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OS living -a moment of self doubt

Just an observation and momentary glitch in the OS way :o

Yesterday after having lunch at my mum-in-law’s with an aunt and uncle I was clearing up and my aunt asked if I was fed up of being at home and not working as she thought it would be boring.
I explained there was lots of stuff to do and that I wanted to sort through everything as the house was very messy but I wanted to make good use of the stuff– her reply was “just throw everything in a skip!” and “why did I bother knitting hats, keeping chickens, growing veg etc as it was just as easy to buy them ” and various other questions about lifestyle and at that moment the seed of self doubt regarding being an OS started to rear its ugly head.:(
I was loathe to admit that lack of money was only part of it - I actually enjoyed making do and mending and using my brain to fathom out problems rather than being penalised for not selling a credit card to people –you know what I mean.
I felt hurt and in turmoil as I had never questioned her chosen way of life but after years of people at work laughing at my OS ideas I suddenly felt very lost and it all seemed a little pointless. I had had to choose early retirement on a half-pension after stress nearly made my poor little ticker pack up for good!
Anyway I went to the OS forum and began reading through half heartedly at questions and posts and I checked out the OS photo for the get together in London - I really had wanted to go but was scared of not being accepted for who I am.
There are other people like myself who positively glow and look so happy at being an OS that I was able to stop the self doubt and shove it with the dust, tea bags and chicken p**p into the compost heap.
So, it is with great relish that I’m cutting up old t’shirts into strips to knit into draught excluders and the slow cooker is simmering away nicely! The house is still messy and will stay like this for quite a while as I sift through slowly but surely and bake a cake if the mood takes me – for people who have been forced into difficulties through no fault of their own I just wanted to say try the OS way and keep putting those ideas, suggestions and mse ways onto the forum.
Thanks OS!!!:A:A:A:A:A
May you fill up the great clutterbucket of life and may all of your leaks be in cheese sauce:D
Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without:cool:


  • meanmarie
    meanmarie Posts: 5,328 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post
    Good on you...the stuff you buy is never as good as what you make or grow, that's a good enough reason for me as we are no longer poverty stricken by rearing/educating/ feeding seven children and paying a mortgage. Our income is not huge, but is carefully husbanded to allow us go on holiday and treat our grandchildren as well as having a little cushion for the hiccups we may not have budgetted for.

    Do your own thing....this is your life to be lived as suits you best and makes you happy, my now grown family think that I am mad but my reply is usually "each to his own" or a favourite of my late mother's "every cripple has his own way of walking".

    Weight 08 February 86kg
  • ruthber
    ruthber Posts: 270 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Hi, it so reminds me of my situation. i live in an affluent area and everyone around seems to spend money like it's going out of fashion. but like yourself i try not to overspend and reuse, and mend as much as possible. At least i have the the comfort of not having a credit card debt and though I buy a lot of my childrens and my own clothes in a charity shop i get a lot of compliments about them. Just try and ignore the silly remarks and enjoy your frugal lifestyle.
  • Kazipoo
    Kazipoo Posts: 806 Forumite
    It is because of people like you, who take the time to come on the forum and share your knowledge, that people like me (bored housewife), actually begin to find a purpose in life.

    Since changing our habits to OS ways I now regularly bake, pre-prepare all of our meals, go shopping on a far lower budget than ever before, grow my own veggies, learn how to make and do things, including crochet, jewellery making and card making. You give us inspiration to keep going, and the occasional kick up the backside when needed.

    Because of the OS way, we have surely lowered our carbon footprint, as we only put one bin out every two weeks now, and thats only half full!! I love it, you all do a cracking job, so please accept a huge thank you on behalf of me and my family, who are loving the homemade goodies and baking.
    Starting weight 17st 4lb - weight now 15st 2lbs

    30lb lost of 30lb by June 2012 :j:j:j (80lb overall goal)

  • Purpleclutterbuck
    Thanks meanmarie!:j I like the "do your own thing" advice and your mum's words of wisdom - you have my utmost respect for raising seven kiddiwinks and paying for the mortgage !! I expect the kids are a little jealous of the expert and happy way you live your life ;)
    Fiona x
    Living OS is the best!
    May you fill up the great clutterbucket of life and may all of your leaks be in cheese sauce:D
    Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without:cool:
  • Purpleclutterbuck
    Thanks for the comments ruthber and Kazipoo (I'm a bit :o)
    May you fill up the great clutterbucket of life and may all of your leaks be in cheese sauce:D
    Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without:cool:
  • remmie
    remmie Posts: 122 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Post First Anniversary
    I do understand what you mean. For years I have practiced the OS ways, I used to make cookies when my children were young (25 years ago now), and birthday cakes were always home-made, and felt as though I was a bit of an odd 'un!! People couldn't understand why I didn't just to to the shop and buy them.

    But since finding this site I feel as though I really fit in, and realise I'm not the only one.Also its very fashionable to have home-made now, and to grow veggies (something else I used to do, not now as I haven't got a garden - but thats another story)
  • Nargleblast
    Nargleblast Posts: 10,762 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Post First Anniversary Debt-free and Proud!
    Next time some idiot questions why you grow and cook your own food just say that at least you know your food is fresh and un-mucked about with, and that if you do spend money on anything you spend it on quality stuff and not cheapo mass-produced tat! And you could always offer your aunt a box of home-produced eggs, fresher and better quality than any bought off the supermarket shelf!
    One life - your life - live it!
  • Purpleclutterbuck
    It is nice to find a site where you feel as if you fit in remmie! sorry about your garden are you able to grow anything at all in pots on the the windowsills? (that's a daft question really because I'm sure you've tried other options doh!)
    I gave her a dozen eggs last time I saw her and they were snaffled up pdq! Don't get me wrong she is lovely but maybe not so resourceful/economical as we OS !!!
    May you fill up the great clutterbucket of life and may all of your leaks be in cheese sauce:D
    Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without:cool:
  • mioliere
    mioliere Posts: 6,838 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Hi there. I think we all go through a period of self-doubt, which is always made worse by other people's comments, but one thing I do know - if there was a serious national emergency where every thing we take for granted was in short supply (maybe due to another fuel protest or bad weather that lasts for months), it's those of us who OS who would cope well. Besides the money-saving aspect, and the pride you can get from producing a properly home-cooked meal for next to nothing, and the genuine thanks when you hand over a Christmas gift you have made yourself, it's the fact that I know I can cope when the chips are down that makes me sure this is the only way to be! I worry about those who spend their way through life without considering the cost - there's a whole section of society out there with no idea how to cook from scratch for pennies, or mend an item of clothing.

    Squares: 11, Animal blankets: 2
  • elona
    elona Posts: 11,806 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post

    How many people get to save their own life and help save the planet as well?:A

    If a certain store can market "not just food, it is * and * food!" then what you produce is streets ahead of them.(or whole districts ahead!)

    We are "eco warriors" "- "Not home made but hand crafted!" Let's stop feeling diffident and be proud of ourselves and each other.

    Remember "Only boring people get bored!";) (I don't think you will ever reach that state).
    "This site is addictive!"
    Wooligan 2 squares for smoky - 3 squares for HTA
    Preemie hats - 2.
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