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Saving money by NOT meal planning !!

thriftlady_2 Posts: 9,128 Forumite
Combo Breaker First Post I've been Money Tipped!
edited 23 October 2009 at 7:04AM in Old style MoneySaving
I know it sounds like OS heresy,but I don't plan my meals and I still save money.

I can see how people use meal planning to save money and how helpful it is to them, that's great, but for all those to whom that doesn't appeal there is another way.

I shop for my storecupboard.
I have a basic list of everything I use to make our meals (for a family of 5). I keep 2 of each item in stock and when one is finished up I put it on the list (catowen does this too;)). The things I'm flexible about are fruit and veg, I like to make use of seasonal produce, and meat and fish. I know that with my basic storecupboard in place I can always make a meal with whatever meat or fish I choose. I have an upper price limit of £2 a lb for meat. I usually buy it in bulk for the freezer from my butcher as it is cheaper that way.

I find this works well for me. I spend about £50-£60 a week which includes any household goods (I can manage it on less if I have to). I always have plenty of options for meals and no waste. I have tried meal-planning several times but I just can't stick to a plan. I'd get to Wednesday and see on the plan 'pasta and tomato sauce' and I'd think I don't fancy that, I fancy baked spuds and cheese or whatever. Also I can use leftovers up more efficiently if I'm plan-free and take into account changes in weather which might make one meal preferable to another.

I'd be interested to know if anyone else uses a similar method?


  • Heth_2
    Heth_2 Posts: 472 Forumite
    I write my shopping list around the different things i think i might want to cook, but don't really stick to it faithfully at all. If i get home late and my husband hasn't started cooking then why should i follow a plan if i want some quick pasta.
    I don't just go to the supermarket and buy random stuff, obviously that wouldn't save money, but i'll buy loads of veg and change idea about what to cook with it quite often. But then i cook and eat for pleasure, not to survive, and probably wouldn't be happy eating money saving stuff most of the time. I like exciting cookery books :)
  • tiptoes
    tiptoes Posts: 386 Forumite
    I check the offers on trolley dolly for meat then do my shopping list around what meats on offer in the supermarkets. stock up on store cupboard/cleaning and bodycare stuff when there on offer. So save money this way, unless take my OH with me then the cost of shopping doubles.
    GC: £400/ £0
  • frosty
    frosty Posts: 1,169 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Post
    I dont always do a meal plan before I go shopping,I have a list of the things we need like ketchup,loo rolls ect,but I prefer to see whats on offer or reduced then I plan meals when I get home,because everything goes into the freezer I can just open the door and see what we fancy.
  • comping_cat
    comping_cat Posts: 24,006 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker Mortgage-free Glee!
    thriftlady wrote:
    I know it sounds like OS heresy,but I don't plan my meals and I still save money.

    I can see how people use meal planning to save money and how helpful it is to them,that's great,but for all those to whom that doesn't appeal there is another way.

    I shop for my storecupboard.
    I have a basic list of everything I use to make our meals(for a family of 5).I keep 2 of each item in stock and when one is finished up I put it on the list(catowen does this too ;) ).The things I'm flexible on are fruit and veg,I like to make use of seasonal produce,and meat and fish.I know that with my basic storecupboard in place I can always make a meal with whatever meat or fish I choose.I have an upper price limit of £2 a lb for meat.I usually buy it in bulk for the freezer from my butcher as it is cheaper that way.

    I find this works well for me.I spend about £50-£60 a week which includes any household goods(I can manage it on less if I have to).I always have plenty of options for meals and no waste.I have tried meal-planning several times but I just can't stick to a plan.I'd get to Wednesday and see on the plan 'pasta and tomato sauce' and I'd think I don't fancy that,I fancy baked spuds and cheese or whatever.Also I can use leftovers up more efficiently if I'm plan-free and take into account changes in weather which might make one meal preferable to another.

    I'd be interested to know if anyone else uses a similar method?

    You have just described how i shop!!!! We spend a bit less a week than you (about £35), but there are only 3 of us. Ive tried meal planning, but so far ive not been successfull, keep meaning to buy a wipe board to keep in the kitchen, so i dont loose the piece of paper i write my list on!!!! I think the main thing when shopping is having a list and sticking to it (although i often fail there too :doh: )
  • Pink.
    Pink. Posts: 17,675 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    Thank goodness I'm not the only one. I keep basic store cupboard items, buy what's on offer and root around in the freezer to see what to make for tea. Unless I'm using the slow cooker I never know what the evening meal is going to be before lunch time. :o

  • Ticklemouse
    Ticklemouse Posts: 5,030 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    I don't meal plan either - because I don't know what I'm going to fancy for tea a week next thursday :D I keep the same sorts of foods in my cupboards and freezer and bulk buy certain items when I'm running out - tinned toms, beans, loo rolls, mince and stewing steak etc. I go to Lidl or the market and just buy whatever fruit and veg is on offer or that I want. This week I bought a star fruit from Lidl (39p) and lots of tins of Lychees and other exotic fruits as I love exotic fruit salads (as opposed to those with apples and oranges in).

    All my leftovers get eaten of if necessary, frozen. Tonight, everyone else had pizza but I had the last portion of cottage pie. See, I'd put on the daily diary that I was going to do spag bol, but when I got to the freezer, I decided we'd have pizza instead - cos I was tired :)

    I do have a white board stuck on the back of my kitchen door. I find this vital for adding to when I run out of ingredients that aren't on my usual weekly list.
  • moggins
    moggins Posts: 5,190 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    I only meal plan for a week ahead as I do my shopping every week. That way I can build in any bargains into my meal plan and not waste anything.

    Although today I bought 10 packs of pork grillsteaks as Tesco had them reduced to 50p a pack and DH loves them. They can sit in the freezer until I need them :D
    Organised people are just too lazy to look for things

    F U Fund currently at £250
  • MATH
    MATH Posts: 2,941 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    I do a meal plan each week but it's not set in stone. If I find I have leftovers to use up or my Dad comes down with some freebies (which he sometimes does)then I slot them in and either delay what was on the plan or cook it and freeze it to use later.
    I sat down this afternoon to do my plan for next week and found I only had to source three meals cos I had two delays and 2 frozen under my belt already.
    I find doing a plan means I don't have to waste time thinking about 'what shall we have tonight' or start cooking something only to find I'm missing one vital ingredient half way through which always happened before.
    Life's a beach! Take your shoes off and feel the sand between your toes.
  • thriftlady_2
    Although I don't plan meals in the sense of a weekly or monthly plan,I do decide what to cook for supper the evening before.I spend my evenings in front of the box surrounded by cookery books(sad that I am :o )so I actually spend quite a lot of time thinking about our meals,probably too much to be healthy LOL.Sometimes a recipe takes my fancy that I don't have ingredients for so I'll make an exception,but usually I look at recipes with an eye to what I've already got.My pantry list is pretty comprehensive.
  • Dobie
    Dobie Posts: 580 Forumite
    I write a plan for the following week before I go shopping but, like MATH, it isn't set in stone. I would never pass up a bargain because it isn't on my plan so I find I spend a lot some weeks & next to nothing another. I think this works out cheaper over the long term.
    Because I work full time I decide the evening before on dinner for the following night so that I can get anything I need out of the freezer.
    Friday is always ' see what fresh veg is left & decide on the meal based on that' night. (Not very catchy but you get my drift). It's fairly regularly a veg curry with chickpeas, my DH is a dedicated carnivore but he's happy with a veggie curry.
    I don't think I've ever been wasteful but since reading this site I've got much better at finding ways to use things up. For example, if a have some apples that are a bit past their best I chop them & have them in my breakfast porridge or make puree to use in baking. Tonight I made breadcrumbs & croutons out of some slightly stale HM bread I'd put in the freezer, in the past I'd have given it to the birds.
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