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First Utility -- Nightmare !! Beware

Just wanted to share my nightmare experience with First Utility to warn any potential switchers.

I switched in 8th October 2009 for Dual Fuel. I received a confirmation on 3rd December that everything was now done and First Utility were now my energy supplier. The fact that it took them 2 months to handle the switch should have been a warning of what was to come.

Every month I have received an e-mail request to post my meter readings, which I have done within a few days, and then a week or so later I have received an e-mail saying that my bill can now be viewed on-line. Except it was only for the gas element.

Every single month I have asked why they have not billed me for the electricity, and every month they have told me they are having some issues verifying the data with "the industry". No-one seems to be able to tell me who "the industry" actually is / are ?

As each month has gone by I have been conscious that I would be running up a bill that would eventually need paying, and each month their customer services team have said "don't worry, we won't expect you to pay it all in one go, we'll sort something out"

At the end of March I posted my readings, but then didn't get a bill at the start of April. When I asked why I was told they had some "billing issues".

So, at the end of April I posted the readings again, and finally got a bill for 2 months worth of gas and 5 months of electricity. The bill came out on Thurs 6th May, and I picked up the e-mail whilst away for a week's holiday. As they had continaully told me they wouldn't expect the whole payment in one go I didn't worry too much. On returning from holiday, I rang their customer services on Tues 11th May to sort out some sort of payment plan only to be told that they had taken all of the money by direct debit that day !!.

They take 6 months to finally bill me for the electricity used, and the give me 3 working days to do something about it !!

The insult was made worse by the message on the bill that said
Here's an update...

Thank you for taking the time to submit your April meter read for electricity. Unfortunately the read you submitted has not been validated by the industry which means we will be using an estimated electricity read on your bill this month.

There is nothing you need to do, we are investigating this and doing all we can to ensure we can validate your read as quickly as possible.

Warm regards

The first:utility team
I have given them meter readings every single month and they are still using an estimate.

The final insult came when I asked the customer services agent what they could do about it, and she said "nothing, but you can leave us with only 28 days notice "

Unbelievable !!.

I shall be waving goodbye to them shortly, but somehow don't think that leaving is going to be that easy !! Not a pleasant experience in any way.


  • Cardew
    Cardew Posts: 29,042 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Anniversary First Post Rampant Recycler
    Welcome to the forum.

    You are not alone apparently - many similar problems - see:

  • Former_MSE_Alana

    We have received this response from First Utility:

    "Hi, I work with First Utility and just wanted to see if I can help here. Firstly, we’re genuinely sorry that you have experienced these issues with your billing. If I can explain, when customers switch energy suppliers there is a process that the new supplier has to go through to validate a customer's previous supplier data via a national database. This is an industry standard process and one which every energy company has to adhere to.

    The change of supply process is usually a relatively straight forward process. In a small number of cases, such as your own, the end read that we get from your previous supplier is different to the opening read that we receive from yourself. In these instances, this is usually picked up at the first bill. It then takes a couple of months to resolve with your previous supplier. In your case, this has coincided with us having some teething problems with our new systems which have delayed us in being able to reverse your previous bill and re-bill you correctly from the start of your contract with us.

    As a new entrant to a market which is filled with outdated practices, we are frequently frustrated by this process, particularly as it impacts on customers like you who have switched looking, quite rightly, for better service and more modern billing practices.

    If you would like to email me directly I would be happy look into your account and find a way of resolving the problems you are experiencing as quickly as possible.
    You can contact me at Stacey@first-utility.com"
  • uxbod
    uxbod Posts: 2 Newbie
    Well just to jump on the FU bandwagon. We signed up just over six weeks and so far are disgusted with the service. Even though the Gas & Electric Smart Meters were installed on the same day only the Gas is visible via their portal. Everytime we call we receive the same response of "Its a software problem and the team are aware of it; though we cannot provide a ETA on the fix".

    Then we see that they did not bill us for April, again another phone call and yes you have guessed it "Sorry but we are having issues with our software and unable to provide a ETA on the fix". Hmmm, lets phone again ;) oh this time they are saying "Don't worry we shall double invoice you in June". How could this be when they are unable to provide a ETA on the fix!

    Still waiting for a call back from a Manager!

    One saving grace is that AtCostEnergy have received their license from OFGEM and will begin trials soon :)
  • croesus01
    Here is a self-explanatory letter I wrote to First.
    I recently switched to First Utility and it is a decision I am already regretting.

    Last month I received a letter from you about your problems collecting direct debits. That was a First. However I assumed you would sort out your problem very quickly. But I was surprised to see when checking my February bank statement that there was no debit from you.

    Having confirmed that my bank does have a Direct Debit mandate in your favour and the account number is correct, I rang you on 1st March but, perhaps not surprisingly, you were too busy to take my call. So Ieft a message so that you could call me back.

    Two days later, you had not returned my message, so I called again and left another.

    A week later, you have still not called me. However I have received a letter, without a word of explanation, let alone apology, and headed


    I am now moving back to my previous supplier.
    Just wanted to share my nightmare experience with First Utility to warn any potential switchers.

    I switched in 8th October 2009 for Dual Fuel. I received a confirmation on 3rd December that everything was now done and First Utility were now my energy supplier. The fact that it took them 2 months to handle the switch should have been a warning of what was to come.

    Every month I have received an e-mail request to post my meter readings, which I have done within a few days, and then a week or so later I have received an e-mail saying that my bill can now be viewed on-line. Except it was only for the gas element.

    Every single month I have asked why they have not billed me for the electricity, and every month they have told me they are having some issues verifying the data with "the industry". No-one seems to be able to tell me who "the industry" actually is / are ?

    As each month has gone by I have been conscious that I would be running up a bill that would eventually need paying, and each month their customer services team have said "don't worry, we won't expect you to pay it all in one go, we'll sort something out"

    At the end of March I posted my readings, but then didn't get a bill at the start of April. When I asked why I was told they had some "billing issues".

    So, at the end of April I posted the readings again, and finally got a bill for 2 months worth of gas and 5 months of electricity. The bill came out on Thurs 6th May, and I picked up the e-mail whilst away for a week's holiday. As they had continaully told me they wouldn't expect the whole payment in one go I didn't worry too much. On returning from holiday, I rang their customer services on Tues 11th May to sort out some sort of payment plan only to be told that they had taken all of the money by direct debit that day !!.

    They take 6 months to finally bill me for the electricity used, and the give me 3 working days to do something about it !!

    The insult was made worse by the message on the bill that said
    Here's an update...

    Thank you for taking the time to submit your April meter read for electricity. Unfortunately the read you submitted has not been validated by the industry which means we will be using an estimated electricity read on your bill this month.

    There is nothing you need to do, we are investigating this and doing all we can to ensure we can validate your read as quickly as possible.

    Warm regards

    The first:utility team
    I have given them meter readings every single month and they are still using an estimate.

    The final insult came when I asked the customer services agent what they could do about it, and she said "nothing, but you can leave us with only 28 days notice "

    Unbelievable !!.

    I shall be waving goodbye to them shortly, but somehow don't think that leaving is going to be that easy !! Not a pleasant experience in any way.
  • uxbod
    uxbod Posts: 2 Newbie
    croesus01 I do sympathise with you.

    FU did attempt to contact us yesterday; even though they left no name or number. Shortly after I called back the number, from CLI, and was greeted by First Telecom. They checked the account and found a Manager was dealing with the issue; and that the individual was aware we were available for a call. No such luck.

    Today I called back, the same number, and was informed Dean (FU Team Leader) would call us back around the same time; 17:15. At 19:50 I believe that was a long enough wait for which a return call was made and I was passed through to the Team Leader.

    Summary of conversation
    They do not know why we are not getting our Electricity meter reading as the unit slaves of the Gas. Hmmm; we get a Gas reading. Software bug?

    Yes there has been a billing issue, even though they are unable to provide a figure as they need to collate all the numbers; fair enough I guess. Though their literature says monthly billing so how can a household budget ? and it is meant to be a online service, and yes I was told I could just go and check the meter :mad:

    We should have received a email to say there was a billing issue; oops I run my own mail server and never received one. Yep Dean confirmed we were never sent one. Not bad for a online company.

    Dean confirmed he would get back to us tomorrow once he had investigated the issue. That is fair enough (cough splutter).

    I really believe in their Ethos of what they are trying to do; but to paraphrase their on hold message "FU strive to deliver good value and customer service.". Hmmm, that last bit does not seem to fit the experience so far.

    Oh, and I mentioned about this forum and they are watching it so please feel free to comment on your own experiences :)

    Letter is drafting to Watchdog.
  • nap666
    nap666 Posts: 2 Newbie
    The promises about billing have in my case been just that "promises" only been waiting since New Year. Although I did get a response to a letter sent to customer services giving a deadline or would pass to ombudsman, although only to tell that they hoped to bill at the end of May (Did ask if that was this year).
    Under t&c they owe me at least £20 for not responding to a written complaint within the 10 working days, probably will not see that come off the bill.
    I will give them the 12 months and then look around again, like I said in my letter to them, annoy customers enough to make them leave before you have to give discounts and it becomes a nice little earner, you can promise what you like and never have to give.:mad:
  • doublescotch
    I have been advised to post this post here - so here goes ...

    I switched to First Utility a year ago because I was fed up with receiving wildly inaccurate guestimate bills - despite the fact that they were not the cheapest First Utility seemed like a good idea as they used a smart chip which tells you exactly how much electricity or gas you are using ensuring that your bills are 100% accurate and in real time.
    Electricity was fine but gas has turned out to be a nightmare. First and foremost, my gas meter, despite having been changed by them is and never has worked with a smart chip, consequently, all my bills are estimated exactly as they were before - no-one advised me of this until I checked a year later and this is despite the fact that I paid an additional charge to have the new meter type installed.
    Worst is to come .. when the new meter was installed it was done very badly using the wrong connections and lots of 'cover up' paste meaning that for 7 months we had a bad leak from the meter, a potentially life threatening situation - when the emergency gas man came out he was appalled by the standard of work and stated that two parts that were used should never have been used - a tapered thread had been screwed into a straight thread meaning that it would be impossible;e to stop a large leak regardless of how much paste had been smeared over it.
    The installation was contracted out to a third party according to First Utility, but according to the law, I am advised that they remain responsible to me as the principle supplier and the party with whom I have a contract.

    First Utility have been absolutely hopeless through-out the entire period that I have dealt with them- they never return calls or get back to me as promised and they deny any responsibility for the leak saying that since no actual harm occurred they have done nothing wrong, they also claim that it would be impossible for me to prove that the joint was leaking with the part that I have still in my possession. They have offered me £80 compensation which I have refused.
    I've got to say this really is a Micky Mouse company run by small minded people with hopeless organisation and absolutely no idea about customer service. On principle I intend to take this all the way because I remain outraged that a company with the responsibility of dealing with such a dangerous substance as gas should be allowed to operate in a shoddy and negligent fashion.

    If you are looking at switching gas suppliers I would strongly advise you heed my words and think very carefully about First Utility - more updates to follow !
  • doublescotch
    Still have received absolutely no response from the wonderful caring, sharing First Utility - I have however received a call from the company who installed the meter for them, very non committal, just fishing around - my solicitor advises that in law I have no contract with the people who actually did the work so it's back over to First Utility again.

    I have tried to track down the engineer who attended to fix the leak and after considerable time and some pain-staking research have managed to extract the name John and Aldershot depot from the company concerned SGN - I have no idea why they are being so unhelpful and secretive - I wonder if there is some sort of conspiracy between fellow gas companies?
    Why as a customer am I not entitled to know the name of the member of staff of a commercial company who attended my private address and carried out work there - or am I - they tell me that under data protection they can't divulge his full name !

    On the upside I have received a response from Watchdog and also Which so it may satisfy my annoyance to simply pursue a publicity campaign as opposed to getting legal - ultimately I think the former could be far more damaging financially and whilst not rewarding me personally would at least make them think carefully about the way the respond to and treat their customers.

    Any comments on all of the above are welcome.
  • utility_csa
    utility_csa Posts: 185 Forumite
    0845 605 6677 - national grid general enquiry.

    you may be able to get the engineers report from where he came out on the gas escape. just explain the situation.

    They will not give you any info about the engineer at most they may give you his ID number.
    Working within the gas and electric industry since 2008'
  • Former_MSE_Alana
    Hi doublescotch,

    We have receieved this response from First Utility

    “First Utility takes health and safety very seriously and we have thoroughly investigated your allegations posted on this forum on the 31st May.

    Our head of metering services has also spoken with you and we understand that this matter has now been fully resolved.

    Should you have any further concerns, please contact my colleague Stacey at Stacey@first-utility.com.

    Chief Operation Officer, First Utility”
This discussion has been closed.
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