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PC World Boxing Day SALE - Exclusive info



  • Well, we couldn't resist the bargain of a laptop being only £199, so hubby and I went down to PC World (even though I loathe the place and its staff!!) before they opened only to be told they were all gone and they are having 10 delivered tomorrow!!! They are opening at 7.30am and will be giving out 'vouchers' to the 'lucky' first 10. Yeah right, sounds like a con to me - don't think I will be setting my alarm to get out of bed to get it that early!!!
    Just to let you know that it is a legal requirement that PC World have 20 of these laptops to sell at every store, 10 on the 26th and 10 on the 27th. If a particular store don't have enough of the laptop in question, they have to offer the model above in order to deliver a total of 20.
  • I got one of the sat navs this morning and its excellent!
    A shadowy flight into the dangerous world of a man who does not exist.

    A young loner on a crusade to champion the cause of the innocent,
    the helpless, the powerless, in a world of criminals who operate above the law.
  • dbs
    dbs Posts: 492 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Post
    suniil wrote:
    seconded that, unless you have no option left out or you find a bargain for the century!

    Is this computer deal any good?

  • jpieter
    jpieter Posts: 222 Forumite
    Personally I wouldnt touch the Packard Bell computer with a bargepole. You get far better value fron an independent on the net,like this MESH:-


    the processor is better and faster, larger hard disk ... the list goes on.
    Also I have found MESH customer support alot better than PC Worlds which is a joke of a customer service. Then again ALL of the DSG stores have crap Customer Services.
  • thoreau and all the other people who hate DSG.

    They are a BUSINESS not a voluntary organisation. - If you're not happy with your purchase there are ways and means to escalet things and in the uk generally thier practices are LEGAL.
    In this respect they are very like many large organisations.

    There are plenty of people who like the place and are happy to shop there.
    If you are nice to the staff 9 times out of 10 they are nice back, however if you are a bit of an !!!!! to them - what do you think they'll do???

    Nobody has ever forced you into going into the store. Nobody has ever forced you into buying something. For pete's sake make your own mind, but at least read the facts and comprehend them a little.

    Sorry if this sounds a bit blunt but there you have it
  • shellsuit
    shellsuit Posts: 24,749 Forumite
    Combo Breaker Photogenic First Anniversary First Post
    ruicosta wrote: »
    thoreau and all the other people who hate DSG.

    They are a BUSINESS not a voluntary organisation. - If you're not happy with your purchase there are ways and means to escalet things and in the uk generally thier practices are LEGAL.
    In this respect they are very like many large organisations.

    There are plenty of people who like the place and are happy to shop there.
    If you are nice to the staff 9 times out of 10 they are nice back, however if you are a bit of an !!!!! to them - what do you think they'll do???

    Nobody has ever forced you into going into the store. Nobody has ever forced you into buying something. For pete's sake make your own mind, but at least read the facts and comprehend them a little.

    Sorry if this sounds a bit blunt but there you have it

    This is an old thread from December 2006 :cool:
    Tank fly boss walk jam nitty gritty...
  • fai_3
    fai_3 Posts: 27 Forumite
    Do you know which PC desktops will be in this Sale.
  • gunsandbanjos
    gunsandbanjos Posts: 12,246 Forumite
    PPI Party Pooper
    ruicosta wrote: »
    thoreau and all the other people who hate DSG.

    They are a BUSINESS not a voluntary organisation. - If you're not happy with your purchase there are ways and means to escalet things and in the uk generally thier practices are LEGAL.
    In this respect they are very like many large organisations.

    There are plenty of people who like the place and are happy to shop there.
    If you are nice to the staff 9 times out of 10 they are nice back, however if you are a bit of an !!!!! to them - what do you think they'll do???

    Nobody has ever forced you into going into the store. Nobody has ever forced you into buying something. For pete's sake make your own mind, but at least read the facts and comprehend them a little.

    Sorry if this sounds a bit blunt but there you have it

    Did you become a member just to say this, nice first post:eek: And you resurrected a thread from a year ago just to have a go? TROLL ALERT...
    The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt.
    Bertrand Russell
  • anewman
    anewman Posts: 9,200 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Anniversary 10 Posts
    More crap spec laptops sold at the price they should be with people getting over excited about them. Sound slike last year's formula, no thanks. The laptops will be slow by today's standards and good for little more than web browsing and word processing, spreadsheets, smallish databases etc etc.
  • sco0ter
    sco0ter Posts: 2,476 Forumite
    Why is this year old thread here and being linked with this years bargains by an admin????
This discussion has been closed.
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