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2 Identity fraud questions

Yesterday my Council sent me a letter saying that according to new regulations, if I want to still vote by post in the future I have to provide them with my birthdate and a signature. Now in principle I have nothing against this, but I will be sending back a form in the post with my full address, birthdate and signature. Could that be used for identity fraud if someone intercepts it? Or am I just getting paranoid?

Second, why is my bank advising me to invest in a identity fraud insurance which will cost a certain amount per month if I take it (which I don't intend to)? I was always under the impression that they have to help you anyway and pay back stolen money if it's not your fault. Am I wrong?
Reclaimed thanks to this site:
£175 Abbey Mortgage Repayment Fee, £170.03 Capital One Bank Charges £418.07 Lloyds TSB Bank Charges, £2,671.55 Mis-sold Endowment Policy, all for OH


  • tyllwyd
    tyllwyd Posts: 5,496 Forumite
    I think if you are really worried, you should return the documents my a more secure method than Royal Mail - hand deliver them maybe? To be honest though, personally I doubt it is much of a risk unless you live in an area where you are unhappy with the mail service.

    I came across this about identity fraud insurance
  • 1. We've been asked to do this too; I have no problem with it.

    2. The bank has an obligation to abide by the AntiMoneyLaundering regulations, which cover customer identity and fraudulent transactions. I'm surprised you're being asked to pay for extra insurance.
    Touch my food ... Feel my fork!
  • James
    James Posts: 2,059 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Post
    Beate wrote:
    Second, why is my bank advising me to invest in a identity fraud insurance which will cost a certain amount per month if I take it (which I don't intend to)? I was always under the impression that they have to help you anyway and pay back stolen money if it's not your fault. Am I wrong?

    They should refund the amount pinched, what they wont do is to help clear up the mess.

    Prevention is better than cure! So you may like to conisder the following:

    There's a very simple method of protecting yourself from ID Theft.

    That Deters.

    Protects Indivduals.

    Aids Identification of Perpetrators.

    Follows your credit file and not your address.

    Offers Free Indications and Warnings of attempted ID Theft.

    Protects your nearest and dearest if anyone attempts to steal your ID after your death.

    More Info Here.

    You render your personal documents and information worthless to crooks.
  • Beate
    Beate Posts: 3,522 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Anniversary
    Thanks everyone, tyllwyd, that's an excellent link! Now I get it - the insurance is not about giving you back the money, it's about helping you get your credit file etc in order again. Clever. I still think I could do this on my own, but thanks for the information.
    Reclaimed thanks to this site:
    £175 Abbey Mortgage Repayment Fee, £170.03 Capital One Bank Charges £418.07 Lloyds TSB Bank Charges, £2,671.55 Mis-sold Endowment Policy, all for OH
  • moonrakerz
    moonrakerz Posts: 8,650 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Anniversary 1,000 Posts
    2. The bank has an obligation to abide by the AntiMoneyLaundering regulations, which cover customer identity and fraudulent transactions. I'm surprised you're being asked to pay for extra insurance.

    I'm not surprised ! it's just another method of selling useless products to their customers to increase their profits by another couple of billion.

    As you may gather, I am a cynic - especially where the banks are concerned !
  • James
    James Posts: 2,059 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Post
    moonrakerz wrote:
    I'm not surprised ! it's just another method of selling useless products to their customers to increase their profits by another couple of billion.

    As you may gather, I am a cynic - especially where the banks are concerned !

    The exact reason for using the method in post #04 - Hold the banks to account!
  • im new at this and dont know if i have got the right thread but i would like to ask if it is a wise decision to pay £60 a year for identity fraud protection from a bank/building society - they talked a good sale but I am not sure.
  • James
    James Posts: 2,059 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Post
    sparrow59 wrote:
    im new at this and dont know if i have got the right thread but i would like to ask if it is a wise decision to pay £60 a year for identity fraud protection from a bank/building society - they talked a good sale but I am not sure.

    You might like to read the Which? report on this in your local library. Which? concluded that this is a waste of money.

    You may like to consider or keep your eye on the system described at www.scamsdirect.co.uk Click on to Binspector Bully, read the front page and follow the links at the bottom of the page.

    More info here. from Equifax.
  • gtone28
    gtone28 Posts: 134 Forumite
    Identity fraud

    Their was a post on this site before christmas about how to get free I D fraud protection. It was on the lines of apply for a captial one credit card and get free ID theft protection.
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