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OS Thread Monday 15th September 2014

Hi, this is the Daily Thread for Monday 15th September 2014. This is an “over the garden fence” type thread where we chat about everything Old Style and maybe a little bit more. It’s a great, inspiring and motivating thread we start each day to discuss what Old Style things we’re going to do today or what we’ve achieved already. Everyone’s welcome, please do come in, put your feet up (although check the fence hasn’t just been painted first!) and join us for an Old Style natter. The more the merrier!

As this is the Old Style Board, it would be appreciated if posts could include some Old Style content. Please be aware that many people may have small screens, or slow internet connections, so please don’t post large pictures, or clip art – links are preferred.

When you make a post, if you feel like giving it a title, that will help others that don’t have the time to read everything skim through the thread quickly but if not it's not a problem. Please do not start a new daily thread before you go to bed at night because this often leaves things confusing with two daily threads live at the same time. The idea is that a member would start each new daily thread after they get up in the morning.

Some people who chat here like to try to answer everyone. Don’t feel you have to though, a general “hi everyone, hope everyone’s well” type start does just as well.

Hello - long time no post!!!!
Just catching up with all your news x
Hester - hope DD is progressing nicely x
Donny - hope RL is treating you well x
NMLC - hope your leg is beginning to heal x

Up with the doggies but they are settled - it is me who is not. I have had a stinker of a cold all week - the first one in 20 years:eek: I blame the swamp bunnies (Reading Festival goers) who bought back swamp fever and passed it around the family - thanks guys:eek: Now poor OH has it and is snoring very loudly - most unusual for him.

It is getting colder at night as Molly is now snuggling into me so will have to find her duvet and Pops was in her den - first time since spring. I have some cracking conkers opening up - I have a conkers obsession - they are so perfect when they first come out of their shells.

Off to have a read - hope you slept well and have a good old style day xx
I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over and through me. When it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
When the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.


  • Time_to_face_the_music
    Good morning Molly and all who cross/follow :)

    Still full of lurgy here too, I think there is some horrible bug going around, this is definitely more than a cold.

    Usual dash for work but will try and pop back later for a catch up with everyone's news.

    Well wishes for all sick people and pets and hugs for those that need or just want them. Keep well and safe and have a super day.

    TTFTM x
    LBM 10/1/12 ~ DFW Start 6/2/12: £82,344 ~ Now Zero
    :staradmin:starmod::staradmin Debt free 17th April 2015 :staradmin:starmod::staradmin
    Eternal thanks to the DMP & Mutual Support (no.439) and Payment a Day Threads
    Mortgage free 3rd July 2014 - Grateful thanks to the 2013/14 MFW threads
    "Debt is normal. Be weird!" Dave Ramsey
    Proud to have dealt with our debt :)
  • cazmcf
    cazmcf Posts: 273 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker Debt-free and Proud!
    Morning up early with the doggies.

    I haven't caught up with the news yet. Hope everyone is starting to feel better.

    I've had a urine infection for a week now. It hasn't been that bad so thought I would try and clear it up myself. By Thursday I'd had enough, phoned docs and couldn't get an appointment unitl today! Very unusual to have to wait so long. But my kidney has started to hurt over the weekend, it nearly made me cry : ( Hopefully I haven'e made things worst by waiting so long.

    I'm looking after mum's dog this week, it's a tight squeeze in the utility but they are happy. Have taken 2 out for a walk this morning as I just don't have the time to walk them all today later. I'll have enough time to take the other one out when I get back from the animal sanctuary. Big dog managed to burst a blood vessel in the palm of my and with all her pulling yesterday, so some lead training is a must this week.

    My car is in the garage as it has a leak in one of the pipes from the coolant resevoire. Not a big job, so hopefully not a big price. But they were very kind and gave me a courtesy car free of charge, although my kids would rather walk than go in it as its a bit of a rust bucket:rotfl:

    Today I need to get to a$da at some point, really don't know when, I may have to go after school :eek:

    Off to get breakfast and the kids up. Have a good day
    LBM 04/10:j
    Debt was 16700
    Debt free 04/13 :j

    Owe mum 5100 12/16 :(
  • Hard_Up_Hester
    Morning all
    Fish fed, hubby has a cuppa on his bedside table, he's on lates so doesn't need to get up yet.
    Molly, lovely to see you posting, I hope you feel better soon, you too TTFM.
    I finally managed to do some more on my quilt last night, picvs on FB & my blog, I've got 8 blocks finished, just a couple of borders to add.
    I've got washing on the line & had scrambled egg for breakfast as I dropped a pack yesterday & cracked 2, just after I'd finished cake making.
    Time I set off to work.
    Have a good day everyone
    Hugs Hester
    Chin up, Titus out.
  • camelot1001
    Morning All

    No sunshine yet but then there wasn't any yesterday either and the wind was quite chilly too. Not got a load of anything to wash so will leave it. Ironing up to date, house a complete tip and so much painting still to do.

    DD and I went to friends for dinner last night which was lovely but I have an upset tummy this morning, not sure if it was the glass of wine or the wheat in a piece of cake I had.

    It's 9 years since we lost OH so I am meeting DD after work and we will go for a meal. Usually end up with a mixture of tears and laughter.

    Molly and TTFTM - Hope you feel better soon.

    Take care. XX
  • tru
    tru Posts: 9,138 Forumite
    First Post Photogenic First Anniversary
    [FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Morning :hello:[/FONT]

    Oooh caz that sounds painful, hope the doc sorts you out quickly xx

    camelot Have a lovely evening xx

    [FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]My kitchen shelves are very crowded – apparently they are there for Dumping Stuff On. Grrr. I'm going to clear them all off and give them a good clean, all the dumped stuff will be thrown in a bag and left for the various owners to sort out.[/FONT]

    [FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]I missed a bit when I cleaned the bathroom ceiling the other day so I'll have to use the horrible stinky spray again.[/FONT]

    [FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Cleo Chick likes to visit the kitchen every morning, she comes in, has a look around, begs for toast crumbs then wanders back out again. I usually leave the back door open for an hour first thing in the morning, this morning I closed it. Cleo let me know how cross she was about this by loudly singing The Song Of Her People :D I opened it straight away, the neighbours are OK with the chickens but I'm pretty sure they'd be peed off with listening to that racket first thing in the morning.[/FONT]

    [FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]I'm going for a short walk this morning, I'm craving chocolate so will try to avoid the local shop :D[/FONT]

  • redruby
    redruby Posts: 7,317 Forumite
    Morning all,

    I am not sure I have had the lurgy I think I was just exhausted, having slept a lot of the weekend I do feel a bit better, lets see how I feel at the end of the day !

    So not only has my laptop broken and the bath tap :D I have just had to package my Phone up for collection today, it is being repaired foc by Apple and they have arranged collection and delivery, its a really good service but I do feel a bit bereft of technology, I am using the smallest tablet type laptop of OH's , and a basic payg phone I wonder if I will love or hate it by the end of the week !!

    Off to work for me, dinner tonight will probably be pizza and garlic bread with salad.

    Will do a wash tonight too, I had new bedding on the bed last night and I must say how much I love new bedding ! it was a real luxury, I wish I could have it every night :rotfl:

    Have good days all xx
  • good_advice
    good morning
    :rotfl: Oh saying - what! up at 6.30am? Replied - I am often up at this time as he promptly turned over. Gosh! and we share a room.
    Opened door for dog and put WM on. Made a coffee.

    Last night I started knitting another baby cardigan in lilac. x2 grandchildren expected. x1 boy and x1 girl = 2 families

    Today we are going on our holidays, A mid week break to the Isle of Wight. 2 people and dog. Booked on the lunchtime ferry over.
    Looking forward to a change of scenery.
    The secret to success is making very small, yet constant changes.:)
  • nmlc
    nmlc Posts: 4,788 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post
    Morning everyone

    Birthday wishes to those celebrating a birthday, hope you have a great day x

    Hugs and get well wishes to those that want/need them.

    Now light, grey, cloudy and overcast, wet underfoot too.

    DH up and gone to work early but not stupid early. DS1 gone to work.

    We had a naughty takeaway last night, but ordered different food and was better for DH, but still costs too much!

    Don’t feel all that good today, slept for hours last night, and don’t feel that much better for it, have managed to get a drink and had a small amount of brekkie so I could take some pain relief meds, will be taking it very steady today, ie, laying on sofa with foot elevated for as much of the day as possible. Dinner tonight is Hunters Chicken, new pots, and veg – so nothing too difficult there, just a bung it in the oven dinner, hoping I can rest most of the day. Hoping I’m not coming down with the lurky that seems to be doing the rounds.

    Take care x

    Keep safe and well x

    nmlc x
  • Morning everyone, just a fleeting visit as I'm running round organising the house before I get on the train for a few days with DD and my little Zebra. Hope you all have a good week with nice things in it and hope all the poorlies feel much better soon. See you again at the end of the week, Lyn xxx.
  • dumpling
    dumpling Posts: 2,491 Forumite
    First Anniversary Photogenic First Post
    Good morning everyone :hello:

    Yaaaawn, I'm sooo tired this morning! I have had a pretty rubbish nights sleep with stupid vivid dreams so I don't feel I've had any sleep at all :(. Hopefully I'll manage a nanna-nap later so I'll feel a bit better. I would go back to bed now but I'm expecting a friend over for coffee this morning and the house needs tidying.

    Hubby and girls gone off to work. I had to read the girls the riot act on Friday as they are trying their best to ditch my youngest and walk with their friends. I only asked them to walk with each other for the first two weeks so she would get used to the route and apparently I'm being very unreasonable. They had better walk together this week or there will be trouble :mad: .

    I am going to make an apple and mincemeat pie and some flapjacks today but I need some ingredients so I will have to leave the house later to go to the supermarket. Fortunately Morrissons is a fairly short journey away so I can get a taxi there and back. I will be taking the opportunity for a good look round whilst I'm there as I haven't been shopping for a long time.

    That's all from me for now, hope Hester's DD has her baby soon and it all goes well. Thinking of you today camelot too, hope you can remember lots of happy things about your OH. Take care xx
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