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Best place to sell a car?



  • AlTimian
    AlTimian Posts: 18 Forumite
    edited 21 September 2017 at 12:51PM
    Need to sell an old car quickly. Need fast cash it for it TBH. Not expecting to make a lot of cash (less than £500). Anyone have any decent recommendations beyond We Buy Any Car? The price I got back from them was not the best. £289!

    These look OK: WeWantAnyCar.com and Motorway.co.uk
  • When I was trying to sell my 1997 Toyota Camry I was having trouble getting a buyer since it had engine troubles. A lot of private buyers didn't want to deal with the headache of dumping money into repairs.

    I actually ended up selling it online to a company called CarBrain. Was easy enough, and got a decent price.
  • Herzlos
    Herzlos Posts: 14,989 Forumite
    Part of the Furniture First Post Name Dropper
    This thread is 10 years old. I was baffled as to why a 12 year old Fiesta was worth so much.
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