EDF arrears problem

Hi, I owe EDF (UK) £1000+ on my electric bill. I knew I was very late with payment and estimated the bill to be around £600-700.

I lost my salaried job via the credit crunch and a company going bankrupt (I work in music industry) and have since switched to freelance.

I have been working for 9 months for one client who paid me deposits (which covers most production costs) but failed to tell me he too was having financial problems and he has since told me he can't pay me in full what was owed (about £4000). He has left me in a really tough situation, paying off what he owes me in dribs and drabs (we're talking £200 one month, £500 the next month, etc) for the last 3 or so months now.


I received a call from EDF some months ago and made a minimum payment (£300) and then received no more calls, so I left it until they called me.

Eventually fiance becomes pregnant and a few months later I notice an 0800 number as a missed call. I guessed it would be EDF so returned the call as I wanted to speak to them to get my account balance and try and work out a payment plan, what with my first baby on the way.

When I returned the call it was an automated message saying EDF had called me and they would return my call. I didn't receive any call from them for a couple of weeks.

As soon as I got another call from the number I took it and they introduced themselves as EDF. They offered me a direct debit service.. I explained that I am a freelancer (self employed) and therefore direct debit in the past has caused me problems, as I don't always get paid monthly/regularly, so would decline the offer.

I did then state that I was aware I owed money on the account but wasn't sure how much and I have a baby on the way so would like to get some payment plan in place before it gets out of control.

I was informed that they didn't have such billing information at hand but nothing has been flagged on my account. However they would pass on my request to billing and someone would call me back. No one called me back.

A couple of weeks later, a couple more missed calls from same number, I returned the calls.. same automated message each time.

I took another call from said number and there was an advisor offering me direct debit again. I explained I'd already said no and had in fact requested to speak to billing regards my outstanding balance but that no one had called me back in over a month and when I did try and return calls from the 0800 number it was always automated.

I explained a baby had been born, mother had been ill.. I have not been working much over the last few weeks due to looking after baby and I wanted to speak to someone to sort out my account asap as it must be due to go to court soon.

The guy congratulated me on the new born and assured me not to worry as account not flagged and that he would get someone from billing to call me.

I had some money in my account so wanted to pay something to them, to keep them at bay until I was a lump sum of money was due in from client mentioned above, which would mean I could then clear my outstanding bill.

End of that day still no call and I remember saying to my fiance how bad it was that EDF were not returning my calls now, when I am trying to pay them. A couple of weeks passed, EDF was on my mind daily but I was awaiting said call. I really guessed it wasn't that important if they were not returning my calls.

Today.. I have two people from EDF turn up at my apartment with a warrant to turn my electric meter into a pre-paid meter.

I explained I had been phoning EDF regularly, that my partner had to spend time in a high dependency unit after the birth and for 6 weeks I've not really worked, as I have been looking after the baby and so EDF were not top of my priority list.. but that I had most certainly been of the belief that the last two times I talked to EDF I was told my account was not flagged and that billing would call me. However, due to the fact billing had not called me I guessed it was not urgent. I was horrified this had gone to court. Why did they not tell me when I was speaking to them on the phone?

The meter guys at my house were very nice and gave me a number to call and said that they'd just say I wasn't home but I must call the number.

I called the number straight away, told them I have been returning all calls to EDF for the past three or four months and had phone records to prove so.

I also explained I had been waiting a large payment from a client and until that came in I really have no money to pay them, however, I was aware of the impending urgency and have since started working for new clients and have raised new invoices in the last couple of weeks. So within 30 days I should well be able to pay off £500 and would agree, in writing, to pay off another £500 the following month.

They said they could not take me seriously because of my track record. Might I add I have always been a late payer but in almost 20 years I've always paid, in lump sums. I explained they could take me seriously as a warrant was something I took very seriously indeed and not knowing about it, when I have been making every effort to return every call from EDF that I get on my phone should show that I am taking it seriously now. I too want to and have wanted to for some time to get this resolved.

I also explained I have the number saved in my phone and logs of the calls but no one from billing had got back to me so I presumed not important. I asked the manager to call said number and listen to the EDF message but she said that wasn't possible.

They said it was no excuse, I owe money and they have one week left of warrant so at any time day or night they can break into my apartment.

I pleaded for time to speak to court, to see if I can extension to warrant, just so I can present my financial situation. She refused.

She asked what my problem was with a meter. I explained my contract on my apartment is due for renewal this month,. we've just had a baby and while my landlord has been really good to me we are late with rent this month and that switching to a payment meter, right now, might not bode well with us signing a new 2 year lease.

She told me it was nothing to do with my landlord. I explained it was and I'd feel it was my duty to let him know what is being done to his property (I'm just playing it honest as I always do).

I also explained, having now had chance to look at dates of calls and date of court hearing etc that EDF had clearly told me 2 weeks before the case and 1 week after the case, when I asked about my account, that my account had not been flagged and therefore I shouldn't worry about anything and that someone from billing would call me.

At the end of the day...

I feel I was not informed correctly AT ALL by representatives from EDF.

I was being TAKEN TO COURT but when I spoke to the only number from EDF that has called me (repeatedly) over the last 3 or 4 months, and when I had asked to speak to someone to resolve the situation on my last two times of speaking to them nothing was mentioned about court, just that someone would call me.

It now seems the company calling me were either a company representing EDF, to sell products to customers, or an EDF sales department.

Of course, EDF claim they have no records of me calling said number and a manager has said they will investigate the number however they will not stop the process as the warrant only has a week left.

I do, thankfully, have records saved on my phone of every time I returned the calls or answered the calls. If I dial the number now it still says "You were called by EDF Energy, someone will contact you shortly."

My argument is I have been returning the calls to this number and no one ever informed of that they were not EDF proper and/or the implications of the fact that even though my account was not flagged I was in fact due to go to court and when I last spoke to them I had in fact been taken to court, without my knowledge, just a week prior. No mention at all.

Surely this would be on my account? Surely I am expected to be olff belief that if a company calls me and has personal details such as my bank details, my passwords etc... then they would have access to see the company were in the middle of taking me to court?

They NEVER ONCE mentioned that they were not in such a position and that I should phone billing per se. If they had, I would have. I had a new born baby and my partner was ill... I was trying to be a responsible father and returning every call they made to me. Turning over a new leaf as such.

EDF have now (agreed at 5.30 friday) given me until 1pm monday to go to court and speak with them. All I am asking is that I get a chance to present my side of the story. I did not receive a letter saying I was taken to court and when I spoke to EDF they told me there was nothing to worry about.

I have been trying all day to get in touch with the court but no answer so I will walk there Monday morning.

Can anyone advise of my situation? How can I avoid a payment meter being put in and how can I buy time to pay?

Also.. (sorry such a long mail) but we live in an apartment block and the meters, as far as I know, are underground in the car-park. Does this mean that if we have a meter we have to go down to the car park, to a place we don't have keys for as far as I know, to put money on it? How does it work?

Your help most appreciated


  • DoingItAlone_2
    Darn, sorry such a large post... well at least it's the weekend. Hope someone has time to have a look and give me your thoughts.

    Thanks ;)
  • Joyful
    Joyful Posts: 2,426 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Post
    The only thing I can think of in your defence is if you cannot get them to prove they sent a letter saying they were taking you to court. Of course you should have received other letters before this.

    How long has the balance been outstanding for and is it more than one bill? This will show if they are right to ask for payment in full immediately. I am sure they will not accept it over 2 months at this point though so you may have to accept a prepayment meter.
    Self Employed, Running my Dream Jobs
  • spiro
    spiro Posts: 6,403 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Post First Anniversary
    A ppm may not be easy but the debt recovery rate set on meter can only be what you and the supplier agree you can afford (this is enforced by their licence). Therefore you may end up paying something like £10 per week rather than having to pay off £1000 plus £6-700 (if i've read post correctly) within a couple of weeks. Also it stops more bills building up.

    Given the costs of having new baby this may be a better option.

    The landlord has no say in your supplier changing the meter.
    IT Consultant in the utilities industry specialising in the retail electricity market.

    4 Credit Card and 1 Loan PPI claims settled for £26k, 1 rejected (Opus).
  • *depressed*
    *depressed* Posts: 200 Forumite
    The team who where calling you are a sales team, they do not have access to your full account as they told you originally. The number you called is correctly a voice machine stating who had called, why did you not try to get the freephone customer service number and call customer service your self?

    You knew you owed quite a large amount, yet you waited for someone to ring you, unfortunatly in this day and age if you need something doing you have to do it youself am sure you know that?

    I dont think edf are gonna accept the fact you rang the voicemail number but never tried to contact customer service etc yourself very favourable, especially as you state you have often been a late payer

    I think you really need to ring the collections department and agree to a payment plan, however i think they will want this to be a monthly direct debit so they have some form of guarenteed income, you say your self employed, however you can change your direct debit date at any time with edf, even if it is every few months etc, but if you rang to set this up they might be a lot more willing to help or even ask for a cashstop card which is a budget card you can top up any time towards your bill. The may set up a a weekly payment plan but if you miss one of these payments it will go back to a warrant.

    I hope some of this helps, i dont mean to have a go, but am sure you can imagin how many people dont try to contact energy suppliers to sort out arreas and then just say they have been waiting for a call? I hope you get this sorted soon, as spiro says a ppm machine would be much more affordable and i dont understand why your landlord would really be that bothered how you pay for your energy, if when you moved out he wanted the machine changed he could get this done free of charge anyways, just tell landlord now that your self employed this is an easier way for you to pay and leave it like that

  • DoingItAlone_2
    Thanks very much for your feedback. Appreciated.

    I will call collections first thing monday and see what/if we can sort anything out.

  • spiro
    spiro Posts: 6,403 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Post First Anniversary
    Thanks very much for your feedback. Appreciated.

    I will call collections first thing monday and see what/if we can sort anything out.

    Just remember when you call them that you are in the wrong and they have a warrant to fit a ppm. So be prepared to either (a) make regular large payments which will be set to cover debt and current useage or (b) having a ppm meter fitted. In order to make the latter simpler write down in advance all of your income and outgoings as this will be needed to set the debt recovery rate.

    Given your own level of debt should need to start chasing those that owe you money.
    IT Consultant in the utilities industry specialising in the retail electricity market.

    4 Credit Card and 1 Loan PPI claims settled for £26k, 1 rejected (Opus).
  • spermwhale_2
    spermwhale_2 Posts: 4 Newbie
    edited 11 July 2010 at 7:46PM
    Hi I know exactly what you are going through, when I moved into this house 2 1/2 yrs ago, i brought with me a small balance from my old house, it was less that £100 for each the gas and electric, I called EDF several times to set up a new DD to not only pay the bills but to pay off the owing debt aswell, they took the details of the house all my equipment and said they would take £44 per month for Electric and £22 for gas. Over the next 2 years the bills went up and up and despite phone calls to them I was assured that the amount would pay off over a 12 month period, so I took their word on this. Then ealry last year I got an estimated bill in (despite both my meters being ready by Accuread) and I always telephoned them with correct readings. Well this bill came in and we owed hundreds on both accounts, and we agreed a repayment of £77 per month electric and £53 gas to clear the bills. The last bill came on and they now want to increase my electric DD to over £120 and gas up about £70 per month. I called them immediately and said "we can not afford that increase, I am disabled and unable to work, my wife is my fulltime carer so unable to work either, so our income is based on a small ill health pension from my previous employer and benefits. I also explained that I registered with them as a priority customer because of ill health and being disabled. The customer services rep said "Well there is nothing marked on your file, so we will have to consider fitting a PPM, I asked why I wasnt registered with them, because this should have been done over 3 years ago. The lady say ok we will hold off for 3 months and reconsider payments then, in the meantime they put us onto a disabled tarrif, when I checked that, yes it does appear to be a cheaper tarrif, but when you looked at the charges yes you do pay a cheaper amount for the first so many units then another amount for the rest, when I worked that out I would be paying virtually the same amount as before.
    The customer service rep also threatened me with a warrent, but I asked to speak to someone about why my priority status had been taken off she shut up and passed me through to someone else in Priority dept, when I spoke to the lady there she said, I was still on the priority list, someone had FAILED to put it onto my main account thats why she could not see it before so she amended that straight away. We went on talking and I mentioned about my Bi Level CPAP Breathing machine I have to use at night and she said " you use Life Saving equipment?" I told her yes and she said then you have top priority and we are not allowed to fit a PPM by law.
    My question is now what happens when the next bill comes in?

    and finally Doitalone,
    be very careful as EDF seem to have no compassion at all, my gas meter is in the cellar and as I am disabled and had to have a disabled lift fitted so I can get to bed, I have virtually no chance of reading it and my wife has slipped a couple of times going down there because of the damp and mould, and will not attempt to go down any more and my electric meter was over 25yrs old and should have replaced years ago as the expected life is 20 years and the meter could have been giving bad readings. But I have no way now of proving that as they took the meter away. They have denied receiving telephone calls and everything to try and put blame onto me, so much so that now if I have to phone them I write down the date, time and ask who I am speaking to, and write it down and I record the whole conversation on a tape recorder. It is a hassle I know but it seems the only way to prove what you are saying as well as showing your telephone bills as evidence.

    I personally would go and see someone from the CAB asap to get their help.

    Good luck
  • myothercarisaferrari
    DoingItAlone, keep us informed. Do you have the number you need to call? If not, call the general customer service line and ask for the live collection department

    Spermwhale, if you are unable to read you meter, EDF should be able to arrange for a meter man to come and read it for you - this should be part of the priority services you get :D
  • spiro
    spiro Posts: 6,403 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Post First Anniversary
    As you are on the PSR you MAY be able to get them to move the meter for you. Try calling then and ask.
    IT Consultant in the utilities industry specialising in the retail electricity market.

    4 Credit Card and 1 Loan PPI claims settled for £26k, 1 rejected (Opus).
  • KimYeovil
    KimYeovil Posts: 6,156 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    <yadda yadda yadda>
    <ooh I'm different>
    <oooh I'm special>
    Your help most appreciated

    Pay yer bills.
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