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Help with PVR function with AVerTV DVB-T USB 2.0

I have the Avermedia USB Freeview TV card ( http://www.averm.co.uk/avermedia/aver/products_digitvtuner_dvbtusb2.asp?show=1 ) but I cannot get it to record properly.

I tried to record last night's Major League Baseball programme on Five, the video came out fine but the sound was horribly distorted with any commentary being very slurred, robotic and not audible. Previously I tried to record this programme a week before but with the same outcome! Looks like it isn't a one-off thing.

I have a Dell 3100 which is 2 months old with 2MB RAM and a Pentium 4 processor which is running Window MCE XP. I am using the Avermedia 6 TV player software as supplied on disc.

When watching TV live the audio/video is fine and I am using a loft aerial.

Any tips or advice to help me solve this problem?

Thanks! :D


  • PierceUK
    PierceUK Posts: 266 Forumite
    Open the main software click on settings, the wrench and soemthing stupid,

    click on VCR tab and make sure the audio source is stero/mon mix and all will be good.

    had the same trouble with mine.... rubbish PVR software. you might want to look around at the free ones. if i remeber the name i will post here for you, didnt work with my card tho (internal) but worked fine with my mates USB one.
  • Hi PierceUK

    Thanks for you advice!

    On the software I have I cannot find the VCR Tab!

    I only have Form, Snapshot,Storage, Misc and options of Programs, Display and Record under the TV card name.

    Maybe MPEG-2 isn't a good format to record in!

    If anyone can recommend some other compatible software I'd give it a go

    I tried GBPVR to no avail!

    Thanks :D
  • PierceUK
    PierceUK Posts: 266 Forumite
    strange. maybe its cos i have an old version, i tried updating once and it killed my system.... had to reinstall windows to get it running again!

    check in record and storage that the settings are correct just in case

    i think GBPVR was the software i tried :-S

    also try http://www.mythtv.org/

    see if that is any good for you
  • PierceUK
    PierceUK Posts: 266 Forumite
    finally remebered... :-D

    the software my friend uses with his avermedia USB stick is


    knew i would remeber eventfully :-)

    oh and to save space i use DrDivx too encode my mpegs into divx format so they dont take up as much space, of course if its only needed for a day or two i will leave it be as its a long process encoding lol
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