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Saving money by NOT meal planning !!



  • thriftlady_2
    I found I wasn't using up my dried beans because I'd forget to soak them.I've now started soaking and cooking whole packets at a time,then freezing them in 'tin' sized quantities.You can add them frozen to a stew(or run them under a hot tap) so you get the convenience of a tin of beans with the cost of dried beans. ;)
  • Lillibet_2
    Lillibet_2 Posts: 3,364 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    Oh dear:o.....I'm a "Tuesday is jacket spud night" (all be it with a choice of fillings!) and "Friday is fish night" & "Saturday is take away at home" night (HM pizza/Mexican/Thai etc). I don't serve exactly the same things each week,
    e.g fish might be fish pie or fish cakes or poached salmon or haddock & a poached egg or anything else fishy if you get my drift, I just find it brings a bit of structure to my cooking week and I love Tuesdays 'cos thats the easist meal of the week & I effectively get the night off:D I guess this means none of you will pop round unexpetdetly on a Tuesday now:p
    Post Natal Depression is the worst part of giving birth:p

    In England we have Mothering Sunday & Father Christmas, Mothers day & Santa Clause are American merchandising tricks:mad: Demonstrate pride in your heirtage by getting it right please people!
  • [Deleted User]
    I am not a planner either. I have a big stock of all the essentials for baking, cooking etc eg I have five different types of pulses and I have been meaning to do an inventory for a month or so. The tins and bags of flour etc are easy but the odds and sods are not. I usually have a root and see what takes my fancy so DH never knows what he is coming home to. I do HM all the time by the way.

    I printed as many of CQs curry recipes as I could find and have decided to do as she suggests and buy the whole spices to grind as needed. I ordered them yesterday and they came today (and I am amazed at the fantastic quality and value for money). This inventory thing is like clearing a very messy room ie doing a bit at a time and it is very appropriate for me to do the spices today. Later the herbs and then the bits for baking. I think that doing an inventory is enough planning for me
  • thriftlady_2
    Where did you order your spices from Kittie? :)
  • [Deleted User]

    thriftlady I have put these people in my favs. I got a huge amount of star anise as one of my items for only 59p Much much cheaper than tescos

    I spent £10.10 and got p+p half price
  • elona
    elona Posts: 11,806 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    So glad to see this thread as I was feeling a failure!

    I make sure I have "stuff that will make other stuff" i.e. flour,eggs,cheese,bacon, chicken ..mince , rice and pasta.

    Lately have been making home made pizza or home made filled tortillas or huge pots of soup in the slow cooker.
    I get meat and fish when there is a good offer on and freeze it.

    Making a huge curry in slow cooker as I just fancied the idea and have not had this for a while.

    Now weather is getting brighter may start to make flans etc but like to feel I can be flexible depending on weather, daughters etc.
    "This site is addictive!"
    Wooligan 2 squares for smoky - 3 squares for HTA
    Preemie hats - 2.
  • [Deleted User]
    Talk about being on a roll!!
    I started an inventory today, spices and herbs. Then I did baking ingredients such as sugars, dried fruits etc. Then grains and pulses and it went on and on. I have now written everything down on lined A4 in two vertical columns per side. I only had to throw a few things out so I was very pleased but I do have a lot of nutmegs.

    I`m quite tired now because I have been tidying up as well. Most of my stuff is in lock and lock boxes, collected over the years

    Next session will be the tins, packets and bottles. I am going to laminate my inventory sheets so I can write on them. This inventory is the foundation for all my meals
  • arkonite_babe
    thriftlady wrote:
    I know it sounds like OS heresy,but I don't plan my meals and I still save money.

    I can see how people use meal planning to save money and how helpful it is to them,that's great,but for all those to whom that doesn't appeal there is another way.

    I shop for my storecupboard.
    I have a basic list of everything I use to make our meals(for a family of 5).I keep 2 of each item in stock and when one is finished up I put it on the list(catowen does this too ;) ).The things I'm flexible on are fruit and veg,I like to make use of seasonal produce,and meat and fish.I know that with my basic storecupboard in place I can always make a meal with whatever meat or fish I choose.I have an upper price limit of £2 a lb for meat.I usually buy it in bulk for the freezer from my butcher as it is cheaper that way.

    I find this works well for me.I spend about £50-£60 a week which includes any household goods(I can manage it on less if I have to).I always have plenty of options for meals and no waste.I have tried meal-planning several times but I just can't stick to a plan.I'd get to Wednesday and see on the plan 'pasta and tomato sauce' and I'd think I don't fancy that,I fancy baked spuds and cheese or whatever.Also I can use leftovers up more efficiently if I'm plan-free and take into account changes in weather which might make one meal preferable to another.

    I'd be interested to know if anyone else uses a similar method?

    I am eaxctly the same, I just can't meal plan. The though of it strikes terror in my heart :rotfl:

    The reason being I used to be a relief cook in a nursing home and they had a 4 weekly rota for the meals, makes me feel like I'm a resident if I try to plan. More fun digging in the freezer anyway ;)
  • Edinburghlass_2
    I'm a bit like Nelski regarding this one, fish van came on Tuesdays and Fridays so it was fishcakes for me those nights, have't eaten a fishcake since icon11.gif

    Mum was never much of a cook either and its rubbed off on me. If I decide to use the slowcooker I do kind of plan that the night before but for the rest of the time I delve into the depths of the freezer and like Pal, pull out odds and sods and never know what the meat might be until its cooked icon12.gif
  • Sweet_Pea_2
    My mum had a meal plan but unfortunately as she is not much of a cook it was a weekly one.
    I recently found an old diary I had to keep for homework at school when I was 10. Every day the first thing I wrote was what I had for tea, I kept the diary for a month and each Sunday was roast chicken, each Monday was chicken n chips, each Tuesday was lamb chops and mint sauce etc etc. OH said he cant think of anything worse, but funnily enough I seemed to enjoy this when I was a kid.
    Until a couple of weeks ago I didnt have a meal plan. I kept in the basic ingredients for our favourite meals and then whatever we used got bought the following week so that we always had a jar of Tikka sauce in the cupboard in case I fancied curry etc.
    I just bought stuff to replace what we had used and kept my basic stock replenished.

    However, so many Old Stylers had said that meal planning had saved them money I decided to give it a go, and I have started off with a basic three week rolling meal plan. I have been doing it for six weeks and yes it has saved me money. I cant for the life of me work out why it has saved me money - instead of replacing items used Im simply buying in whatever I need for the next weeks meals from the plan, I cant see why it would make a difference but for some insane reason it does!
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