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Ask a CCCS counsellor a question



  • CCCS_Alan
    CCCS_Alan Posts: 282 Organisation Representative
    Lovella wrote: »
    Hi, wonder if you can help? I've been on a DMP for 3 years now and only have a year left - I can't wait. However, I was given a CCJ in 2006 when things were really messy and my head was well and truly in the sand. It was given by a financial advisory company, who arranged a re-mortgage for me, but which I never took out. What I hadn't realised was that if I didn't re-mortage through them then their arrangement fee of £300 would need to be paid. I just didn't have the money at the time and without any warning I was issued with Court papers. There was nothing I could do at the time - so now I have a CCJ for such a trivial amount. I

    've never paid it - but would like to do so now - my question is - while I know that paying it will only show as 'satisfied' on my credit report until it gets taken off altogether in 4 years (been there for 2 years already), will paying it improve my credit rating or not? While I was doing some research online, some people seemed to suggest that by paying it 2 years down the line that I will actually damage my credit.... I'm quite confused and would be interested to hear if anyone knows?

    Aside from the CCJ, my credit file looks really healthy - I've been paying almost £1,000 a month now into my DMP so my debts are almost gone, everything gets paid on time etc etc.

    Thanks in advance!
    Hi Lovella

    Sounds like your well on your way to becoming debt free, well done.
    Regards your credit rating at the end of the day it is down to how the lender rates you against the criteria for borrowing. And the only people that can asses that are really the lenders. Once you are debt free hopefully credit will not really be an issue for you as you would be able to budget for anything you need.


    I am a Debt Counsellor that works for the CCCS and have specific permission from Martin, to post on these boards to try and help those in debt. Read more information on the CCCS and what it does in the Debt Problems: What to do and where to get help article.

    CCCS is a registered charity, and there is no charge whatsoever for any of the services we provide to our clients. We take great pride in offering first class help and advice, but we only offer this where we have been able to fully explore and understand your circumstances with you. We want to help you understand these choices and their possible implications but not make them for you.
  • CCCS_Sarah
    CCCS_Sarah Posts: 1,555 Organisation Representative
    mazzamc wrote: »

    A few years ago I very stupidly signed up to B&E Debt Management without really seeing what else was out there.

    Due to personal circumstances I stopped paying them a few months ago, and quite rightly the companies I owe money to are now chasing me.

    I do want to start sorting this out, but have just spoken to CL Finance who I owe £201.00 to and said that I could afford £20 a month. They have said that this may be acceptable but I will need to fill out an expenses form, and even if this is ok, I am still going to have a CCJ against me, as I won't be paying off the total amount in three months. Are they allowed to still put a CCJ against me, even if I offered to pay the money back, and I will I still incure court charges. They have also sent my blue CCJ form to my old address which I am unable to get, and have told me they can't send out another.

    I also have another debt with Fredrickson Internation totalling £1,159, what would be the best thing to do on this one?


    Hi Mazzamc,

    I would recommend you put together a new budget and make and make a new offer of payment that is affordable to yourself and also fair to all your creditors.

    You would be able to have an appointment with ourselves to see what options are available. As your plan failed with B&E it may be that something is not right with your budget, we can look into this for you, and make sure you have realistic amounts so you don’t struggle with your priorities.

    There is never any guarantee that the creditors will go for a CCJ but it is still a possibility. However if they did, it is all done through paperwork and it will give you the opportunity to make an offer of repayment again based on your budget.

    If you have been sent forms, but these have gone to your old address, did you let the creditor know your new address?

    If you would like an appointment please call 0800 138 1111 or you can visit our online debt advice facility Debt Remedy.

    Let me know how you get on and don’t be pressured into paying more than you can afford.

    I am a Debt Counsellor that works for the CCCS and have specific permission from Martin, to post on these boards to try and help those in debt. Read more information on the CCCS and what it does in the Debt Problems: What to do and where to get help article.

    CCCS is a registered charity, and there is no charge whatsoever for any of the services we provide to our clients. We take great pride in offering first class help and advice, but we only offer this where we have been able to fully explore and understand your circumstances with you. We want to help you understand these choices and their possible implications but not make them for you.
  • CCCS_Sarah
    CCCS_Sarah Posts: 1,555 Organisation Representative
    xcat_girlx wrote: »
    im currently filling in my partners CCCS paperwork for him. we've realised we've totally miscalculated the figures we provided the CCCS with. do we need to call up to change them or can we note down some adjustments and include them?

    also, he has PPI which he belives he was mis-sold. can we start the reclaiming process while beginning a DMP?

    You can look into reclaiming the PPI that would not be a problem, as once he starts offering reduced payments this will generally invalidate the policy anyway.

    Your partner will need a second appointment to change the numbers in the budget, as if they are big changes this may effect his best advice.
    I am a Debt Counsellor that works for the CCCS and have specific permission from Martin, to post on these boards to try and help those in debt. Read more information on the CCCS and what it does in the Debt Problems: What to do and where to get help article.

    CCCS is a registered charity, and there is no charge whatsoever for any of the services we provide to our clients. We take great pride in offering first class help and advice, but we only offer this where we have been able to fully explore and understand your circumstances with you. We want to help you understand these choices and their possible implications but not make them for you.
  • CCCS_Sarah
    CCCS_Sarah Posts: 1,555 Organisation Representative
    Lozza001 wrote: »
    Hi, DH and I are starting on a DMP and I need some advice. I am needing to set up a basic account, but I am not sure where to apply for one. Our current creditors are: Halifax, RBS, Cahoot, Virgin, Tesco Finance, Barclays and EGG.
    Does anyone know of a bank which is not linked to these which offers a basic account???

    Thanks in advance.

    This link will take you to a list of basic bank accounts that you could use.
    The list is on page 4 of the booklet.

    I am a Debt Counsellor that works for the CCCS and have specific permission from Martin, to post on these boards to try and help those in debt. Read more information on the CCCS and what it does in the Debt Problems: What to do and where to get help article.

    CCCS is a registered charity, and there is no charge whatsoever for any of the services we provide to our clients. We take great pride in offering first class help and advice, but we only offer this where we have been able to fully explore and understand your circumstances with you. We want to help you understand these choices and their possible implications but not make them for you.
  • CCCS_Matthew
    CCCS_Matthew Posts: 922 Organisation Representative
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Hi there.

    If you completed Debt Remedy, you should always be offered a solution if you've followed it through to the end. If once you've got to the end you must select the option that you've decided to do in order for us to send the relevent paperwork to you.

    So if Debt Remedy suggests a DMP, then you must select it on the end screen. If you've done this and still not had anything from us drop me a PM and I'll look into it for you.

    Take care
    I have recently posted on the main forums regarding a 'paid for' DMP I currently have with Eurodebt.
    I was looking to end this & get on a free DMP, I contacted Payplan who advised that because of the length of time spent messing about with Eurodebt only paying a couple of pounds to each company, virtually all my debts have now passed on to other companies (some several times!) They said my creditors are unlikely to agree to another DMP & advised an IVA or maybe I have gone beyond this now?
    we are a family of 5, current debt is approx: £17048.11 to 10 creditors. Payplan advised my current statement of affairs gives me £169.23 surplus.

    After reading on here I am beginning to lose faith in Payplan now & wonder what advice you could give me?

    I have previously completed your online statement of affairs, but didn't hear anything back?

    Many thanks.
    I am a Debt Counsellor that works for the CCCS and have specific permission from Martin, to post on these boards to try and help those in debt. Read more information on the CCCS and what it does in the Debt Problems: What to do and where to get help article.

    CCCS is a registered charity, and there is no charge whatsoever for any of the services we provide to our clients. We take great pride in offering first class help and advice, but we only offer this where we have been able to fully explore and understand your circumstances with you. We want to help you understand these choices and their possible implications but not make them for you.
  • CCCS_Matthew
    CCCS_Matthew Posts: 922 Organisation Representative
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    adamandmaz wrote: »

    I have sent Mercers a CCA request, this was last week, obviously they have received this but are still sending me threatening letters(door collection/passing the debt to a local DCA) are they allowed to do this?

    I thought once a CCA request was in motion, then the only communication between me and them was a CCA, then take it from there......I could be wrong!

    Hi there.

    You are correct. If you've requested the credit agreement then the Debt Collection Guidelines (2.8 K) state that an example of unfair practice would be "not ceasing collection activity whilst investigating a reasonably queried or disputed debt".

    So in your case, if you are questioning the debt in question and they have acknowledged your request, they should not persue you. With that in mind, I would advise you to perhaps write a letter quoting the above (I've attached a link for the OFT's Debt Collection Guidelines for your reference). If they continue to persue you whilst your request for the agreement is still being looked at, you could consider contacting the OFT to make a complaint.

    Hope this helps.

    I am a Debt Counsellor that works for the CCCS and have specific permission from Martin, to post on these boards to try and help those in debt. Read more information on the CCCS and what it does in the Debt Problems: What to do and where to get help article.

    CCCS is a registered charity, and there is no charge whatsoever for any of the services we provide to our clients. We take great pride in offering first class help and advice, but we only offer this where we have been able to fully explore and understand your circumstances with you. We want to help you understand these choices and their possible implications but not make them for you.
  • CCCS_Sarah
    CCCS_Sarah Posts: 1,555 Organisation Representative
    Barkes wrote: »
    My friend wrote to a number of his creditors (companies who have bought debt) i.e. Cabot, 1st Finance and asked for copies of the agreement etc under s. 78 (1) of the Consumer Credit Act 1974.

    So far none have produced the agreements / statements requested and it has been well over a month since his request was sent recorded delivery. He checked with Royal Mail and proof of delivery for these letters has been obtained.

    Does this mean that these companies don't actually have the debt and should therefore not be paid a penny until they produce the relevant documentation ?

    Where does he go from here ?

    What's his next step ?



    I sent a PM earlier with a sample letter you can use, let me know how you get on with it and if you need anymore information
    I am a Debt Counsellor that works for the CCCS and have specific permission from Martin, to post on these boards to try and help those in debt. Read more information on the CCCS and what it does in the Debt Problems: What to do and where to get help article.

    CCCS is a registered charity, and there is no charge whatsoever for any of the services we provide to our clients. We take great pride in offering first class help and advice, but we only offer this where we have been able to fully explore and understand your circumstances with you. We want to help you understand these choices and their possible implications but not make them for you.
  • michaelbourne70
    Firstly a big hello to everyone, and i hope i'm in the right forum?
    The problem is that i received an alert to my credit file this morning. I checked my file to find that a Default notice had appeared from a debt company called HFO Services Ltd. The debt was a Bank debt totaling 2,098 and that the default occurred on the 10/12/05. I have no knowledge of any debt to the said company or received any corresspondence from them what so ever. I think the debt relates to an agreement i had with Welcome finance, which i assumed had been settled.( I had finance with the company whilst i was employed, however had to finish through poor health and have not worked since. I explained the situation to them and made reduced payments which someone used to come out and collect. This lasted a few weeks and the caller then ceased coming out. I assumed that because i took out the optional insurance with them that because of my illness this had come into effect.(More fool me)Surely they cannot issue a default notice without even informing me, and why such the long wait, ive been at this address for 5 years its not as though they couldn't find me.

    Any help on this matter would be gratefully apprieciated. Thank you.:confused:
  • MissKJ
    MissKJ Posts: 780 Forumite
    Hi, I am just about to start a DMP. If I ask for the CCA from my creditors, will this delay the start of my DMP? I just want to get started and sort out my debts,but I also want to make sure that I have been correctly dealt with under the CCA by each of them.

    many thanks
    unsecured Debts at [strike]August 2007 £79,984[/strike] September £79,579 [STRIKE]Snowballing date July 2013[/STRIKE].

    May 2009, £76,772 unsecured debts

    DMP started Dec 2008, End date at start 2133!
  • mmellows
    I received CCJ from the Northampton Court dated 24 Sep over a debt of 4370 I have with HFC. The court ordered me to pay £20 a month after assessing my ability to pay. (The first payment was due last week and I sent the payment off, it was received on time and has now been cashed. I have proof of all of this.) Since then I have had a re determination notice sent to me from Reston solicitors which says that they basically dispute the original amount ordered by the Northampton Court and have transferred it to my local court . I have only just got back off holiday to find this re determination is on 3 Nov. I am able to afford the £20 a month but have 2 other CCJs which are up to date and haven't been challenged by the creditors and two other payment plans with other creditors. I have not defaulted on any of these payments. I tried to phone Restons but the man I spoke to was not helpful and basically told me that I should see him in Court. I amgoing to the court but am anxious to keep the repayments at £20. I am also concerned that they might try and go for a charging order although I haven't received any such notice. I have copied all bank statements, mortgage statemets, CCJs with proof they are up to date and agreements with the other creditors together with payment proof. I will also be stating that in 17 months time I will be able to clear my debts totally with my lump sum on retirement. Am I on the right lines.
    Any help would be gratefully received as I am losing sleep over this one.
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