Preparing for the biggest move of our life



  • bellevie
    bellevie Posts: 876 Forumite
    First Anniversary Photogenic Name Dropper First Post
    Im enjoying my first peaceful Wednesday morning for weeks!

    Quick shop in Lidl £15.95, then came home to eat breakfast in beautiful silence - that sounds strange but I really enjoyed it!

    Its been a tough month for the pennies, pay day in 10 days...phew!
    Starting debt :£287,410 -11/2020

    2022 Closing balance £271,402.45 

    2023 closing balance £263140

    Original end 11/2045 
    New end date :....... 

    Overpayments to date £534.4 (5/24)

  • bellevie
    bellevie Posts: 876 Forumite
    First Anniversary Photogenic Name Dropper First Post
    What a slow week!!

    DD came down with chicken pox, she was unwell after school Friday woke up midnight /early hours of Saturday burning hot...then Saturday when we were all more awake we noticed spots, spots and more spots!! Chicken pox...

    I had some AL left but my bosses agreed a couple of days work from home and it turns out I haven't used my special leave - designed for situations like this, we get 5 days per year so at the very least I will be paid for this week - phewwww!

    DD has actually been a saint, she has listened to me and resisted the urge to scratch, she was quite poorly to start with but such a brave girl. I have been giving her some homeopathic remedies to reduce the urge to itch which seemed to kick in quite fast when she woke in tears some nights. Paracetamol helped with her fever.

    High winds last night caused bins to go everywhere I had a quick dash around before the bin men came this morning.

    Pay day tomorrow at last. Straight in for a shuffle of funds, account 1 for most dd's & savings, account 2 for joint bills then 3rd for grocery, fuel and other cash buys. I will be putting a lump sum on my very account that I used far too much over Christmas & just recently to replace my dying phone. I hope to have that all cleared off by April, then I will move onto my Next account which also took a hit after recent washing machine purchase & dd's birthday party outfit.

    After that its time to start saving to bring the car finance to an end! I'm not sure I will be able to shave a huge amount of time off it, but even 6 months should help interest wise!

    Whilst this is happening, we will both be saving in case of a steep rent increase when its due for renewal in June.

    Being at home, so far I've had no issues sticking to the meal plan I created at the beginning of the week = no waste!

    DP will be working Saturday which Im a little bummed about, its been very isolating being away from work all week. DD & I will be going to his flat to continue with the clear out, everything is bagged up so it will be a trip to the tip and a good scrub. If I can get all cleaning done Saturday that will be good as its his birthday the following weekend, I didn't particularly want to be stuck in there cleaning then.

    In other news DD has been invited to spend the week with a friend over the summer - I have never been away from her for that long it will be a bit of a shock, but she will love being with her friends more so than the holiday club. The family live 20 minutes from the beach, we went for a beautiful boxing day walk there so I know she will have fun.

    It has made me push forward on giving her a mobile knowing I wont be with her for so long, I don't want her to be reliant on someone else letting her call my if she desperately needs me. I dug out my box of old phones, she has made her choice - a small pretty white one, Im sure my first ever smart phone. Its ancient so I hope it lasts!! To start I plan just to enable it wifi only so there wont be a credit loaded sim in it just yet, she will use it essentially as a mini tablet, that can accept incoming calls. I will put some credit on it for her holiday PAYG Im not risking a huge data linked bill!!
    The plan is I will phone every night after work, however just like I always have my phone on me in case school call, she can also call anytime she likes.

    Depending how sensible she is if she looks after the phone, handles her credit properly, I will consider allowing her to have her own 'new' mobile as planned after her 10th birthday in preparation for walking to school by herself. I say walking to school - she wont walk to school from our home we are too far, but I will be dropping her off in the village so she can walk in with friends. Im sure its half way through year 5 they allow it in preparation for year 6 then secondary school. Oh gosh time is slipping away so fast!

    I didn't get my first mobile until I was 13. I was so over the moon with the big blue Motorola one! Before that age 12 I had a pager which was a waste of money IMO. However a couple in my group had mobiles and I remember the rule was I was only allowed to play out over the park if someone had a mobile to call in an emergency - we never ever needed to call, but I guess it reassured our parents in the same way it will reassure me in relation to DD - that if we needed them we could call. Looking back, it changed pretty quickly even during my childhood. As a 6/7 year old I was allowed to play on the green at the bottom of our road until the lights came on! Then age 8ish we were allowed over the park as a group again until lights came on or one of our parents came looking for us. From 12 onwards there was a sudden hesitancy and rules changed. I did move in with my nan age 12 so maybe it was that.

    I'm not sure Il ever get to the letting DD over the park stage well not this park anyway its too hidden in the forest, Id rather she go somewhere, cinema, bowling, swimming or invite her friends round. I may not get much of a say when she is a hormone filled teenager.....time will tell!
    Starting debt :£287,410 -11/2020

    2022 Closing balance £271,402.45 

    2023 closing balance £263140

    Original end 11/2045 
    New end date :....... 

    Overpayments to date £534.4 (5/24)

  • louby40
    louby40 Posts: 1,523 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post Combo Breaker
    Kids are so excited to get their first phone.

    I had my first phone when I was 35 lol
  • bellevie
    bellevie Posts: 876 Forumite
    First Anniversary Photogenic Name Dropper First Post
    Pay day has been & gone. I was able to cover my share of bills, and put some extra payments towards debt and start of my savings fund. On top of that, I was able to treat DP to a meal out for his birthday - just a pub lunch, came in under budget.

    I should now make it another 3 weeks till pay day without breaking into a sweat - for the first time in a long long time!

    This weeks food shop has been done, we have our weekly budget so far I'm £19 under budget. We agreed to over estimate then save what's left towards a big monthly treat so covers fuel when visiting our families (all live far away) or a meal out for us all.

    DD has chosen next months meal out which is like a Chinese buffet place and easy on the purse under £30 for 3 of us.

    We are planning some little camping weekends this year instead of a long holiday - I haven't been camping since I was a child but DP and his entire family are big campers, so we will slowly get our own things together - second hand or expressly in the sales at first to be sure it isn't my worst nightmare :D
    Starting debt :£287,410 -11/2020

    2022 Closing balance £271,402.45 

    2023 closing balance £263140

    Original end 11/2045 
    New end date :....... 

    Overpayments to date £534.4 (5/24)

  • bellevie
    bellevie Posts: 876 Forumite
    First Anniversary Photogenic Name Dropper First Post
    Busy couple of days at work, looking forward to a little down time tomorrow morning.

    No food shop needed so I will have time to catch up with housework at a gentle pace.

    Petrol and lunch brought today, my appointments overran so I couldn't make it back to the office in time to make a mugshot sitting in my drawer! The day flew by, but I'm a bit cross I couldn't last with out picking up a sandwich such a waste of money!

    No spends planned tomorrow, in fact for the rest of the week.

    I had a really nice call from someone in another office this week, Im to feature in a company video talking about some of my cases and why I enjoy working there. Its to be a full blown production, mini makeover included...I've never had a makeover....I'm not good at public speaking, and whilst I wouldn't consider myself unattractive I seem to do very strange things when caught on camera - completely unphotogenic - not in a being down on myself way as I really am quite OK in real life and OK in selfie type shots. My theory is because I am in control of selfie's where as someone else taking photos I feel so exposed......the director better have a lot of patience with me...
    It will be an experience that's for sure :)
    Starting debt :£287,410 -11/2020

    2022 Closing balance £271,402.45 

    2023 closing balance £263140

    Original end 11/2045 
    New end date :....... 

    Overpayments to date £534.4 (5/24)

  • bellevie
    bellevie Posts: 876 Forumite
    First Anniversary Photogenic Name Dropper First Post
    Poor DP has suffered this week, I injured my back at work, sitting in a residents front room, on the floor for 2 hours - they didn't have a chair or sofa in there. I offered to make a charity referral but worried about germs they declined - I have struggled to walk since!

    I've been so wiped out returning from work, he has been left with cooking, cleaning etc whilst I try to ease my back in hot baths.

    Tomorrow I'm due to travel for that video, so he will be left to cook for another 2 days. I'll make up for it when Im better, hopefully not too much longer.

    I saved myself around £150 last week. DD had requested a high sleeper for quite a while, I always refused until we moved her to the smaller bedroom when DP moved in. I agreed and started my savings pot - aiming for a simple £230 metal frame high sleeper with desk & futon style underneath.

    I then spotted one on market place via FB, for £50 - wooden version. It was better than the one I had intended to get and so much cheaper! I snapped it up, and put DD's old bed on there - got £30 for that! DD then agreed to sell her desk, she had marked it so we only listed it for £5, and that was picked up and gone within the hour. I let her keep that towards something she wants and she is now constantly looking for things to sell :)

    Debt payments going well, overpaid on all but car loan, will update when all statements are in after interest etc.

    We agreed on a budget St V day, max £10 spends - we both over spent for each others birthdays (one each side of Christmas) and over Christmas so there really isn't much either of us want or need. I got him well us, a little quiz type game & photo frame, DD has a small teddy with a heart. I'm expecting an offer of a home cooked meal from him - well actually he might think he has done enough cooking after this week bless him :D

    Our next saving aim is for camping things, he has things lined up to buy, I think its taking all of his might not to dash out and get it all at once - I noticed he has a habit of buying then at the end of the month groaning about how fast his money has gone, whilst bills are covered as soon as he is paid, it does make me a little jittery to run down to a nil balance so I'm trying to ease him out of those habits. He is making good progress with packed lunches, religiously making his sandwiches the night before so cutting down on his daily spends. Still yet to nip coffee spends in the bud, although he has cut back massively on lunch spends so we have a good compromise.

    Savings off to a good start for the year my end, DP not so much due to leaving his flat, although his deposit will come back to him so that will get him off to a flying start if he doesn't touch it.
    Starting debt :£287,410 -11/2020

    2022 Closing balance £271,402.45 

    2023 closing balance £263140

    Original end 11/2045 
    New end date :....... 

    Overpayments to date £534.4 (5/24)

  • bellevie
    Trip went well, although it seems to have prolonged my back pain.

    Im wondering if maybe I am low on Vitamin D, which has made my bones weaker. Bit of google investigation there :/
    Before this incident the past year I've frequently woke with back ache, not struggled too much once up but its been sharp enough to make me wake in my sleep. I thought it was my old mattress, so replaced to no avail.

    I will be going to the doctors on Monday if there is no improvement, but it wont help to test out some vitamin d, along side some gentle swimming see if I can strengthen my back a little. Hot baths feel so nice, so I hope swimming will have the same relaxing effect.

    The trip was an experience, I was so nervous infront of the camera, and I just couldn't hide it. All of my colleagues said you wont notice its there when you get talking - rubbish it was right in my face! I know I can not have come across well, lots of umming :/ I hope they have a super editing team. The experience itself wasn't bad, we had a nice meal on arrival met residents and staff from all over the country.

    MSE ways, I spent only £2.65 enroute to the location - hot chocolate, no other expenses. We saved around £5 on our weekly food shop so that's gone in for our monthly treat.

    I have moved my help to buy ISA over to another account which offers a slightly better rate. I've only just restarted saving in it since I last cleared it out for car works. I now have a reasonable amount going into an emergency savings account so there will be no reason to touch this again.

    Payday in 10 days and touch wood, I have not reached 'crisis point' my balances are low, but within healthy range so I should if there are no emergencies make it safely to payday.

    I'm going to check my accounts to update my balances hopefully some improvements well perhaps all apart from Next - I had ordered things in the sale that were delayed in being posted to so the cost of those goods would have only been added since I collected. I should actually though be able to make another payment in the next couple of weeks on top of my normal monthly payment which I've already increased.

    I need to pop out to do a small food shop today, well actually full but I'm in so much pain I will need to be as quick as I can so I will do a couple of small shops in the week.

    Hopefully doctors will be able to fit me in on Monday, here's hoping!
    Starting debt :£287,410 -11/2020

    2022 Closing balance £271,402.45 

    2023 closing balance £263140

    Original end 11/2045 
    New end date :....... 

    Overpayments to date £534.4 (5/24)

  • bellevie
    bellevie Posts: 876 Forumite
    First Anniversary Photogenic Name Dropper First Post
    Ongoing back pain, bruised area around my Coccyx it can take a while to heal, doctor estimated around 4 weeks, im in my 3rd week I have felt an improvement so hopefully not much longer.

    I have taken one positive step to try to build more strength and attended my first ever yoga class. I was a bit sceptical but actually I really enjoyed it! Its only once a week, but I figured I can practice some simple steps I learn throughout the week to alleviate any small niggles that crop up. Its quite reasonably priced via the local leisure centre, we have however had an email to say a private company will take over day to day running of the class. I really hope they don't wack up the prices.

    Payday, I didn't touch my emergency savings I did however book train tickets on my card as they were on promotional offer and would have expired before payday, so I will need to make payments towards that this month and next before the interest fees wipe out any potential benefits of paying before I had saved the money!

    We maxed out food budget last week because I took DP with me, its my fault I groaned I do it all alone - he was chucking things in left right and centre! That will teach me. I've been successfully keeping it under budget adding money to our treat pot, literally it came in around 40p under budget - and he has already lost one of the non essential items we picked up - a lunch box for him!!! He can stick to carrier bags for now, or replace it himself, I wont do it from the food budget again.

    I need to try and stretch out the food now to last until next Wednesday when I will restart shopping fully at Aldi / Lidl on Wednesdays. I picked up a small top up shop today which will hopefully keep us going - bread & milk will be needed before then that's all I can envisage so far.

    So we have booked a trip to visit friends in France end of May - hence my cheap ticket find - its so much more expensive paying for 3, that said we are splitting cost DP will cover kennels, travel to station and overnight hotel prior to train (leaving early) we will have a joint spending money pot. Accom whilst over there will be free, we have arranged 1 day trip to Paris which DP will cover the train fees for as part of his share, the rest of the time will be visiting friends that I have yet to introduce DP to.

    April we plan to visit Wales, free weekend aside from fuel and food enroute.

    DD has a new pet, with her birthday money she adopted a hamster. We contributed to the cage, and she has agreed that a small amount of her pocket money once a month will go towards bedding. She has been so good with cleaning out the cage, feeding her, changing water and learning to tame the hamster - I feel super proud of the gentle, kind, loving little lady she is growing into.

    Right, my free Wednesday morning has flown by, back to work for me!
    Starting debt :£287,410 -11/2020

    2022 Closing balance £271,402.45 

    2023 closing balance £263140

    Original end 11/2045 
    New end date :....... 

    Overpayments to date £534.4 (5/24)

  • bellevie
    bellevie Posts: 876 Forumite
    First Anniversary Photogenic Name Dropper First Post
    I read my last post out to DP when I logged on for a catch up yesterday, it was quite funny at how angry I got at myself for that food shop!!

    I have been true to my words though, he no longer comes to main shop, but I will sometimes give him the reins over top up shop - which is only 1/4 of our budget, it pleases him and I am not half as panicked, learning to compromise :)

    We reviewed our joint contributions after I had a mini melt down when my car needed 2 new tyres due to tears. I was really thrown by that, it doesn't sit it is used daily but not massive mileage, nothing was picked up at last MOT so I can only assume it is the recent bad weather in addition to the budget tyres that were on there from previous owner. I thought for a minute the garage meant my front two tyres which I only replaced a few months ago.

    I had to get the tyres to get the car through the MOT.
    In addition to that the leisure centre has been taken over by a private company, and prices have hiked up - DD's swimming lessons up an extra £20!

    Those unexpected costs put a severe dent into the little amount I had saved over the past couple of months.

    I was once more demanding we move somewhere cheaper when the tenancy is renewed to reduce our outgoings. We had initially agreed 50% on certain bills. DP is keen on staying the location works for him, and it does for me but the rental costs, knowing there will be an increase in the next couple of months really has set of some kind og anxiety in me.
    DP earns quite a bit more than me after he negotiated his pay recently. So we decided to work out on equal % of our salary, not including any extra little jobs he gets and not including my mileage as neither of those are guaranteed, its an affordable change for both of us so I hope that lessens my worry.

    Payday next week, so will see how it affects me the first month.

    I've been a bit lazy with cooking recently, we have been on a cycle of eating the same things, I'm craving change so I'm going to browse some of the bargain recipe threads :)
    Starting debt :£287,410 -11/2020

    2022 Closing balance £271,402.45 

    2023 closing balance £263140

    Original end 11/2045 
    New end date :....... 

    Overpayments to date £534.4 (5/24)

  • bellevie
    bellevie Posts: 876 Forumite
    First Anniversary Photogenic Name Dropper First Post
    Its been a whilst since my last update, but I've still been taking conscious steps to save and wrap up debts.
    I've set up the LISA account, I cant explain why I didn't do this sooner. I found out on MSE's useful tips that I can save a small amount in this or other high interest accounts and continue to max out my help to buy isa to benefit from the good rate and transfer it over before end of year to still qualify for the bonus. It will definitely help my deposit grow quickly. As my deposit will be quite small I will really benefit from having the govt deposit in advance to count as deposit rather than after the purchase is done!
    I need to review my other savings accounts. I have little ones linked to each of my main account but all have gone out of their promotional interest rates so a couple might be better to close. I just like having separate funds for different things so they cant be accidentally spent - ie I have to go in and transfer the money to be able to use it! Its better than not earning an interest at all, but it might be better off combined into a high interest account. Il think about this a little longer and see if I will still manage a tight grip on finances.
    DD is changing schools, starting tomorrow. I've considered this for many years but held back because I always had a long distance move at the back of my head - purely driven by the urge to find cheaper prices. DP came along and I found someone who loves the area we are in as much as I do, he has no urge to move and with our incomes combined we are both feeling the benefit of staying. That urge to move far away in the immediate future has disappeared. So I reconsidered moving DD. I figured she would have another 2 years to make friendships before starting secondary school. She will also benefit from being able to walk to school in her last year and walking home which will help with preparing for secondary. The school is within walking distance to our home, this should help massively in fuel costs. Although her old school wasn't far, it was mostly traffic often in the morning and always in the evening.
    I'm a little nervous but DD seems to be very excited so I hope this will be a positive move all round!
    Starting debt :£287,410 -11/2020

    2022 Closing balance £271,402.45 

    2023 closing balance £263140

    Original end 11/2045 
    New end date :....... 

    Overpayments to date £534.4 (5/24)

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