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OS Thread Monday 15th September 2014



  • Gers
    Gers Posts: 12,165 Forumite
    First Post Photogenic Name Dropper First Anniversary
    Morning everyone.

    Yet again I couldn't login and had to change my password, all that happening at 4.30a.m. before I left home. Had a good drive down, only two large lorries ahead and they both indicated when it was OK for me to overtake. Very dark until about 6.30a.m. Am dreading the drive in the depth of winter.

    Brought some egg mayo with me for breakfast so am at my desk eating it now and doing a little browse before others arrive.

    Not sure how the day will pan out but I'm ready for the worst.

    Hope everyone has a good day.

    Happy Monday.
  • kezlou
    kezlou Posts: 3,283 Forumite
    Thanks for starting the thread molly :)

    Your right, it is getting colder, freezing this morning.

    thinking of today camelot ((hugs))

    caz ouch

    hester hope todays less hectic than last week

    dumpling, know you feel had that with DS1 when we took ds2 to look round school. Nightmare isn't it.

    Plans for day, far to much to do. But the kettles cooling down ready for bread making.
    Lashing it down outside and it freezing so no chance of drying ds2 wet duvet. Oh the joys of incontinence.

    Don't pick ds2 till 4pm so going to start some small jobs and slowly tick them off the list.
    My arthritis is playing up something chronic so i'm in total agony. Been told to rest by OH. But no rest for the wicked.
  • RosyRed
    RosyRed Posts: 3,124 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Anniversary First Post
    Good morning everyone,
    Molly nice to see you,
    Good advice enjoy your holiday,
    Hope all you people feeling poorly pick up soon
    Camelot hugs,hope you recollect happy times tonight x
    Mrs LW-enjoy your stay with Zebra
    Didnt seem to find time to post at weekend,hectic with the grandchildren here.I was shattered as we had a night out on Friday,DH had a drink so snoring was bad,I ended up putting the guest bed up in the spare room :mad:
    Saturday night baby stayed over and we were on duty as DS went out with .DGS mummy.He had a bad night fidgeting and fussing all night long-think he's teething, so felt a bit of a wreck yesterday.
    LW we share a wedding anniversary,39 years for us.Hope you had a nice day.
    DH brought a massive bag of baking apples and some eaters from where they are working,only snag was I had to make 2 pies for him to take to work today :D
    Leftover roast for tea.Right better take the hound out.Have a good day x
    :heartsmil 'A woman is like a teabag: You never know her strength until you drop her in hot water'. (Eleanor Roosevelt)
  • Lilyplonk
    Lilyplonk Posts: 1,145 Forumite
    edited 15 September 2014 at 9:11AM
    Morning all :hello: - another dull/overcast start to the day, though we've still had no 'wet stuff' for a quite a while now.

    Molly - thanks for starting today's thread and sorry to hear that you're not feeling well. Take care and don't do too much.
    TTFTM - Have a good day in work and you take care not to do too much as well.
    caz - looks like you're in for a busy week - hope all goes well at the GP.
    Hester - wd on getting some of your quilt done. How's DD coming along with that new grandchild of yours?
    camelot - sorry to hear about your OH's anniversary - ((((hugs)))) for you and DD for this evening.
    tru - lol at Cleo. This was something else that was concerning me about getting hens - the possibility of 'noises' that they might make. Think I might spend some time around DS's chooks first, to try to assess if I think they might disturb neighbours :(.
    redruby - sounds like 'it's not quite been your weekend' with all the mishaps :( - but at least things can only get better from here on :j.
    goodadvice - enjoy your break in Isle of Wight. It seems a popular destination on here :D.
    nmlc - try to enjoy your 'resting day' and hope you feel better later on.
    Mrs LW - enjoy your time with DD and Zebra :D.
    dumpling - :T wd you on reading your girls the riot act! They soon forget what it's like to be younger/nervous when starting 'big school'. Hope they go easy on her this week. Enjoy your trip to MrM's and your baking :D.
    Gers - Have a good day in work and hope the journey back is a good one.
    kez - hope your baking session soon helps to warm up the house and makes the place feel better.
    RoseyRed - That was a hectic weekend - enjoy your day of peace :).

    HScyboie_glitters.gif for all who need them - don't push yourselves too hard.

    Managed to spend a couple of hours in the garden yesterday - just pottering and tidying around the hedges (privets and beech) which are slowing down in their growth now. I reckon they'll probably only need 'one final trim' half-way through October and then they'll be set for the winter months. I also 'had a go at' cutting back a small Lilac Tree that I'd like to try to keep at a manageable size - fingers crossed that it's worked.

    After that, I sprawled on the sofa for a couple of hours :o before deciding that I wanted to do the 'long-planned furniture shufty' - OH heard the movements/huffs/puffs/swearing and came to investigate what I was up to. At that point he began to help me - though he wasn't happy that I started the job without talking it over OR asking for help. I DID 'talk it over' - well at least I voiced my intention a couple of times .......... :rotfl:. Everything (including TV Set up / PC Set up / two crammed-full bookcases / two sofas (a 2 and a 3) have all now been shunted around - it was like a giant game of Tetris'. We're back to what I'm going to call 'our Winter Room' as we've got space for the Christmas Tree to go in a convenient corner by a socket.

    Finally collapsed into bed around 11.00 - tried to read but failed - and slept solidly for a change :D.

    No firm plans for today - so will take time to straighten the last few bits/pieces and dump what can be turfed out.

    OH was 'chunnering' about no cake - so will probably make a couple of Blueberry & Lemon Cakes while he's out later.

    Have got quite a few Turkey Breast Steak Pieces in the freezer - think I'll defrost some and do some kind of stir-fry mix using mushrooms, red peppers, sweetcorn, red onions, paprika and Sweet Chilli. There's also a couple of decent size spuds that could be used for 'Jackets' ................. :T.

    Hope everybody has a good day with lots of OS-ing.

    Speak later - luv Lilyplonk xxx
  • snoozer
    snoozer Posts: 3,615 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary
    Hi everyone,

    We came back from Yorkshire a bit earlier than normal, so we were home by 7.30 last night. I'm feeling fairly wiped out so I sent DH out for a run yesterday because I didn't feel up to our normal walk.

    I'm waiting to hear from DD that she's back from Paris although she has tweeted a couple of times to say she's had a fantastic time, courtesy of Courvoisier.

    DS has just rung to say that he has a hospital appt on Friday (wisdom tooth) and would I like to go somewhere after - we'll probably go to Waddesdon Manor.

    I'm going to go and do a bit of a pamper session now, it's ages since I used a face mask and really took some care of myself beyond the basics. Then I shall have a fairly quiet day.

    Have a good day.
  • Lilyplonk
    Lilyplonk Posts: 1,145 Forumite
    Enjoy your relaxing 'pamper day', snoozer :j.
  • carolbee
    carolbee Posts: 1,713 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Post First Anniversary
    Morning to all who have posted and those who follow.

    Had a lovely day in London watching the Tour of Britain, such a good atmosphere, all willing the riders on, and all those men in Lycra!!!

    Just been for a swim and now sitting with a cuppa to decide what to do first. A few bits to make to take to family, DH out in garage pursuing his new craft, repurposing silver cutlery into bracelets, pendants, nightlight holders and coat hooks, keeps him busy!

    Have a good day all, off to feed WM, lovely drying day here in Kent
  • [Deleted User]
    Morning all,just got back from DGS school where he got his second badge for a perfect years attendance.Very happy bunny and I've promised to take my blender to his house this afternoon as he wants to make some oreo milkshakes !!!.
    Just off to knitting club for a cuppa and a natter with some friends
    have a good day everyone what ever you are doing
    JackieO xxx
  • Lilyplonk
    Lilyplonk Posts: 1,145 Forumite
    Judi wrote: »
    ........... Thinking about my eldest son today. Praying he is strong enough to beat his addiction. So far his liver is holding its own but it can only fight so much. ........

    Hope he's getting good professional support, Judi - cos he's going to need it.

    When I first met OH, I had no idea how bad he was where alcohol was concerned - I'd have walked away completely if I'd known how bad it was going to get. Fortunately, he was diagnosed with 'Liver Dysfunction' and referred to the local hospital for checks/tests/advice. Unfortunately, their attitude was to tell him to 'try to cut back on alcohol consumption' which, in his case didn't work at all. He wasn't 'that kind of drinker' - he was 'one drink isn't enough and two is too many ...............'. His only option was to cut it out completely - which took some getting used to, but he found that Alcoholics Anonymous was the best thing for him. He's been 'dry for 15yrs' :j, and although his liver has now recovered, he knows he can never drink again as he would instantly go back to 'one after another'. He does still occasionally go along to a meeting, but usually in the capacity of helping others.

    Sending you, and your son, pray1.gif of support.
  • dreamyd
    Hello there. It's been a(very) long time since I've been on here.
    I'm currently underemployed and attempting to get back to some of my OS ways. Reading this thread makes me feel as though I've hardly been away.
    Today's achievements
    1) Degreased the cooker top.
    2 )Put two loads in the DW.
    3) Chopped up and frozen the meat from a small gammon joint I cooked yesterday.Still working out what to do with the bone...
    4) Pork mince bolognaise continuing to blip away in the SC.

    A surveyor is coming round at some point this afternoon to measure for new guttering, fascia and cladding, so I'd better get out of the PJs shortly, after I've checked my emails and reminded iTunes to refresh my podcasts.

    Hugs and thoughts to everyone who needs them
    Surviving the ups and downs of life with DH
    RIP Garden Tiger January 2007 - May 2022
    Weight loss 20.5/124lbs
    MF since 12/18

    Fashion on the Ration 2022 53/66 coupons remaining
    2022 Decluttering challenge 300/2022 items banished

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