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Thanks for all your help for Friday interview x


  • Oldernotwiser
    Oldernotwiser Posts: 37,425 Forumite
    When signing on you should declare any work that you do so that appropriate deductions can be made. Your best bet is to be completely honest with them and be prepared to repay any benefits that you have received under false pretences. You have actually committed benefit fraud but an honest approach will minimise the consequences.
  • PasturesNew
    PasturesNew Posts: 70,698 Forumite
    Photogenic Name Dropper 10 Posts Second Anniversary
    I always understood that it was on a week-by-week basis.
    This is based on my understanding of it and should not be taken as knowledge.
  • cw18
    cw18 Posts: 8,630 Forumite
    Name Dropper Second Anniversary 100 Posts Photogenic
    It could be the carers allowance that's an issue -- that has a very strict 'no more than £95/week' earnings ceiling. Guess it depends whether you just did a few hours a week or a couple of longish weeks as to whether you fell foul of that one :confused:
  • stazi
    stazi Posts: 1,295 Forumite
    If you were/are getting IS, then you have an earnings disregard which can be either £10/20pw.

    If you earned more than the disregard, then IS is deducted £ for £. Bring all your payslips to the interview.
  • Oldernotwiser
    Oldernotwiser Posts: 37,425 Forumite
    gigolette wrote: »
    Oh groan, dreading it. You may be conversing with a convict! I'll just be totally honest and have to see what happens. Thanks for you help

    I assumed from your first post that you were on JSA. Take all your proofs of income and be honest. Don't worry though, prison isn't looming!
  • healy
    healy Posts: 5,293 Forumite
    First Anniversary
    You will have to pay back any excess benefit paid and there may be a penalty added to the overpayment, I expect they will provide details of this. For such a small amount there would not be any chance of a prison sentance.
  • hi this may or may not help but my i was recently told be a housing officer that most of the time even if your summoned to court and you dont show up they dont bother persuing it, possibly up to 7 no shows. Mad ay? So i really wouldnt worry.

    Makes you feel bad though when you have something looming . Especially if your a carer, like you havent got enough in life to worry about!
  • Hi

    Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but they are likely to have details of all your earnings before you attend the interview as it is unlikely they would call you in without sufficient information.

    Careers allowance is normally paid out based upon the fact that you are caring for someone so unable to work - the earnings limit is specific and this benefit is paid out for this reason. When you helped out at the cafe how many hours a week did you work? The amount of hours can affect your benefit even if the money doesn't.

    Next action taken by the department all depends on a number of factors including whether you have any previous convictions, length of time the possible fraud went on and the amount of the overpayment.

    Sorry its not all positive news but if you are in any doubt take a solicitor with you - many practices offer legal aid - which if you are entiteld to income support you may get. A solicitor will be able to advise you how to act and many get prior disclosure so you know more before you are interviewed
  • suelees1
    suelees1 Posts: 1,617 Forumite
    I think whatapickle is right in that they'll probably know all the earnings details already. As has been mentioned there are two things they'll be looking at -

    1. non-disclosure of income for IS purposes - although thre is a £20 disregard
    as you're a carer.

    2. Whether you've earned more (in any one week) which took you over the
    limit for CA.

    It's extremely unlikely they'd prosecute based on the earnings details you gave but there is a sanctions policy they might apply in addition to recovery

    I'll get you, my pretty, and your little dog too!
  • Gigolotte DONT worry i was left money in a will and was claiming housing and c.tax benefit.(i am medically retired) The council filled my forms in for me every year so i was told not to say anything about the will money. To cut a LONG story short i was done for fraud(Ive never been in trouble in my life) IF they find you have a case to all they will do is tell you to pay it back at a amount YOU can afford to. You will NOT go to court trust me.
    'HAIL HAIL' :dance:
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