to normal once more DGS just texted me to say its 16 weeks today until Christmas day !!! so looks like this year will whizz past again :)

    Hope everyone has a restful Sunday

    Cheers chums
    JackieO xx
  • Coxy11
    Coxy11 Posts: 4,942 Forumite
    Homepage Hero Name Dropper First Anniversary First Post
    Morning all, hugs nmlc xx hope you feel brighter soon xx

    Have fun on the bike ride Camelot X
    Enjoy the christening Moorhen X
    Lainey - well done on the loft sorting. Ours really needs doing, but would take waaaaay more than a day :(
    tru - I want to spend the afternoon eating chocolate and browsing craft blogs! #jealous

    Watched strictly last night - loved it. I think this year's contestants are great, particularly Judge Rinder and Will Young. My money is on Claudia Fragipane if the first group dance is anything to go by.

    Had to stay up til gone midnight, and sober, to pick up DS1 from the hotel. He came out with a girl who lives our way but was getting the bus! No way was I allowing that, so I dropped her home. Absolutely shattered this morning. Washing on line. Up early as DD has first rugby training of the season. We are off to MILs later for her birthday tea and cake. Bought her a vase from Laura Ashley in the summer sale and an M&S bouquet to go with.

    Have a good day all.
    Cross-stitch WIP: HSC Winter Panel 365 1p challenge member No.6 Read 24 books in 2024 - currently reading Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens 15/24
  • dumpling
    dumpling Posts: 2,491 Forumite
    First Anniversary Photogenic First Post
    Good morning everyone :hello:

    It's dry here this morning although it rained for most of yesterday so that's been great for everyone's gardens. I had a lie in till 8am :j, I feel human again, it's such a relief to get some proper sleep after months of rubbish sleep and early (middle of the night) mornings.

    Well, it's the girls last day today so I am going to keep them busy with some chores and shopping for me :). They have had 6 weeks to laze around so it will be back to early nights and early mornings. I am a bit sad that they are going back to school as I will miss them but I am going to find things to occupy myself with. I want to try and cook a proper meal for them most days and also do some baking. I have my knitting and I want to learn how to use my sewing machine.

    Hubby is just making me a cup of tea so I will disappear. Before I go I just wanted to send a hug to nmlc, anxiety is a beast and can be so draining. Hope you find a good way to cope with it xx

    Hope you all have a great Sunday, take care xx
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