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Help for parents

I wonder if anyone can help?

My dad is on pension credit, due to go to pension next year.

My mum is now caring for my Nan, who over the last few months has become very unstable and needs a lot of care. My nan already gets DLA.

I was wondering, if my mum claimed CA how would this affect the PC claim - would the CA be deducted the same as wages. The only info I could see on-line was if my mum claimed PC and CA but the PC claim is my dads, not hers?

Thank you for any help - hope people understand what I am asking.

Aug Comp Wins - :j

Fly Lady - Day Completed -

Starting to OS again and get life into some kind of order!


  • xylophone
    xylophone Posts: 44,887 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Anniversary First Post
    Your father claims PC for a couple?


    Will your father become eligible for state pension on or after 6 4 16?

    How old is your mother?

    What is her state pension situation?
  • TattyG
    TattyG Posts: 228 Forumite
    I think it is a couple as when she got a small job, anything she earned got took of the PC.

    State pension for him is 02/16 I believe.

    Mum is 55.

    Not sure on her pension situation but can call her later

    Thank you Xylophone x
    Aug Comp Wins - :j

    Fly Lady - Day Completed -

    Starting to OS again and get life into some kind of order!
  • anmarj
    anmarj Posts: 1,819 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Anniversary First Post
    edited 8 January 2015 at 10:53PM
    Yes the PC would be effected, what would happen is a carers premium would be added to the PC claim, and the carers allowance taken off. Overall the could be better off by up to £30 per week BUT if you nan gets Pension Credit, she could be getting a extra amount for severe disability, if carers allowance goes into payment then it affects this premium and her money will go down, and could effect other things ie housing benefit etc
  • TattyG
    TattyG Posts: 228 Forumite
    Thank you Anmarj. Think I will have to get them to speak to ageuk to see if they would be better off or not.

    I can't see how they would be better off if they lose the CA but get the premium as it is just my mum that would claim CA and not my dad.

    Thank you for your help x
    Aug Comp Wins - :j

    Fly Lady - Day Completed -

    Starting to OS again and get life into some kind of order!
  • TattyG
    TattyG Posts: 228 Forumite
    No HB for any of them so that shouldn't be an issue. My Nan is 73 so don't think she gets PC.

    Aug Comp Wins - :j

    Fly Lady - Day Completed -

    Starting to OS again and get life into some kind of order!
  • xylophone
    xylophone Posts: 44,887 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Anniversary First Post
    So your father reaches state pension age under the current scheme but your mother under the new scheme?

    Does your mother expect to claim a state pension in her own right( through NI contributions paid or credited) or had she been expecting to claim a Category B pension on your father's contributions?


    See pages 12 and 17-20 of



    Is your grandmother entitled to claim pension credit?


    may be worth a look.
  • allen35
    allen35 Posts: 1,516 Forumite
    If your nan lives alone and is entitled to Pension Credit she would receive extra money (£61.10) called a severe disability premium, if not entiled because her State Pension, OCC'P' and savings are too high your mum should claim it.

    Best way to describe it is another poster was explaining if your nan currently gets the extra in her Pension Credit because no-one claims Carer's Allowance she would lose the SDP of £61.10 and your mum n dad would effectively gain £34.20 if claiming CA making a loss between both claims. If nan isn't entitled it doesn't apply.

    Your dad would apply (PC) as a couple and they would be entitled to £226.50 plus £34.20 for a Carer's Premium due to claiming Carer's Allowance giving maximum income of £260.70.

    Any income would then be reduced from this amount, for example Carer's of £61.10, dad's State Pension when entitled and any income from OCC'Pensions and savings over £10,000 would be taken into account.

    Once your dad reaches 65 and depending on the amount of State Pension he receives if joint income is £192 or above they may receive a little extra in Pension Credit Savings as well.

    Tell your mum she can request backdating of 3 months when applying for Carer's Allowance and it seems easier and quicker to apply online at gov.uk.
    Forums can be/are a good guide to entitlement and it is good practice to back it up with clarification from the relevant department/specialist with written confirmation to safeguard yourself.
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