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Getting rid of rats/mice (merged threads)



  • Have noticed over the past few days by a few eye witnesses and the finding of mouse droppings that there is either a few mice or an infestation of mice in my house.

    Having just saw one in the kitchen and saw it go underneath a skirting board I pulled the washing machine forward to find a good amount of mouse droppings all over the floor.

    What I also found was a big hole in the wall which you could only see when looking underneath the skirting board and its most definitely where the mouse came from because It totally disappeared when I looked underneath the board.

    What I want to know is if there is anything that I can request from either my housebuilder, NHBC or the company which I pay my service charge to in order to sort out this problem. My house was a newbuild when bought and I've lived in it since new for about 4 years now.

    I can only assume/hope that because that hole is there and obviously none of my doing that I should be able to claim the cost of extermination to the company reliable for building my house. If anybody has had a case like this or have any advice they can give me I would much appreciate it. Many Thanks
  • vax2002
    vax2002 Posts: 7,187 Forumite
    First job, some traps and chocolate and catch as many as you can before they breed.
    Argue over whose fault it is later.
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  • I am trying to be nice, biting my tongue, can't do it so I'm moving on quickly
    Light travels faster than sound - that's why you can see someone who looks bright until they open their mouth.
  • Thanks Vax ive just literally went rambo in my kitchen with mouse traps, rat poison etc and laid out broken up pieces of chocolate muffins, peanut butter and cheese to lure them.
  • bonanddom not sure what your message meant? lol
  • vax2002
    vax2002 Posts: 7,187 Forumite
    And snap they will go during the night...
    Hi, we’ve had to remove your signature. If you’re not sure why please read the forum rules or email the forum team if you’re still unsure - MSE ForumTeam
  • pineapple
    pineapple Posts: 6,931 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Name Dropper
    In a previous house I discovered a stash of dogfood mix in my walking boots! It was the one thing in a sack that wasn't sealed. I still buy sacks but once opened keep it stacked up in those long plastic DVD containers with lids.
    I find humane traps work (try meat fat) but have heard that a trapped mouse will leave behind a scent so I think you have to clean them thoroughly after use.
    Personally I don't like the thought of poison in case they crawl off and die somewhere inaccessible.
    Oh and I did buy one of those sonic things that plug in when I heard strange noises in the wall. The noise disappeared so presumably it worked.
  • help!

    In a rented house - terraced property.

    I've been uupstairs this evening to put my daughter to bed and a mouse came running out of her bedroom, into the bathrooom and has disappeared.

    The dogs been up there (never normally allowed upstairs) and he hasnt been able to find anything, there's no droppings etc.

    Rang my parents who think its a "one of" and most likely come from next door (they have a rabbit in the garden and have a problem with mice because of it)

    If I ring the landlord (housing asso) they will charge me an extortinate fee so can anyone recommend anything?

    I dont know where it came in from (possibly vent in the chimney brest?) but there's no obvious holes that I can see leading outside.

  • Errata
    Errata Posts: 38,230 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    Set up a feeding station with choc and nuts, after a couple of nights of the mice being happy with their fine dining experience (grub gone in the morning) bait a mousetrap with choc and nuts and dispose of the body in the morning, bait again etc etc until food is untouched for a week.
    Some people like one use traps, the MSE way is repeaters. Bodies can be wrapped in newspaper and put in bin.
    Check all the corners and hidden places in your house for mouse droppings as well, they may be in other rooms than the bedroom.
    .................:)....I'm smiling because I have no idea what's going on ...:)
  • Errata wrote: »
    Set up a feeding station with choc and nuts, after a couple of nights of the mice being happy with their fine dining experience (grub gone in the morning) bait a mousetrap with choc and nuts and dispose of the body in the morning, bait again etc etc until food is untouched for a week.
    Some people like one use traps, the MSE way is repeaters. Bodies can be wrapped in newspaper and put in bin.
    Check all the corners and hidden places in your house for mouse droppings as well, they may be in other rooms than the bedroom.

    Thank you!

    I did check the other rooms and there's nothing - believe it or not i'm quite picky about the house and theres not much to hide behind (minimalistic!)

    Really freaked me out!
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