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The Crumpet family's journey to Mortgage Freedom:-)



  • Crumpets
    Crumpets Posts: 1,014 Forumite
    Happy Easter all :beer:

    Thanks for those links cornercottage, I hadn't heard of those ones will definitely check them out :)

    I feel like we've been spending a lot of money this week, I needed a new tyre on my car which was £60,it had had a slow puncture in it for weeks and the amount of money I must have spent blowing it up every few days was probably the equivalent of the new tyre :D We've also splashed out and brought tickets for a gig in August, £100 for the tickets, plus it's in Glasgow so it will mean an overnight stay - luckily the camper van will be ready by then so that won't cost anything :T

    I've just had to order a rat trap :eek: I like to feed the birds and I've noticed a couple of rats seem to have taken up residency in the front garden :eek: The bird food must have attracted them. So I've just ordered a humane trap and then I can take them far away to live somewhere else - hopefully :cool:

    Today we are off to the in laws for an egg hunt and dinner which should be nice. It's a shame the weather is so miserable, especially after the lovely spring day we had yesterday. We'll still have fun though:)
    Mortgage March 2011 £143,927.6
    Mortgage Feb 2019 £78,323.18
  • CathT
    CathT Posts: 7,122 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post
    Good luck with cash back claim. Something similar happened with me and it didn't track properly so I raised a claim, it then appeared on account t but got declined. Randomly checked recently and it was payable.

    Enjoy the egg hunt, what a shame the weather hasn't lasted.
    June 2024 - part 1 - £28,832 part 2 - £24,400 Total - £53,233 41 months to go!
  • RoaringTwenties
    Crumpets would you mind spelling the rodent word out please, you know how I can't cope with references to R - A - T's :eek::rotfl: Hope the blighters fall into your trap!

    That's a pain about the tyre :o

    Glad you're all having a nice Easter x
    Life is changing...but I'm still Money Saving!
  • Crumpets
    Crumpets Posts: 1,014 Forumite
    Crumbs, its been a while since I last updated, life is just so busy at the moment that all my spare time is taken up by college work and van converting etc. I'm stuck on the sofa at the moment with a poorly ds so I thought I'd take the opportunity to update :) Sadly this sore throat lurgy is going through us all, DH had it last week, dd1 over the weekend and then ds and me since Monday. I'm hoping dd2 gets away with it!

    So since I last updated we have switched our mortgage deal, we're now on a five year fix @ 2.29 %. A saving of about £100 a month which will go straight towards our OPs :T Hopefully in another 5 years the mortgage will have reduced drastically and we can see what options are available to us then:)

    I had lost motivation for decluttering and selling but I've sold a rug today and got something on ebay...every little helps. :T

    Today has been a very spendy day as we have ordered the units for inside the van :eek: It's very exciting. we have about 4 weeks to get the inside ready. We did have a holiday booked for the end of July but I have found out today that it has been cancelled :( So I'm on the search for a new campsite now.
    Mortgage March 2011 £143,927.6
    Mortgage Feb 2019 £78,323.18
  • Crumpets
    Crumpets Posts: 1,014 Forumite
    Another day stuck in the house after having a very poorly boy in the night last night :( I'm hopeful that if we all get a good night's sleep tonight we will feel much better tomorrow.

    Despite not going out today, we still managed to spend £100 on the camper van. We're getting the stage now where we are getting all the finishing touches together so it will be a spendy few months. So excited to get it finished so we can go on a holiday now!:D

    I forgot to mention yesterday that we had the septic tank emptied yet which was £100. At least that's sorted for another month.

    It's so cold today again, I've had the heating on and the wood burner is lit...It's nearly May for goodness sake:mad:

    And by the way RT the R-A-T's are not falling for the trap :eek: they are taking the bait and somehow managing to avoid being trapped :mad:
    Mortgage March 2011 £143,927.6
    Mortgage Feb 2019 £78,323.18
  • SmlSave
    SmlSave Posts: 4,911 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Lovely to hear from you Crumpets :)
    Currently studying for a Diploma - wish me luck :)

    Phase 1 - Emergency Fund - Complete :j
    Phase 2 - £20,000 Mortgage Fund - Underway
  • Crumpets
    Crumpets Posts: 1,014 Forumite
    Hi sml save, thanks for dropping in :)

    Just a quick update as I'm supposed to be doing college work :o

    I made an OP of £200 the other day, and we are now only £75 away from being under £100K :T We have a few things for sale on ebay so we might be able to scrape it together. That reminds me, I need to post a parcel today:cool:

    We're still all full of the lurgy in crumpet cottage. Feeling very fed up now. Hopefully the sunshine will make us all feel better :j
    Mortgage March 2011 £143,927.6
    Mortgage Feb 2019 £78,323.18
  • Crumpets
    Crumpets Posts: 1,014 Forumite

    I've lost the plot here, budgeting, meal planning, housework, organisation generally has gone completely out of the window. Life just seems extremely frantic at the moment and finding the time to sit down and plan is non existent - BUT this the leads to bad choices being made. For example this week we have had take out pizza and fish and chips!:eek::eek: the me from a couple of years ago would never have done that. I need to get that me back so, i'm going to start by making a list and putting things in priority order. I have soo many things whizzing around my head and some of them do not need to be thought about yet!:cool:

    House/garden things

    1. tidy and have a good spring clean (started yesterday by cleaning the windows and I've vacuumed the stairs today:o)
    2. garden - get quotes for new back fence, tidy, add flowers and colour and generally make it a nice place to sit and for the kids to play
    3. make a nice home ed space for resources and learning to take place in conservatory
    4. clear rubbish from the bottom of the garden
    5. swap bedrooms with the kids - this will involve decorating and buying new wardrobes etc
    6. garden building

    1. get it finished!! the cupboards and kitchen have arrived today so the weekend will be sent fitting these out. Then it's the electrics, roof and back seats and then hopefully we can have our spare time back
    2. have adventures :p

    1. I have 3 practical sessions left
    2. case studies
    3. assignments
    4. project

    As well as all this stuff i need to get on top of a weekly schedule for meal planning, shopping and housework :eek: I feel exhausted now!

    But at least there is a plan :D

    In MFW news I have made a small OP of £10 today as I sold something to a school mum :T I've got a click and collect order to get from Mr T and once that is here I'll do a proper meal plan to last as long as I can.

    I might see if I can persuade Mr C to go through some finances tonight so we can see where we are. I want to set up a new DD for a regular OP and also see where our savings for a garden building are at.
    Mortgage March 2011 £143,927.6
    Mortgage Feb 2019 £78,323.18
  • Crumpets
    Crumpets Posts: 1,014 Forumite
    So I haven't done anything from my list yet :o Although I am going to spend the evening doing college work instead of going to circuit training like I normally do. I did a yoga work out at home this morning instead so that has saved me £4.20 :T

    Quite a high spend day today £11 at the fruit and veg shop and both Mr C and myself are having haircuts - DH even treated himself to a beard trim at the barbers. It was only £5 though :D

    I've burnt my hand quite badly today which has affected what I can do :mad::( it really bloomin hurts. Im such an idiot, I grabbed the handle of the griddle pan that had been in the oven. DH did exactly the same thing last week so we now have matching burns :o

    I did manage to persuade Mr C to go through the finances last night and some of our funds are looking quite healthy and others less so. I need to up the Christmas budget as we overspent last year and I might even start looking for presents soon :cool:
    Mortgage March 2011 £143,927.6
    Mortgage Feb 2019 £78,323.18
  • SmlSave
    SmlSave Posts: 4,911 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    No Crumpets :eek: don't mention Christmas yet! There's still father's day to get through at least _pale_

    I hope your burn heals quickly, do you have an aloe vera plant you can use? I've found it really does help.
    Currently studying for a Diploma - wish me luck :)

    Phase 1 - Emergency Fund - Complete :j
    Phase 2 - £20,000 Mortgage Fund - Underway
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