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Mortgage free by 2023 (!)



  • Don't give up Sarahevie..

    Morning of pottering about the house, tidying, ironing done. Done a few crafty bits with the littlies. now settled down to a film as it's STILL raining. Listed a few things on fleabay and on bookface selling site plus a few for someone I know online who sometimes buys stuff off me, so hoping for a few sales soon. My fleabay items end tomorrow and currently are at £108 combined. They still have their final value fee promotion on for 1p, so trying to take advantage of that.

    Sale parcel came today and dressing gown for the littlies put away for this winter. Am making sure I keep a list when I buy things so hopefully we'll be done come December again!
    DFW (08/08) £64,346.53 Gone (02/19)
    MFW (08/08) £118k Gone (09/23)
  • mummytogirls
    mummytogirls Posts: 6,578 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Anniversary 10 Posts
    Evening DF0D,

    I started with MFP again earlier in the week as I do find it helps me.

    Wow the sales of £108 this week are fab, well done x
    Mummytogirls x

  • I came across a bargain thread where I could get one of the dressing gowns £6 cheaper, so returns note fished out the bin and one parcelled up ready to go back, bought the cheaper one from Am@zon and picked up a book for stepson for Xmas next year at the same time for a few pence cheaper than what I had paid for the original gown!

    Hopefully sold £34 worth of stuff to my friend, just waiting for her to palpay me and can get that posted. Need to drop off the £10 worth of stuff locally tomorrow, and fleabay items ending. Only managed to get another two items on there this afternoon.

    Waiting to see if I'm a multi millionaire (if so - may not be one for a few days!):rotfl:
    DFW (08/08) £64,346.53 Gone (02/19)
    MFW (08/08) £118k Gone (09/23)
  • Well I didn't win a bean! never mind - back to work and MSE-ing. It did prompt a funny conversation though between me and DH what we would do with the millions!

    CC1 is about to get a partner in CC3. the 0% is up in April and with all the bank switching I did, I got turned down for 1/2 CC's lately, so applied for one with the H@lifax which got accepted for £950, so CC3 will have £950 on it, but at least that bit will be interest free. I reckon I can clear about £500 before the 0% expires, so I'll have about £3000 on there I need to do something with. Will try another 0% offer nearer the time, also have the option to maybe transfer a bit onto CC2 as that's interest free till August, but not keen to use that if it's likely to be clear!

    This is why I never want to get in the situation again.. it's drives me crazy trying to shift balances all over the place and now I'm looking at maybe having to pay interest, it does not make for a happy DFOD.

    DS slept till 6.02am! If only he could do that every day! He'll be back to 5am tomorrow with us all back to School and work!

    Expecting a busy day in the bank account tomorrow. Waiting for 3 palpay resolution cases to resolve as well. hopefully in my favour - should do as it's a company that just aren't responding to me or palpay.

    Will be watching my fleabay items come lunchtime ish to see how they do!
    DFW (08/08) £64,346.53 Gone (02/19)
    MFW (08/08) £118k Gone (09/23)
  • mummytogirls
    mummytogirls Posts: 6,578 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Anniversary 10 Posts
    Morning DF0D,

    Booo to not winning! What would you buy if you won? I think for me it would be typical new house, holiday, treating ourselves! If I only won 1 million I reckon id still keep my job. We know someone who won a million on the raffle and I bet theres nothing left of it now!

    Enjoy your last day off xx
    Mummytogirls x

  • We were debating how to spend the 46mill! And that was more about which family members might not benefit.. that families for you!

    With one million, I would buy a property, pay off CC1!!! a better car, and in true MSE style, invest and invest and figure out if I could not work and live on the interest. I would love to be able to choose a job where the pay didn't matter and just do something I truly love.
    DFW (08/08) £64,346.53 Gone (02/19)
    MFW (08/08) £118k Gone (09/23)
  • shangaijimmy
    shangaijimmy Posts: 3,796 Forumite
    Name Dropper Part of the Furniture First Post
    Easy - little butty shop for Mrs SJ (her dream). Then I'd get a little job driving; tesco delivery, or even a chemist delivery service type thing!
    MFW: Was: £136,000.......Now: £61,892.24......
    Mortgage Neutral Deficit: £43,082.90... Mortgage Neutral Savings: £18,809.34

    MFiT-T6 #13 - £3,517 of £15,500 (22.69%)
    1% Mortgage Challenge 2022 - £157.59 of £650
  • mummytogirls
    mummytogirls Posts: 6,578 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Anniversary 10 Posts
    I honestly don't even know what I would do with that amount. Id probably only give to the close family... I mean I am one of 5 :rotfl:.
    Ive just realised paying off the debt never even entered my head when mentioning holidays and new houses ha!!! xx
    Mummytogirls x

  • Lol MTG.. you'd be a millionaire and still paying a bit off your debt each month!

    Fleabay items sold for £114, so just need them to pay now and I can get collection arranged. DD for electric has gone through at the old rate, so I don't have the extra £50 I though I would there. grrr - whatever, CC2 is going this month, one way or another! Just sent another £96 or so to it, meaning the balance is now at £177.38, take away the child benefit tomorrow and I need to find £40.58 - that will happen somehow!

    Could use the fleabay money but desperately need to free some space on the everydayCC to pay for the carpet and I'm sailing a bit close to the wind to comfortably pay that off, the payment already failed before Xmas and the shop were fine saying it was because I wasn't there (errr no, it's because I've been spending).

    Actually looking forward to a bit of routine and normality tomorrow. Kids are stir crazy, it's been raining for days (DH actually just took them out for a walk) - made carrot muffins and dough for cookies is in the fridge doing whatever it needs to do in there..

    Apart from a bath and shoe cleaning, we are ready to go tomorrow!!
    DFW (08/08) £64,346.53 Gone (02/19)
    MFW (08/08) £118k Gone (09/23)
  • Been debating for a while actually what to do with additional earnings from these sales or survey cash that I can't take as a voucher and with 5 mins to think about it, I've come up with the following:

    CC debt - 50%
    Holiday savings - 20%
    Mortgage OP's - 20%
    Our long term savings - 10%

    Any thoughts? I know the savings are small, but I'm just not focussing on that at the minute when I have debt. Holidays might seem like an extravagance, but we have a trip in a few months I want to pay for in advance and not use the CC at all if I can help it.
    DFW (08/08) £64,346.53 Gone (02/19)
    MFW (08/08) £118k Gone (09/23)
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