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Barclaycard left open for 4 years


I am sorry to have to post this given that I am not an active member of the forums, but I am seriously stuck and don't know who else to ask. If anybody would be able to at least point me in the right direction I would be most appreciative.

I took out a Barclaycard credit card back in 2005 and believed it to be closed in 2010 after requesting that it be so after I paid the outstanding balance off in full. However, out of the blue in January 2012, I was contacted via letter by Barclaycard regarding an outstanding balance of just over £1 that was still on the account. Querying as to why this had been left for so long and why this was not included in the final settlement figure, I was advised that they had been trying to get in touch and had sent numerous letters to me (I had only received the one letter and never have had any issues with post previously) - however I was also advised that this was an error on their part and that the matter would be dealt with once I made payment (which I did). I assumed the issue was resolved.

Fast forward to 2 weeks ago - After checking my credit report, I find that Barclaycard had not closed the account and that it was still showing as active on my credit file with an available balance of £500 - I guess this is a lesson to us all to check our credit reports regularly! On the back of this, I raised a complaint with Barclaycard on the basis that if I hadn't had checked my credit report, this saga would have just rolled on and on, and as well as this, I have applied for numerous sources of credit since 2010 and put on my credit applications that I did not own any credit cards. My concern regarding this is that I may have been given a worse APR or declined completely for credit on the basis that I have unwittingly lied on my credit applications - as such, I made Barclaycard aware of this. They advised me that in order to progress with my complaint, I needed to seek proof of this via Equifax (who I acquired the credit report from) as they would not be able to confirm or deny that this would have been the case. I argued that the basis of my complaint was based upon fact and common sense, and that any responsible lender would be able to understand the potential implications of a false credit application. However, they refused to budge and instead wanted me to confirm that they had dealt with my complaint in full, which I declined and stated clearly that I wished for the complaint to be kept open as I did not agree with their explanation.

As per Barclaycard's instructions, I have contacted Equifax, who have been less than helpful with their generic responses and as a result, am no further forward with this.

My questions are: How would I progress my complaint and would I be in the right to say that I should be entitled to some form of redress as a result of me potentially being considered a higher risk due to the unintentional discrepancy on my credit applications? The credit that I have at the moment comprises of a bank loan (at 19.9% APR - high I know!) and a car loan (APR unknown at the moment I am afraid), both of which I pay off religiously every month (as well as all of my direct debits for household bills etc.). I also know that I have been refused consolidation loans on the basis of affordability (even though I would have been paying £35 less per month than my current loan repayments!).

Sorry for the massive post and thanks again to anyone who is willing to assist me! :T:T:T


  • Thrugelmir
    Thrugelmir Posts: 89,546 Forumite
    Photogenic First Anniversary Name Dropper 10 Posts
    Did you request the closure of the account in the prescribed manner?
  • I am pretty certain that I requested this both verbally and via letter - I am guessing this is what you meant?
  • OK, firstly, what do you actually want to achieve in this? If it is compensation, you are unlikely to get much more than a goodwill offer for the following reason:

    If a lender or creditor genuinely believed that you had actively 'lied' on an application, rather than having a long dormant card which they could probably see had been unused for so long it was reasonably considered inactive, they wouldn't have given you credit at any cost. If they suspected you of fraud, they wouldn't lend you anything.

    None of the lenders are legally required to disclose to you the specific lending based criteria that they employed while deciding upon your creditworthiness. They wouldn't tell you that it affected you, in the unlikely event that it did. So you couldn't prove anything anyway.

    It would look like a genuine mistake on your part and be treated accordingly, in all reasonability. My brother worked in banking handling loan applications for a long time, and it's a damned site more common than you think.

    Write to Barclaycard asking that they cover the cost of your credit report for three months, during which time youm insist that they close the account in full, provide you with written confirmation of the same and notify the credit agencies accordingly. The three months covers you for the closure update.

    You're not really owed anything else.
    Some days, it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps....
    LB moment - March 2006. DFD - 1 June 2012!!! DEBT FREE!

    May grocery challenge £45.61/£120
  • OK, firstly, what do you actually want to achieve in this? If it is compensation, you are unlikely to get much more than a goodwill offer for the following reason:

    If a lender or creditor genuinely believed that you had actively 'lied' on an application, rather than having a long dormant card which they could probably see had been unused for so long it was reasonably considered inactive, they wouldn't have given you credit at any cost. If they suspected you of fraud, they wouldn't lend you anything.

    None of the lenders are legally required to disclose to you the specific lending based criteria that they employed while deciding upon your creditworthiness. They wouldn't tell you that it affected you, in the unlikely event that it did. So you couldn't prove anything anyway.

    It would look like a genuine mistake on your part and be treated accordingly, in all reasonability. My brother worked in banking handling loan applications for a long time, and it's a damned site more common than you think.

    Write to Barclaycard asking that they cover the cost of your credit report for three months, during which time youm insist that they close the account in full, provide you with written confirmation of the same and notify the credit agencies accordingly. The three months covers you for the closure update.

    You're not really owed anything else.

    Hi barginbetty

    Thanks for your post (apologies for the very late response).

    I completely understand where you are coming from - your response makes a lot of sense. I am not the sort of person to complain about nothing, but wanted to also cover all bases just in case I was missing something obvious that would warrant further investigation.

    I guess with this website and forum being very much in favour of fighting for consumer rights etc. etc., I thought it would be better to clarify as to what I should expect in terms of a resolution as opposed to just leaving it and then regretting asking.

    Obviously, given the advice you have posted, I will accept the error in good grace and just keep a more beady eye on things in future.

    Thanks again :)
  • Armorica
    Armorica Posts: 866 Forumite
    Ninth Anniversary Combo Breaker First Post Name Dropper
    They shouldn't need evidence from equifax. All it will tell you is the data that has been submitted *By barclays*
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