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Batten down the hatches.....



  • Orange_Ena
    Orange_Ena Posts: 1,297 Forumite
    I was chatting to the nice chap installing my radiator today and we got on to the subject of house buying and he was saying how he still lives at home and isn't sure whether to buy his own place. He's happy at home with his mum doing his washing and cooking for him so has no reason to leave but then he casually dropped in that he'd managed to save 60ķ by working very hard. He's 23! Oh my goodness. When he is ready to move out, if ever, he can buy somewhere outright :) Amazing! I might have to add heating engineer to my list of possible new careers :rotfl:
    Debt Apr 15 - £6895.44 :( Apr 17 - £2500 :) Dec 17 - £560 :) July 18 - £199 :D
    CHEFS challenge (Cruise Holiday Entirely Funded by Surveys) - £685.79
    Every penny is a prisoner :D
  • Haha! Great catch! Add heating engineer to your list of dates ;)

    I know, it's great to be able to live with mum and have reduced costs, then again, it's the same as having a lodger and you're the boss;) I think, depending on the mum, the living arrangement/personal relationship might get a bit strained. I do love spending time with my mum, but I am grateful I can live apart from her.

    What I am most in awe of, is that the guy is so young and so prudent! He can't be going out and getting big rounds, that's for sure! Also surely no university fees and cost of living to have paid, if at his age he has that level of savings. And here's me so seriously considering a career change! ;)
    How the times have changed!

    I'm so pleased that you've got so much sorted out and ready for lodger. You're right, it's going to be strange, after you have lived by yourself - but it's a means to an end. Debt freedom and a career change are so close, you can almost touch them! And you will probably get to debt freedom way before Xmas, and beat your own target!!
    * * * Catriona's Credit Card Countdown * * * from -£16k to debt neutraldom - for my debt diary click here
    Barclaycard -£5,867.52;
    mbna1 - 3,009.22
    mbna2 - 1,755.70
    Savings £5,017 MFiT #25 £2,627/£10k; daily interest £5.04
  • Orange_Ena
    Orange_Ena Posts: 1,297 Forumite
    catriona79 wrote: »
    Haha! Great catch! Add heating engineer to your list of dates ;)

    I know, it's great to be able to live with mum and have reduced costs, then again, it's the same as having a lodger and you're the boss;) I think, depending on the mum, the living arrangement/personal relationship might get a bit strained. I do love spending time with my mum, but I am grateful I can live apart from her.

    What I am most in awe of, is that the guy is so young and so prudent! He can't be going out and getting big rounds, that's for sure! Also surely no university fees and cost of living to have paid, if at his age he has that level of savings. And here's me so seriously considering a career change! ;)
    How the times have changed!

    I'm so pleased that you've got so much sorted out and ready for lodger. You're right, it's going to be strange, after you have lived by yourself - but it's a means to an end. Debt freedom and a career change are so close, you can almost touch them! And you will probably get to debt freedom way before Xmas, and beat your own target!!

    Haha there's an idea!

    Yeah I think while its great that he's saved so much and obviously his mum looks after him well, maybe a little too well, when / if he does move out he's going to be a bit hopeless. He might end up being one of those useless men that moves in with a lady and expects her to do what his mum did :rotfl:

    It's all going well and I've really been pushing on with the house update. Hopefully it will be decorated and carpeted by the end of March then I'm good to go. I do need to get the bathroom sorted and while it's perfectly ok to use, when I do update it I think I'll have to hope the lodger doesn't mind the disruption. If really pushed though I'd be willing to knock a weeks rent off or pay for a hotel for a couple of nights for them (via TCB :rotfl:)

    I'd love to be debt free by the end of the year but I think that I'll try and get my debt down to 2k first, then save like a ninja, get debt neutral and then build savings for my new life......hopefully by the sea somewhere :T:D
    Debt Apr 15 - £6895.44 :( Apr 17 - £2500 :) Dec 17 - £560 :) July 18 - £199 :D
    CHEFS challenge (Cruise Holiday Entirely Funded by Surveys) - £685.79
    Every penny is a prisoner :D
  • Orange_Ena
    Orange_Ena Posts: 1,297 Forumite
    Boom!! It's nearly Friday and that means payday :T:j:T:j:T:j:T:j:T

    * £6.27 in A1di for household bits and some parmesan
    * PA survey and payout reached so £20.47 requested :j
    * 200SB earned

    I checked my payslip online and I'm gutted that there's been a £100 deduction :eek: I'm guessing it's the money I owed for my last lease car that should have been taken last October / November but I was hoping they'd forgotten! It's come back to bite me now :( I have logged a call with payroll to confirm it is what I think it is, but I'm annoyed they didn't warn me. I should be ok budget wise as there's no council tax this month, much better than if it had happened pre-LBM, just frustrated that I won't be able to save as much. Plus they'll be another £100 taken next month and the month after I think. Just as well my mortgage payments will be going down :T
    Debt Apr 15 - £6895.44 :( Apr 17 - £2500 :) Dec 17 - £560 :) July 18 - £199 :D
    CHEFS challenge (Cruise Holiday Entirely Funded by Surveys) - £685.79
    Every penny is a prisoner :D
  • Sorry to hear about the £100 shortfall. It would really bug me to receive less than I expected as we MSE folk make plans for the money way before it arrives. They should have pre warned you. Just as well you are so organised with your budget that your mortgage payments are going down. A big achievement:T
    Have a great weekend
    DIA x
    If you have built castles in the air, your work should not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them.

    Solicitor/survey savings 300/1700
    Emergency fund 0/1000
    Buffer fund 0/200
  • Aargh to the deduction. Annoying, but it's only a small set back.

    Gosh, how amazing that you're nearly there with getting a lodger. I know I keep banging on about this, but it's been the single best thing to combat my anxiety about the future and allow for studying and a possible career change.

    Also, soon you will get savings going, and that will just be super and raise your confidence no end.

    Agree with the plan of leaving some debt on 0% and saving instead. Definitely psychologically this works for me. Even right now, if anything happened, I could survive a year on what I've got in the bank, plus lodger income. It would be tight, but doable. That alone is such a source of confidence, and achievement, especially after being so riddled with debt, which closes off opportunities.

    I like your strategy Ena!

    Btw I went to a French cafe yesterday and had an Orangina! :)

    Have a lovely Sunday! YS shop planned for me, just not sure whether to go to Waitrose or Sainsbobs. I'm after some cheap protein!!! :D
    * * * Catriona's Credit Card Countdown * * * from -£16k to debt neutraldom - for my debt diary click here
    Barclaycard -£5,867.52;
    mbna1 - 3,009.22
    mbna2 - 1,755.70
    Savings £5,017 MFiT #25 £2,627/£10k; daily interest £5.04
  • Orange_Ena
    Orange_Ena Posts: 1,297 Forumite
    Sorry to hear about the £100 shortfall. It would really bug me to receive less than I expected as we MSE folk make plans for the money way before it arrives. They should have pre warned you. Just as well you are so organised with your budget that your mortgage payments are going down. A big achievement:T
    Have a great weekend
    DIA x

    Thanks DIA. Still annoyed but not a lot I can do. ;) They will not swerve me from my plan :T x
    Debt Apr 15 - £6895.44 :( Apr 17 - £2500 :) Dec 17 - £560 :) July 18 - £199 :D
    CHEFS challenge (Cruise Holiday Entirely Funded by Surveys) - £685.79
    Every penny is a prisoner :D
  • Orange_Ena
    Orange_Ena Posts: 1,297 Forumite
    catriona79 wrote: »
    Aargh to the deduction. Annoying, but it's only a small set back.

    Gosh, how amazing that you're nearly there with getting a lodger. I know I keep banging on about this, but it's been the single best thing to combat my anxiety about the future and allow for studying and a possible career change.

    Also, soon you will get savings going, and that will just be super and raise your confidence no end.

    Agree with the plan of leaving some debt on 0% and saving instead. Definitely psychologically this works for me. Even right now, if anything happened, I could survive a year on what I've got in the bank, plus lodger income. It would be tight, but doable. That alone is such a source of confidence, and achievement, especially after being so riddled with debt, which closes off opportunities.

    I like your strategy Ena!

    Btw I went to a French cafe yesterday and had an Orangina! :)

    Have a lovely Sunday! YS shop planned for me, just not sure whether to go to Waitrose or Sainsbobs. I'm after some cheap protein!!! :D

    Payroll confirmed it was for my lease car and I'll be down another £100 in March and April. Oh well :p

    I really can't wait for lodger income to come rolling in. My dad thinks I should wait until the bathroom is updated before getting someone in but I just want to get going. Still thinking about it really. Glad to hear it's been a great help for you. :T

    Haha an orangina :beer::rotfl:

    Hope you got some serious YS goodies :p
    Debt Apr 15 - £6895.44 :( Apr 17 - £2500 :) Dec 17 - £560 :) July 18 - £199 :D
    CHEFS challenge (Cruise Holiday Entirely Funded by Surveys) - £685.79
    Every penny is a prisoner :D
  • Orange_Ena
    Orange_Ena Posts: 1,297 Forumite
    Where have these last few days gone? Been busy tidying and decluttering and lazing about ;)

    * £20.37 in Aldi, stocking up with good deals on household bits and a few groceries
    * £30.50 in M0rrisons on groceries, but £14 of this was a dvd, birthday card and present. Dvd was for me.....Spy with Melissa McCarthy to watch Sunday night
    * £3.29 for a lovely tan handbag in the charity shop. It was originally from N3xt and looks unused. I was there dropping stuff off so it balances out :rotfl:
    * 2 PA surveys
    * 331SB earned

    * £30 on fuel!
    * £1.86 on 2 presents for the present drawer in H0mebase. They were wall plaques reduced to 93p. I think they were £5 or 6 before
    * £24 on 2 tins of paint in B&Q
    * £11.96 in TKM@xx on 4 gorgeous bowls. I've had my eyes on similar ones but didn't want to pay full price so happy with my bargain, although I didn't actually need them. Oh well, call it a payday treat :D
    * £134 for a night at a spa hotel. My friend will give me half back which is £67 and I booked it via TCB which has tracked with £11.25 cashback, making my night £55.75. I've been saving £10 a month for the last 5 months specifically for a spa day so very happy with myself! I will get my friend a drink......maybe. It's a brilliant deal, bed, breakfast, 3 course evening meal and £38 worth of treatments. I loves a bargain I do :T:j
    * Youg0v survey
    * 2SB earned :eek:

    * NSD
    * VO survey
    * P0pulusLive survey
    * 9SB earned
    * Made panko and parmesan courgette crisps while watching Spy......nom nom better than popcorn!

    * £6 for a headboard for the spare room off eb@y
    * £6 in Asd@ for milk that was on offer
    * £17.26 on top up groceries
    * 2 PA surveys
    * Youg0v survey
    * 39SB earned and a £5 Am@zon voucher redeemed :T
    * £1.80 sweep into FD savings account

    As it's the last day of February, I've totalled up all my extra income earned this month (but not necessarily received), account sweeps and NSD's:

    PA - £51.44.........total YTD £65.28
    Youg0v - 450 points/£4.50........total YTD 725 points/£7.25
    SB - 3089SB (enough for a £20 Am@zon voucher).............total YTD 5077SB
    Pinec0ne - £3............total YTD £6
    P0pulusLive - £14..............total YTD £16
    VO - £11.75...............total YTD £18.75
    TCB - £11.25...............total YTD £11.77 (£10 missing cashback claim ongoing)
    I-S@y - 510 points............total YTD 515 points
    Inb0x£s - £2.40 only joined recently
    Other income - £92.38 (ebay/RM refund).............total YTD £119.88

    February total - £210.72 :eek::j:T:D
    Total YTD - £277.33 :D

    Sweeps and NSD's
    Nati0nwide - £5.25.............total YTD £16.98
    FD - £8.12..............total YTD £15.32
    NSD - 10............total YTD 18

    Hoping for a productive March too :T:j
    Debt Apr 15 - £6895.44 :( Apr 17 - £2500 :) Dec 17 - £560 :) July 18 - £199 :D
    CHEFS challenge (Cruise Holiday Entirely Funded by Surveys) - £685.79
    Every penny is a prisoner :D
  • doingitanyway
    doingitanyway Posts: 9,148 Forumite
    Part of the Furniture Debt-free and Proud! Mortgage-free Glee! First Post
    Panko and parmesan courgette crisps? Spa? lovely tan leather bag? Who says we can't live it large on less? Bravo Orange Ena. :T
    If you have built castles in the air, your work should not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them.

    Solicitor/survey savings 300/1700
    Emergency fund 0/1000
    Buffer fund 0/200
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