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General problems with Talk talk?

O.k, dont know if this is just me but is anyone else having problems with talk talk? I dont want to start a slanging match about them but Im really getting annoyed.

We swapped to them a few months ago and we didnt have to change or do anything. We kept our old router/modem and all was good :)

Then just over a month ago it stopped working, we contacted talk talk and they said there were server problems. A week without the internet and we rang them again to say that it was now fixed. Well it wasnt for us and they said it was to do with our router / modem. We tried the modem they sent us and yes it worked. Man at talk talk said wed just have to re configure out modem with the new settings.

Now weve finally managed to have a go at changing the settings (talk talk have been funny about giving us the ip address etc). But it still didnt work. Talk talk say our router is broken, but it cant be as it works at my boyfriends house (we used it there as a test).

Rang Talk talk and they said they wont help us unless we buy one of their routers / modems. So we agreed and asked if they would be able to help us set it up. But no, they dont offer support even on their own products.

Theyve now said that we should just use the free modem that came with the package. But I need a wireless router as I'm on a mac laptop and the USB modem they sent will not work with my laptop. I need a proper router. Talk talk just said theres nothing they can do.

As a student / designer I need constant access to my business email so that I can talk to clients. At the moment I only have access to the net on my laptop at my boyfriends. And as you can imagine I cant spend all my time here as all my uni / design stuff is at home! Its now starting to effect my uni work as I need internet access for my uni work.

Talk talk dont seem interested in helping us and Im getting sooooo stressed!

Anyone else experienced anything similar? And anyone know which modem / routers will work with Talk talk?
Green and White Barmy Army!


  • espresso
    espresso Posts: 16,446 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Post
    kr15snw wrote:

    Rang Talk talk and they said they wont help us unless we buy one of their routers / modems. So we agreed and asked if they would be able to help us set it up. But no, they dont offer support even on their own products..........

    Anyone else experienced anything similar? And anyone know which modem / routers will work with Talk talk?

    First of all, it is not necessary to ring talktalk as there is lots of information contained in their support pages of their website. i.e. router settings.

    Information regarding routers on this page mentions problems with using a DG834G - Version 1. Spend some time on their support pages rather than ringing their support number.
    :doh: Blue text on this forum usually signifies hyperlinks, so click on them!..:wall:
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