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PartyLite - (Hints & Tips)



  • elliep_2
    elliep_2 Posts: 711 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Post
    To those people thinking about joining, take a look at the other party plan companies out there. I work for the Body Shop at Home and I love it but I really do think it's important that you have a passion for the company that you choose. If candles are your thing then I'm sure that CandleGirl will be more than happy to give you more information. Likewise people on any of the other partyplan threads will be happy to give more information.

    Before signing up please also think of your location, will you be able to get to team meetings with your manager? if not then does it matter with the company you're choosing?

    I'm not trying to put anyone off, as you can see it's something that I do and love. I just think you need to think carefully about whether to join and which company to choose.
  • hiya girl in need & midgot pm me your whereabouts and I will see about getting you started - it costs nothing so nothing ventured nothing gained.
    I get paid to party!:rotfl:
  • I have been doing PartyLite for 2 months, I bonussed in my first month (sales over £1200) I am really enjoying it and cover the Leicestershire area.
    It was the free start up that attracted me to it. I am looking to make a full time job of it as I have seen the bigger picture!
    If anyone would like any details PM me.
  • Hiya Kerry

    Thats one of main reasons I joined - the free kit as I had never done anything like this before it meant it wouldnt cost me anything but my time if it never worked out - most other party plans have start up costs and/or charge rent of kit.
    Now I have been with PartyLite for nearly 2 years - I have found the company to be the best I have ever worked for in all my working life (26yr sshhh dont tell lol) they give away great prizes for just doing your job - products, holidays etc etc etc.
    I get paid to party!:rotfl:
  • Just a thought -are luxury candles likely to be something people cut back on during a credit crunch -money to burn and all that?!

    I looked at the website but it doesn't give out much info. Where's the 'free' starter pack for e.g.? How do you go about setting up parties?
    Blagged: free samples of handwash from Molton Brown; booklet of walks from Brecon Carreg;
    Free Diabetes monitor, free bee-friendly seeds, a MINI coin and a splash-proof book from Radox.:T
  • Hey Mrs Maverick

    I have being doing PartyLite for 2 years and found my sales have increased at the moment, as once people use PartyLite they will not go back to cheap rubbish and will keep coming back even if just for ordering new products. I have not had any problems with the "credit crunch" in fact finding everyone still very postivbe towards our products.

    If you want to see the free kit I can send it to your email address pls pm me your email address if interested.

    To get started you would get training from your upline leader, they would help you organise a starter show which would be in your home or someone who would hold this for you, you would invite everyone you know from friends, relatives, neighbours, work colleagues etc etc asking them to bring along a friend as well. Your upline leader would give you a choice of either (after training) doing your own home show or they would do it for you, showing your products, then inviting everyone to help you get started by then holding a party in their home - PartyLite have a brill hostess incentive scheme, which means people love hold parties as they get lots Free, special hostess discounts, special booking gifts free for the hostess.

    Pls pm if wanting to know anymore!
    I get paid to party!:rotfl:
  • kaz1971
    kaz1971 Posts: 46 Forumite
    Hi All

    I took the plunge and joined Partylite because I love the products. I have tried different Partyplan companies throughout the years but think this is the best one for me. Had a great starter show so the kit is mine all mine now!!

    I am now going for leader so starting off the New Year with a bang and will get recruiting and booking in my shows. There hostess offers are just fab so booking shows is not too difficult.

  • hey Kaz - what region are you in! Im in the lomond! probably see you at the meetings in Hillcroft!

    Well done once you are leader you will never look back as the money you earn is brill!!!!!
    I get paid to party!:rotfl:
  • In Caledonian - I think!

    Yes hope to meet you at the meetings, I missed one on Sunday was no well :mad:

    Think it was possibly yourself who sent me some info a few weeks back but a leader I met before who is local to me got i touch as well. If it was you then a huge thanks it's the best thing I have ever done. Can't wait to start paying off my bills.
  • Glad to be of service - thats great thing about PartyLite everyone helps each other even when they directly don't benefit - love the team spirit and genuine good feeling amongst everyone, unlike any office environment I have ever worked in!!!!!
    I get paid to party!:rotfl:
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